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[TOC] > [github]( ## 概述 高性能 goroutine 池。实现了大规模下的 goroutine 调度和复用,从而节省资源提高执行效果。还有如任务提交、动态调整 pool 大小、查询运行状态等实用接口 ## 示例 ``` package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" ) var sum int32 func myFunc(i interface{}) { n := i.(int32) atomic.AddInt32(&sum, n) fmt.Printf("run with %d\n", n) } func demoFunc() { time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) fmt.Println("Hello World!") } func main() { defer ants.Release() runTimes := 1000 // Use the common pool. var wg sync.WaitGroup syncCalculateSum := func() { demoFunc() wg.Done() } for i := 0; i < runTimes; i++ { wg.Add(1) _ = ants.Submit(syncCalculateSum) } wg.Wait() fmt.Printf("running goroutines: %d\n", ants.Running()) fmt.Printf("finish all tasks.\n") // Use the pool with a function, // set 10 to the capacity of goroutine pool and 1 second for expired duration. p, _ := ants.NewPoolWithFunc(10, func(i interface{}) { myFunc(i) wg.Done() }) defer p.Release() // Submit tasks one by one. for i := 0; i < runTimes; i++ { wg.Add(1) _ = p.Invoke(int32(i)) } wg.Wait() fmt.Printf("running goroutines: %d\n", p.Running()) fmt.Printf("finish all tasks, result is %d\n", sum) } ```