🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
# D.2\. 不支持的特性 下面这些在SQL:2011中定义的特性 在目前的PostgreSQL版本中还没有实现, 不过在某些情况下可以获得等效的功能。 | 标识符 | 包 | 描述 | 注释 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | B011 | Embedded Ada | | B013 | Embedded COBOL | | B014 | Embedded Fortran | | B015 | Embedded MUMPS | | B016 | Embedded Pascal | | B017 | Embedded PL/I | | B031 | Basic dynamic SQL | | B032 | Extended dynamic SQL | | B032-01 | <describe input statement> | | B033 | Untyped SQL-invoked function arguments | | B034 | Dynamic specification of cursor attributes | | B035 | Non-extended descriptor names | | B041 | Extensions to embedded SQL exception declarations | | B051 | Enhanced execution rights | | B111 | Module language Ada | | B112 | Module language C | | B113 | Module language COBOL | | B114 | Module language Fortran | | B115 | Module language MUMPS | | B116 | Module language Pascal | | B117 | Module language PL/I | | B121 | Routine language Ada | | B122 | Routine language C | | B123 | Routine language COBOL | | B124 | Routine language Fortran | | B125 | Routine language MUMPS | | B126 | Routine language Pascal | | B127 | Routine language PL/I | | B128 | Routine language SQL | | B211 | Module language Ada: VARCHAR and NUMERIC support | | B221 | Routine language Ada: VARCHAR and NUMERIC support | | E182 | Core | Module language | | F054 | TIMESTAMP in DATE type precedence list | | F121 | Basic diagnostics management | | F121-01 | GET DIAGNOSTICS statement | | F121-02 | SET TRANSACTION statement: DIAGNOSTICS SIZE clause | | F122 | Enhanced diagnostics management | | F123 | All diagnostics | | F181 | Core | Multiple module support | | F202 | TRUNCATE TABLE: identity column restart option | | F263 | Comma-separated predicates in simple CASE expression | | F291 | UNIQUE predicate | | F301 | CORRESPONDING in query expressions | | F311 | Core | Schema definition statement | | F311-04 | Core | CREATE VIEW: WITH CHECK OPTION | | F312 | MERGE statement | | F313 | Enhanced MERGE statement | | F314 | MERGE statement with DELETE branch | | F341 | Usage tables | no ROUTINE_*_USAGE tables | | F384 | Drop identity property clause | | F385 | Drop column generation expression clause | | F386 | Set identity column generation clause | | F394 | Optional normal form specification | | F403 | Partitioned joined tables | | F451 | Character set definition | | F461 | Named character sets | | F492 | Optional table constraint enforcement | | F521 | Enhanced integrity management | Assertions | | F671 | Enhanced integrity management | Subqueries in CHECK | intentionally omitted | | F693 | SQL-session and client module collations | | F695 | Translation support | | F696 | Additional translation documentation | | F721 | Deferrable constraints | foreign and unique keys only | | F741 | Referential MATCH types | no partial match yet | | F751 | View CHECK enhancements | | F812 | Core | Basic flagging | | F813 | Extended flagging | | F821 | Local table references | | F831 | Full cursor update | | F831-01 | Updatable scrollable cursors | | F831-02 | Updatable ordered cursors | | F841 | LIKE_REGEX predicate | | F842 | OCCURENCES_REGEX function | | F843 | POSITION_REGEX function | | F844 | SUBSTRING_REGEX function | | F845 | TRANSLATE_REGEX function | | F846 | Octet support in regular expression operators | | F847 | Nonconstant regular expressions | | F866 | FETCH FIRST clause: PERCENT option | | F867 | FETCH FIRST clause: WITH TIES option | | S011 | Core | Distinct data types | | S011-01 | Core | USER_DEFINED_TYPES view | | S023 | Basic object support | Basic structured types | | S024 | Enhanced object support | Enhanced structured types | | S025 | Final structured types | | S026 | Self-referencing structured types | | S027 | Create method by specific method name | | S028 | Permutable UDT options list | | S041 | Basic object support | Basic reference types | | S043 | Enhanced object support | Enhanced reference types | | S051 | Basic object support | Create table of type | partially supported | | S081 | Enhanced object support | Subtables | | S091 | Basic array support | partially supported | | S091-01 | Arrays of built-in data types | | S091-02 | Arrays of distinct types | | S091-03 | Array expressions | | S094 | Arrays of reference types | | S097 | Array element assignment | | S151 | Basic object support | Type predicate | | S161 | Enhanced object support | Subtype treatment | | S162 | Subtype treatment for references | | S202 | SQL-invoked routines on multisets | | S231 | Enhanced object support | Structured type locators | | S232 | Array locators | | S233 | Multiset locators | | S241 | Transform functions | | S242 | Alter transform statement | | S251 | User-defined orderings | | S261 | Specific type method | | S271 | Basic multiset support | | S272 | Multisets of user-defined types | | S274 | Multisets of reference types | | S275 | Advanced multiset support | | S281 | Nested collection types | | S291 | Unique constraint on entire row | | S301 | Enhanced UNNEST | | S401 | Distinct types based on array types | | S402 | Distinct types based on distinct types | | S403 | ARRAY_MAX_CARDINALITY | | S404 | TRIM_ARRAY | | T011 | Timestamp in Information Schema | | T021 | BINARY and VARBINARY data types | | T022 | Advanced support for BINARY and VARBINARY data types | | T023 | Compound binary literal | | T024 | Spaces in binary literals | | T041 | Basic object support | Basic LOB data type support | | T041-01 | Basic object support | BLOB data type | | T041-02 | Basic object support | CLOB data type | | T041-03 | Basic object support | POSITION, LENGTH, LOWER, TRIM, UPPER, and SUBSTRING functions for LOB data types | | T041-04 | Basic object support | Concatenation of LOB data types | | T041-05 | Basic object support | LOB locator: non-holdable | | T042 | Extended LOB data type support | | T043 | Multiplier T | | T044 | Multiplier P | | T051 | Row types | | T052 | MAX and MIN for row types | | T053 | Explicit aliases for all-fields reference | | T061 | UCS support | | T101 | Enhanced nullability determination | | T111 | Updatable joins, unions, and columns | | T174 | Identity columns | | T175 | Generated columns | | T176 | Sequence generator support | | T177 | Sequence generator support: simple restart option | | T178 | Identity columns: simple restart option | | T180 | System-versioned tables | | T181 | Application-time period tables | | T211 | Active database, Enhanced integrity management | Basic trigger capability | | T211-06 | Active database, Enhanced integrity management | Support for run-time rules for the interaction of triggers and constraints | | T211-08 | Active database, Enhanced integrity management | Multiple triggers for the same event are executed in the order in which they were created in the catalog | intentionally omitted | | T251 | SET TRANSACTION statement: LOCAL option | | T261 | Chained transactions | | T272 | Enhanced savepoint management | | T285 | Enhanced derived column names | | T301 | Functional dependencies | partially supported | | T321 | Core | Basic SQL-invoked routines | | T321-02 | Core | User-defined stored procedures with no overloading | | T321-04 | Core | CALL statement | | T321-05 | Core | RETURN statement | | T322 | PSM | Declared data type attributes | | T324 | Explicit security for SQL routines | | T325 | Qualified SQL parameter references | | T326 | Table functions | | T332 | Extended roles | mostly supported | | T431 | OLAP | Extended grouping capabilities | | T432 | Nested and concatenated GROUPING SETS | | T433 | Multiargument GROUPING function | | T434 | GROUP BY DISTINCT | | T471 | Result sets return value | | T472 | DESCRIBE CURSOR | | T495 | Combined data change and retrieval | different syntax | | T502 | Period predicates | | T511 | Transaction counts | | T521 | Named arguments in CALL statement | | T522 | Default values for IN parameters of SQL-invoked procedures | | T541 | Updatable table references | | T561 | Holdable locators | | T571 | Array-returning external SQL-invoked functions | | T572 | Multiset-returning external SQL-invoked functions | | T601 | Local cursor references | | T611 | OLAP | Elementary OLAP operations | most forms supported | | T612 | Advanced OLAP operations | some forms supported | | T613 | Sampling | | T616 | Null treatment option for LEAD and LAG functions | | T618 | NTH_VALUE function | function exists, but some options missing | | T619 | Nested window functions | | T620 | WINDOW clause: GROUPS option | | T641 | Multiple column assignment | only some syntax variants supported | | T652 | SQL-dynamic statements in SQL routines | | T653 | SQL-schema statements in external routines | | T654 | SQL-dynamic statements in external routines | | M001 | Datalinks | | M002 | Datalinks via SQL/CLI | | M003 | Datalinks via Embedded SQL | | M004 | Foreign data support | partially supported | | M005 | Foreign schema support | | M006 | GetSQLString routine | | M007 | TransmitRequest | | M009 | GetOpts and GetStatistics routines | | M010 | Foreign data wrapper support | different API | | M011 | Datalinks via Ada | | M012 | Datalinks via C | | M013 | Datalinks via COBOL | | M014 | Datalinks via Fortran | | M015 | Datalinks via M | | M016 | Datalinks via Pascal | | M017 | Datalinks via PL/I | | M018 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in Ada | | M019 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in C | different API | | M020 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in COBOL | | M021 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in Fortran | | M022 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in MUMPS | | M023 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in Pascal | | M024 | Foreign data wrapper interface routines in PL/I | | M030 | SQL-server foreign data support | | M031 | Foreign data wrapper general routines | | X012 | Multisets of XML type | | X013 | Distinct types of XML type | | X014 | Attributes of XML type | | X015 | Fields of XML type | | X025 | XMLCast | | X030 | XMLDocument | | X038 | XMLText | | X065 | XMLParse: BLOB input and CONTENT option | | X066 | XMLParse: BLOB input and DOCUMENT option | | X068 | XMLSerialize: BOM | | X069 | XMLSerialize: INDENT | | X073 | XMLSerialize: BLOB serialization and CONTENT option | | X074 | XMLSerialize: BLOB serialization and DOCUMENT option | | X075 | XMLSerialize: BLOB serialization | | X076 | XMLSerialize: VERSION | | X077 | XMLSerialize: explicit ENCODING option | | X078 | XMLSerialize: explicit XML declaration | | X080 | Namespaces in XML publishing | | X081 | Query-level XML namespace declarations | | X082 | XML namespace declarations in DML | | X083 | XML namespace declarations in DDL | | X084 | XML namespace declarations in compound statements | | X085 | Predefined namespace prefixes | | X086 | XML namespace declarations in XMLTable | | X091 | XML content predicate | | X096 | XMLExists | | X100 | Host language support for XML: CONTENT option | | X101 | Host language support for XML: DOCUMENT option | | X110 | Host language support for XML: VARCHAR mapping | | X111 | Host language support for XML: CLOB mapping | | X112 | Host language support for XML: BLOB mapping | | X113 | Host language support for XML: STRIP WHITESPACE option | | X114 | Host language support for XML: PRESERVE WHITESPACE option | | X131 | Query-level XMLBINARY clause | | X132 | XMLBINARY clause in DML | | X133 | XMLBINARY clause in DDL | | X134 | XMLBINARY clause in compound statements | | X135 | XMLBINARY clause in subqueries | | X141 | IS VALID predicate: data-driven case | | X142 | IS VALID predicate: ACCORDING TO clause | | X143 | IS VALID predicate: ELEMENT clause | | X144 | IS VALID predicate: schema location | | X145 | IS VALID predicate outside check constraints | | X151 | IS VALID predicate with DOCUMENT option | | X152 | IS VALID predicate with CONTENT option | | X153 | IS VALID predicate with SEQUENCE option | | X155 | IS VALID predicate: NAMESPACE without ELEMENT clause | | X157 | IS VALID predicate: NO NAMESPACE with ELEMENT clause | | X160 | Basic Information Schema for registered XML Schemas | | X161 | Advanced Information Schema for registered XML Schemas | | X170 | XML null handling options | | X171 | NIL ON NO CONTENT option | | X181 | XML(DOCUMENT(UNTYPED)) type | | X182 | XML(DOCUMENT(ANY)) type | | X190 | XML(SEQUENCE) type | | X191 | XML(DOCUMENT(XMLSCHEMA)) type | | X192 | XML(CONTENT(XMLSCHEMA)) type | | X200 | XMLQuery | | X201 | XMLQuery: RETURNING CONTENT | | X202 | XMLQuery: RETURNING SEQUENCE | | X203 | XMLQuery: passing a context item | | X204 | XMLQuery: initializing an XQuery variable | | X205 | XMLQuery: EMPTY ON EMPTY option | | X206 | XMLQuery: NULL ON EMPTY option | | X211 | XML 1.1 support | | X221 | XML passing mechanism BY VALUE | | X222 | XML passing mechanism BY REF | | X231 | XML(CONTENT(UNTYPED)) type | | X232 | XML(CONTENT(ANY)) type | | X241 | RETURNING CONTENT in XML publishing | | X242 | RETURNING SEQUENCE in XML publishing | | X251 | Persistent XML values of XML(DOCUMENT(UNTYPED)) type | | X252 | Persistent XML values of XML(DOCUMENT(ANY)) type | | X253 | Persistent XML values of XML(CONTENT(UNTYPED)) type | | X254 | Persistent XML values of XML(CONTENT(ANY)) type | | X255 | Persistent XML values of XML(SEQUENCE) type | | X256 | Persistent XML values of XML(DOCUMENT(XMLSCHEMA)) type | | X257 | Persistent XML values of XML(CONTENT(XMLSCHEMA)) type | | X260 | XML type: ELEMENT clause | | X261 | XML type: NAMESPACE without ELEMENT clause | | X263 | XML type: NO NAMESPACE with ELEMENT clause | | X264 | XML type: schema location | | X271 | XMLValidate: data-driven case | | X272 | XMLValidate: ACCORDING TO clause | | X273 | XMLValidate: ELEMENT clause | | X274 | XMLValidate: schema location | | X281 | XMLValidate: with DOCUMENT option | | X282 | XMLValidate with CONTENT option | | X283 | XMLValidate with SEQUENCE option | | X284 | XMLValidate NAMESPACE without ELEMENT clause | | X286 | XMLValidate: NO NAMESPACE with ELEMENT clause | | X300 | XMLTable | | X301 | XMLTable: derived column list option | | X302 | XMLTable: ordinality column option | | X303 | XMLTable: column default option | | X304 | XMLTable: passing a context item | | X305 | XMLTable: initializing an XQuery variable |