企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
For getting started on DeviceBit platform, the first step is to add a new device. Log into the IOT platform (If you don’t have the account you need to sign up first). Register DeviceBit Account ( ![]( Pic.1 Sign Up As shown in Pic2, go to ***My Devices -> Devices -> Add A device***, fill in the information and then save. ![]( Pic.2 Create a new device ID: The ID of the device, allocated by system automatically. It is unique for each device. Type: The type of the device. Ø Arduino: Arduino Board. Ø Lw-board: The board developed by DeviceBit. Ø Other: Other board. Name: The name of the device. Controllable: A device can be controllable or not. If it is controllable, just tick Yes, and then you can set the API address. Description: Description of the device. Public: If your devices are public, other users can also view them and their measurement. Location: The location of you device. Click on the location point on the Map. [1]: [2]: