## 业界会议
D2前端技术论坛(Designer & Developer Frontend Technology Forum),简称D2。为国内前端开发者和网站设计师提供一个交流的机会,一起分享技术的乐趣,探讨行业的发展,以技术会友。它是中国所有前端开发者的节日,包括前端设计师,前端开发工程师,和所有对前端技术感兴趣的人。经历了近10年的发展,前端岗位从刀耕火种走到了今天的百花齐放,各领域全面发展,进入盛况时期。2015年第10届D2的主题即为“融合”!
**2015 腾讯WE大会 - 11.08**
由重庆地区的土豪公司 @猪八戒网 举办
**[报名]360与Facebook工程师畅聊大前端 - 交流会**
Facebook 的工程师及大前端的话题比较吸引人。
**UPYUN•架构与运维大会 - 11.28**
UPYUN 架构与运维大会 (Arch&Ops Conf) 是面向运维和架构从业人员者所举办的大型技术会议,致力于推动各项运维技术、产品架构等在互联网和移动互联网的研发和应用。
## 深阅读
**揭密 Google 秒开技术:如何让网站瞬间加载完毕?**
详细介绍了 AMP
介绍了 MVC 发展的历史及 MV* 框架
**caoz谈能力成长 - 取舍之道**
**Immutable 详解及 React 中实践**
Shared mutable state is the root of all evil(共享的可变状态是万恶之源)-- Pete Hunt.
有人说 Immutable 可以给 React 应用带来数十倍的提升,也有人说 Immutable 的引入是近期 JavaScript 中伟大的发明,因为同期 React 太火,它的光芒被掩盖了。这些至少说明 Immutable 是很有价值的,下面我们来一探究竟。
**当我们谈论 cluster 时我们在谈论什么**
Node Cluster 科普文
**被误解的 MVC 和被神化的 MVVM**
MVC,全称是 Model View Controller,是模型 (model)-视图 (view)-控制器 (controller) 的缩写。表示的是一种常见的客户端软件开发框架。MVVM 最早于 2005 年被微软的WPF和Silverlight的架构师John Gossman提出,并且应用在微软的软件开发中。
**Facebook’s code quality problem**
Facebook is very successful, manifestly has some great engineers, unlimited money, and yet seems to have big issues with software quality. I take two lessons from this: - Culture matters. The “Hack” and “Move fast and break things” culture must make it very hard for developers to focus on quality. - Quality matters. We all know that if you don’t focus on quality it will come back to bite you.
**Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing**
At StaticGen, our open-source directory of static website generators, we’ve kept track of more than a hundred generators for more than a year now, and we’ve seen both the volume and popularity of these projects take off incredibly on GitHub during that time, going from just 50 to more than 100 generators and a total of more than 100,000 stars for static website generator repositories.
**jQuery’s Relevancy – There and Back Again**
In this article, I’m going to remind everyone what exactly jQuery is, because I believe that jQuery is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. The question relevancy should be tied to the original intent of the solution (i.e. the jQuery API itself) and not browser bugs or missing features.
**TypeScript 和 JSX 搞基的事**
对 JSX 的支持已经在 TypeScript 官方落地了!非常感谢 Ryan Cavanaugh 和 François de Campredon 的大力推动。在这篇文章中,笔者打算跟大家探索一下如何把 JSX 和 TypeScript 的第一特性——静态类型检查完美结合使用。
**[译]Service Worker 入门**
一个 service worker 是一段运行在浏览器后台进程里的脚本,它独立于当前页面,提供了那些不需要与web页面交互的功能在网页背后悄悄执行的能力。在将来,基于它可以实现消息推送,静默更新以及地理围栏等服务,但是目前它首先要具备的功能是拦截和处理网络请求,包括可编程的响应缓存管理。
**Redux 中文文档**
Redux 的文档写的蛮清晰的。
服务器开发的基础知识,主要谈的是用 Go 实现。
介绍了百度内部 Hadoop 平台的发展及实现。
**Docker 工程师必读论文:Google Borg**
Borg 是在传说中流传已久的 Google 内部集群管理系统,现在火热的 Mesos 和 Kubnetes 都是源自于 Borg。
Google资深系统专家Jeff Dean在最近的湾区机器学习大会做了 Large-Scale Deep Learning for Inelligent Computer Systems 的演讲。在大会上,Jeff Dean 解密了谷歌未曾在论文上发表过的第二代深度学习系统TensorFlow。
10月28日,Sort Benchmark官方宣布,阿里云用377秒完成了100TB的数据排序,打破了此前Apache Spark创造的1406秒纪录。在含金量最高的GraySort和MinuteSort两个评测系统中,阿里云分别在通用和专用目的排序类别中创造了4项世界纪录。
## 新鲜货
**百度前端代码风格检查套件 FECS**
fecs 是百度前端代码规范的检查工具。
**百度 iCafe**
「iCafe」是百度推出的一款轻量级团队协作工具,面向的人群较为广泛,适用于开发者、设计师、创业团队、测试团队、开源团队等。其功能特点包括:工作量估时、需求可进行无限拆分、数据实时展现、按人跟踪进度等。目前已超过 5000 个团队正在使用。 icafe 在百度已经经历 N 次升级了,总算迈出了开放这一步,不过似乎和内部给工程师用的有差别。
**Flutter – Cross-platform mobile framework from Google**
Flutter is a new way to build high-performance, cross-platform mobile apps. Flutter is optimized for today's, and tomorrow's, mobile devices. We are focused on low-latency input and high frame rates on Android and iOS.
**Ant Design of Vue**
这里是 Ant Design 的 Vue 实现,开发和服务于企业级后台产品。不知道 AntD 的同学请移步: [http://ant.design/](http://ant.design/)
**A high-level browser automation library**
The goal is to expose just a few simple methods, and have an API that feels synchronous for each block of scripting, rather than deeply nested callbacks. It's designed for automating tasks across sites that don't have APIs. Under the covers it uses Electron, which is similar to PhantomJS but faster and more modern.
**An update on Object.observe - Being Withdrawn As A TC39 Proposal**
After much discussion with the parties involved, I plan to withdraw the Object.observe proposal from TC39 (where it currently sits at stage 2 in the ES spec process), and hope to remove support from V8 by the end of the year (the feature is used on 0.0169% of Chrome pageviews, according to chromestatus.com).
**React Cheat Sheet v0.14.1**
**IntelliJ IDEA 15**
IntelliJ IDEA 15 brings better user interface, more built-in tools and integrations, further improved coding assistance, and out-of-the-box support for Kotlin.
**Nova.js - 一个小巧的Web Component框架**
**GitLab 的安装配置**
想自己搭 GitLab 的可以参考。
**Git Town 支持高级别工作流开源 Git 插件**
Git Town makes software development teams who use Git even more productive and happy. It adds additional Git commands that support GitHub Flow, Git Flow, the Nvie model, GitLab Flow, and other workflows more directly, and it allows you to perform many common Git operations faster and easier.
**Stash is now called Bitbucket Server**
Bitbucket makes it easy for teams to build great software. Deliver at speed without sacrificing quality.
Dropbox 开源的 SCSS 样式组件。
**Announcing Docker 1.9: Production-ready Swarm and Multi-host Networking**
多主机网络和 Swarm 集群系统已经达到生产水平了。
**React Toolbox**
Material Design 风格的 React 组件。
**微软与Red Hat宣布合作**
**React For Beginners**
A premium step-by-step training course to get you building real world React.js + Firebase apps and website components.
**Javascript quiz. ES6 edition.**
Remember that crazy Javascript quiz from 6 years ago? Craving to solve another set of mind-bending snippets no sensible developer would ever use in their code? Looking for a new installment of the most ridiculous Javascript interview questions? Look no further! The "ECMAScript Two Thousand Fifteen" installment of good old Javascript Quiz is finally here.
**Five Open-Source Slack Alternatives**
**A 27 Minute Tour of Next Gen Front End Dev with Scala.js**
A great introductory talk on Scala.js which compiles Scala code to JavaScript. It’s not commercially supported by Typesafe but is production ready.
## 产品及其它
**Hello, World of Programming Languages**
**[译]辞去工作,以开发首个 app**
本故事可追溯到 2009 年夏天。我刚刚入手了第一台 iPhone 3GS,当时非常可心。可想而知,当时《愤怒的小鸟》还没有成为 App Store 上的黑马。Apple 在 2008 年上线了 App Store,就在同一年,我卖掉了之前的创业公司。我在一家大型软件公司做全职工作,但不是凭直觉进入的。我对移动领域感到极度狂热,开始着手开发 app。
另附一篇同类文章 : [http://icodeit.org/2015/08/how-to-write-a-book/](http://icodeit.org/2015/08/how-to-write-a-book/)
- 前言
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- FEX 技术周刊-2015/08/31
- FEX 技术周刊-2015/08/24