# 4.4 在Win32平台上编译PHP
<pre>As with the UNIX build, the first step to preparing a Windows build is to unpack the source tarball. By default, Windows doesn't know what to do with a .tar.gz file. In fact, if you downloaded PHP using Internet Explorer, you probably noticed that it changed the name of the tarball file to php-5.1.0.tar.tar. This isn't IE craving a plate of fish sticks ordepending on who you aska bug, it's a "feature."
Start by renaming the file back to php-5.1.0.tar.gz (if necessary). If you have a program installed that is capable of reading .tar.gz files, you'll notice the icon immediately change. You can now double-click on the file to open up the decompression program. If the icon doesn't change, or if nothing happens when you double-click the icon, it means that you have no tar/gzip compatible decompression program installed. Check your favorite search engine for WinZIP, WinRAR, or any other application that is suitable for extracting .tar.gz archives.
Whatever decompression program you use, have it decompress php-5.1.0.tar.gz to the root development folder you created earlier. This section will assume you have extracted it to C:\PHPDEV\ which, because the zip file contains a folder structure, will result in the source tree residing in C:\PHPDEV\php-5.1.0.
After it's unpacked, open up a build environment window by choosing Start, All Programs, Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 SP1, Open Build Environment Window, Windows 2000 Build Environment, Set Windows 2000 Build Environment (Debug). The specific path to this shortcut might be slightly different depending on the version of the Platform SDK you have installed and the target platform you will be building for (2000, XP, 2003).
A simple command prompt window will open up stating the target build platform. This command prompt has most, but not all, necessary environment variables set up. You'll need to run one extra batch file in order to let the PHP build system know where Visual C++ Express is. If you accepted the default installation location this batch file will be located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat. If you can't find vcvars32.bat, check the same directoryor its parentfor vcvarsall.bat. Just be sure to run it inside the same command prompt window you just opened. It will set additional environment variables that the build process will need.
Now, change the directory to the location where you unpacked PHP
C:\PHPDEV\php-5.1.0and run buildconf.bat.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK> cd \PHPDEV\php-5.1.0
C:\PHPDEV\php-5.1.0> buildconf.bat
If all is going well so far you'll see the following two lines of output:
Rebuilding configure.js
Now run 'cscript /nologo configure.js help'
At this point, you can do as the message says and see what options are available. The enable-maintainer-zts option is not necessary here because the Win32 build automatically assumes that ZTS will be required by any SAPI. If you wanted to turn it off, you could issue disable-zts, but that's not the case here because you're building for a development environment anyway.
In this example I've removed a few other extensions that aren't relevant to extension and embedding development for the sake of simplicity. If you'd like to rebuild PHP using additional extensions, you'll need to hunt down the libraries on which they depend.
C:\php-5.1.0> cscript /nologo configure.js without-xml without-wddx \
without-simplexml without-dom without-libxml disable-zlib \
without-sqlite disable-odbc disable-cgi enable-cli \
enable-debug without-iconv
Again, a stream of informative output will scroll by, followed by instructions to execute the final command:
C:\php-5.1.0> nmake
Finally, a working build of PHP compiled for the Win32 platform.
## links
* 4.3 [Unix/Linux平台下的编译](<4.3.md>)
* 4.5 [第四章小结](<4.5.md>)
- about
- 开始阅读
- 目录
- 1 PHP的生命周期
- 1.让我们从SAPI开始
- 2.PHP的启动与终止
- 3.PHP的生命周期
- 4.线程安全
- 5.小结
- 2 PHP变量在内核中的实现
- 1. 变量的类型
- 2. 变量的值
- 3. 创建PHP变量
- 4. 变量的存储方式
- 5. 变量的检索
- 6. 类型转换
- 7. 小结
- 3 内存管理
- 1. 内存管理
- 2. 引用计数
- 3. 总结
- 4 动手编译PHP
- 1. 编译前的准备
- 2. PHP编译前的config配置
- 3. Unix/Linux平台下的编译
- 4. 在Win32平台上编译PHP
- 5. 小结
- 5 Your First Extension
- 1. 一个扩展的基本结构
- 2. 编译我们的扩展
- 3. 静态编译
- 4. 编写函数
- 5. 小结
- 6 函数返回值
- 1. 一个特殊的参数:return_value
- 2. 引用与函数的执行结果
- 3. 小结
- 7 函数的参数
- 1. zend_parse_parameters
- 2. Arg Info 与类型绑定
- 3. 小结
- 8 使用HashTable与{数组}
- 1. 数组(C中的)与链表
- 2. 操作HashTable的API
- 3. 在内核中操作PHP语言中数组
- 4. 小结
- 9 PHP中的资源类型
- 1. 复合类型的数据——{资源}
- 2. Persistent Resources
- 3. {资源}自有的引用计数
- 4. 小结
- 10 PHP中的面向对象(一)
- 1. zend_class_entry
- 2. 定义一个类
- 3. 定义一个接口
- 4. 类的继承与接口的实现
- 5. 小结
- 11 PHP中的面向对象(二)
- 1. 生成对象的实例与调用方法
- 2. 读写对象的属性
- 3. 小结
- 12 启动与终止的那点事
- 2. 小结
- 1. 关于生命周期
- 2. MINFO与phpinfo
- 3. 常量
- 4. PHP扩展中的全局变量
- 5. PHP语言中的超级全局变量
- 6. 小结
- 13 INI设置
- 1. 声明和访问ini设置
- 2. 小结
- 2. 小结
- 14 流式访问
- 1. 概览
- 2. 打开流
- 3. 访问流
- 4. 静态资源操作
- 5. 小结
- 15 流的实现
- 1. php流的表象之下
- 2. 包装器操作
- 3. 实现一个包装器
- 4. 操纵
- 5. 检查
- 6. 小结
- 16 有趣的流
- 1. 上下文
- 2. 过滤器
- 3. 小结
- 17 配置和链接
- 1. autoconf
- 2. 库的查找
- 3. 强制模块依赖
- 4. Windows方言
- 5. 小结
- 18 扩展生成
- 1. ext_skel
- 2. PECL_Gen
- 3. 小结
- 19 设置宿主环境
- 1. 嵌入式SAPI
- 2. 构建并编译一个宿主应用
- 3. 通过嵌入包装重新创建cli
- 4. 老技术新用
- 5. 小结
- 20 高级嵌入式
- 1. 回调到php中
- 2. 错误处理
- 3. 初始化php
- 5. 捕获输出
- 6. 同时扩展和嵌入
- 7. 小结
- 约定