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[TOC] ## tika-app 用法 ``` usage: java -jar tika-app.jar [option...] [file|port...] Options: -? or --help Print this usage message -v or --verbose Print debug level messages -V or --version Print the Apache Tika version number -g or --gui Start the Apache Tika GUI -f or --fork Use Fork Mode for out-of-process extraction --config=<tika-config.xml> TikaConfig file. Must be specified before -g, -s, -f or the dump-x-config ! --dump-minimal-config Print minimal TikaConfig --dump-current-config Print current TikaConfig --dump-static-config Print static config --dump-static-full-config Print static explicit config -x or --xml Output XHTML content (default) -h or --html Output HTML content -t or --text Output plain text content -T or --text-main Output plain text content (main content only) -m or --metadata Output only metadata -j or --json Output metadata in JSON -y or --xmp Output metadata in XMP -J or --jsonRecursive Output metadata and content from all embedded files (choose content type with -x, -h, -t or -m; default is -x) -l or --language Output only language -d or --detect Detect document type --digest=X Include digest X (md2, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 -eX or --encoding=X Use output encoding X -pX or --password=X Use document password X -z or --extract Extract all attachements into current directory --extract-dir=<dir> Specify target directory for -z -r or --pretty-print For JSON, XML and XHTML outputs, adds newlines and whitespace, for better readability --list-parsers List the available document parsers --list-parser-details List the available document parsers and their supported mime types --list-parser-details-apt List the available document parsers and their supported mime types in apt format. --list-detectors List the available document detectors --list-met-models List the available metadata models, and their supported keys --list-supported-types List all known media types and related information --compare-file-magic=<dir> Compares Tika's known media types to the File(1) tool's magic directory Description: Apache Tika will parse the file(s) specified on the command line and output the extracted text content or metadata to standard output. Instead of a file name you can also specify the URL of a document to be parsed. If no file name or URL is specified (or the special name "-" is used), then the standard input stream is parsed. If no arguments were given and no input data is available, the GUI is started instead. - GUI mode Use the "--gui" (or "-g") option to start the Apache Tika GUI. You can drag and drop files from a normal file explorer to the GUI window to extract text content and metadata from the files. - Batch mode Simplest method. Specify two directories as args with no other args: java -jar tika-app.jar <inputDirectory> <outputDirectory> Batch Options: -i or --inputDir Input directory -o or --outputDir Output directory -numConsumers Number of processing threads -bc Batch config file -maxRestarts Maximum number of times the watchdog process will restart the child process. -timeoutThresholdMillis Number of milliseconds allowed to a parse before the process is killed and restarted -fileList List of files to process, with paths relative to the input directory -includeFilePat Regular expression to determine which files to process, e.g. "(?i)\.pdf" -excludeFilePat Regular expression to determine which files to avoid processing, e.g. "(?i)\.pdf" -maxFileSizeBytes Skip files longer than this value Control the type of output with -x, -h, -t and/or -J. To modify child process jvm args, prepend "J" as in: -JXmx4g or -JDlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.xml. ``` ## 示例 ### 启动gui ``` >java -jar tika-app-2.9.2.jar --gui ``` ![]( ### 输出不同格式的内容 ``` java -jar tika-app-2.9.2.jar [-t|-x|-h|-T|-m|-j|-J] 1.doc ``` > -t:文本内容,但是包含空行 > -T:文本内容,但是不包含空行,最小结构化输出 > 如果文档中还有其他文档的附件,还是可以被识别出来 ### 检查文档是什么语言 ``` > java -jar tika-app-2.9.2.jar -l 1.doc > zh-CN ``` ### 导出文档中的文件 可把文档中的图片文档导出到当前目录下 ``` > java -jar tika-app-2.9.2.jar -z 1.doc ``` ### 批量操作 ``` java -jar tika-app-2.9.2.jar [-x|-h|-t|-J] -i input -o output ```