## 10.4\. Go Roadmap
This page lists features and ideas being developed or discussed by the Go team. This list will be updated as work continues.
The roadmap should be discussed on the golang-nuts mailing list.
### 10.4.1\. Language roadmap
This is a list of language changes that are being considered. Appearance on this list is no guarantee that the change will be accepted.
* Possibly rewrite restriction on goto across variable declarations.
* Variant types. A way to define a type as being the union of some set of types.
* Generics. An active topic of discussion.
* Methods for operators, to allow a type to use arithmetic notation for expressions.
### 10.4.2\. Implementation roadmap
* Improved garbage collector, most likely a reference counting collector with a cycle detector running in a separate core.
* Debugger.
* App Engine support.
* Improved CGO including some mechanism for calling back from C to Go.
* Improved implementation documentation.
### 10.4.3\. Gc compiler roadmap
* Implement goto restrictions.
* Generate DWARF debug info.
* Provide gdb support for runtime facilities.
* Improved optimization.
* 5g: Better floating point support.
### 10.4.4\. Gccgo compiler roadmap
* Implement goto restrictions.
* Use goroutines rather than threads.
* Separate gcc interface from frontend proper.
* Use escape analysis to keep more data on stack.
### 10.4.5\. Done
* Safe compilation mode: generate code that is guaranteed not to obtain an invalid memory address other than via import "unsafe".
* Gccgo: garbage collection.
* Native Client (NaCl) support.
* SWIG support.
* Simpler semicolon rules.
* A more general definition of ... in parameter lists.
* Explicit conversions from string to []byte and []int.
* A function that will be run by the garbage collector when an item is freed (runtime.SetFinalizer).
* Public continuous build and benchmark infrastructure (gobuilder).
* Package manager (goinstall).
* A means of recovering from a panic (recover).
- 1. 关于本文
- 2. Go语言简介
- 3. 安装go环境
- 3.1. 简介
- 3.2. 安装C语言工具
- 3.3. 安装Mercurial
- 3.4. 获取代码
- 3.5. 安装Go
- 3.6. 编写程序
- 3.7. 进一步学习
- 3.8. 更新go到新版本
- 3.9. 社区资源
- 3.10. 环境变量
- 4. Go语言入门
- 4.1. 简介
- 4.2. Hello,世界
- 4.3. 分号(Semicolons)
- 4.4. 编译
- 4.5. Echo
- 4.6. 类型简介
- 4.7. 申请内存
- 4.8. 常量
- 4.9. I/O包
- 4.10. Rotting cats
- 4.11. Sorting
- 4.12. 打印输出
- 4.13. 生成素数
- 4.14. Multiplexing
- 5. Effective Go
- 5.1. 简介
- 5.2. 格式化
- 5.3. 注释
- 5.4. 命名
- 5.5. 分号
- 5.6. 控制流
- 5.7. 函数
- 5.8. 数据
- 5.9. 初始化
- 5.10. 方法
- 5.11. 接口和其他类型
- 5.12. 内置
- 5.13. 并发
- 5.14. 错误处理
- 5.15. Web服务器
- 6. 如何编写Go程序
- 6.1. 简介
- 6.2. 社区资源
- 6.3. 新建一个包
- 6.4. 测试
- 6.5. 一个带测试的演示包
- 7. Codelab: 编写Web程序
- 7.1. 简介
- 7.2. 开始
- 7.3. 数据结构
- 7.4. 使用http包
- 7.5. 基于http提供wiki页面
- 7.6. 编辑页面
- 7.7. template包
- 7.8. 处理不存在的页面
- 7.9. 储存页面
- 7.10. 错误处理
- 7.11. 模板缓存
- 7.12. 验证
- 7.13. 函数文本和闭包
- 7.14. 试试!
- 7.15. 其他任务
- 8. 针对C++程序员指南
- 8.1. 概念差异
- 8.2. 语法
- 8.3. 常量
- 8.4. Slices(切片)
- 8.5. 构造值对象
- 8.6. Interfaces(接口)
- 8.7. Goroutines
- 8.8. Channels(管道)
- 9. 内存模型
- 9.1. 简介
- 9.2. Happens Before
- 9.3. 同步(Synchronization)
- 9.4. 错误的同步方式
- 10. 附录
- 10.1. 命令行工具
- 10.2. 视频和讲座
- 10.3. Release History
- 10.4. Go Roadmap
- 10.5. 相关资源