2021-12-19 周天
## Hystrix介绍
### Hystrix特性
* 包裹请求 - `@HystrixCommand`注解(命令模式)
* 跳闸机制 - 5秒内20次失败,一段时间内会停止访问服务
* 资源隔离 - 给每个服务提供小型线程池,线程池满立即拒绝请求
* 监控
* 回退机制 - 开发人员可提供默认回退逻辑
* 自我修复 - 一段时间内,会尝试调用一次服务,请求成功则关闭断路器
## Hystrix 集成
### 添加依赖
``` xml
### 开启断路器
### 直接使用`@HystrixCommand`
``` java
@FeignClient(name = "mic-card",path = "/card/admin")
public interface CardApi {
ResultObject<CountVo> getHome();
### 结合Feign使用
``` yml
enabled: true
``` java
* @Description card api服务
* @Date 2021-12-04 10:12
* @Created by mango
@FeignClient(name = "mic-card",path = "/card/admin",
configuration = {FeignConfiguration.class},
fallback = CardApiFallback.class)
public interface CardApi {
ResultObject<CardVo> getRand();
ResultObject<CountVo> getHome();
## 回退机制,自定义实现回退逻辑
class CardApiFallback implements CardApi {
private ResultUtil resultUtil;
public ResultObject<CardVo> getRand() {
log.info("enter card api fallback");
CardVo cardVo = new CardVo();
cardVo.setName("enter fallback");
return resultUtil.success2obj(cardVo,"success");
public ResultObject<CountVo> getHome() {
log.info("enter card api get home fallback");
CountVo countVo = new CountVo();
return resultUtil.success2obj(countVo,"success");
## 配置相关
### 全局启用
feign.hystrix.enabled: true
#### 全局禁用
feign.hystrix.enabled: false
### 局部启用
public class FeignEnableHystrixConfiguration {
public HystrixFeign.Builder feignBuilder() {
return HystrixFeign.builder();
@FeignClient(name = "mic-card",path = "/card/admin",
configuration = {FeignEnableHystrixConfiguration.class},
fallback = CardApiFallback.class)
## 局部禁用
public class FeignDisableHystrixConfiguration {
public Feign.Builder feignBuilder() {
return Feign.builder();
## @HystrixCommand注解源码
``` java
* This annotation used to specify some methods which should be processes as hystrix commands.
public @interface HystrixCommand {
* The command group key is used for grouping together commands such as for reporting,
* alerting, dashboards or team/library ownership.
* <p/>
* default => the runtime class name of annotated method
* @return group key
String groupKey() default "";
* Hystrix command key.
* <p/>
* default => the name of annotated method. for example:
* <code>
* ...
* @HystrixCommand
* public User getUserById(...)
* ...
* the command name will be: 'getUserById'
* </code>
* @return command key
String commandKey() default "";
* The thread-pool key is used to represent a
* HystrixThreadPool for monitoring, metrics publishing, caching and other such uses.
* @return thread pool key
String threadPoolKey() default "";
* Specifies a method to process fallback logic.
* A fallback method should be defined in the same class where is HystrixCommand.
* Also a fallback method should have same signature to a method which was invoked as hystrix command.
* for example:
* <code>
* @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "getByIdFallback")
* public String getById(String id) {...}
* private String getByIdFallback(String id) {...}
* </code>
* Also a fallback method can be annotated with {@link HystrixCommand}
* <p/>
* default => see {@link com.netflix.hystrix.contrib.javanica.command.GenericCommand#getFallback()}
* @return method name
String fallbackMethod() default "";
* Specifies command properties.
* @return command properties
HystrixProperty[] commandProperties() default {};
* Specifies thread pool properties.
* @return thread pool properties
HystrixProperty[] threadPoolProperties() default {};
* Defines exceptions which should be ignored.
* Optionally these can be wrapped in HystrixRuntimeException if raiseHystrixExceptions contains RUNTIME_EXCEPTION.
* @return exceptions to ignore
Class<? extends Throwable>[] ignoreExceptions() default {};
* Specifies the mode that should be used to execute hystrix observable command.
* For more information see {@link ObservableExecutionMode}.
* @return observable execution mode
ObservableExecutionMode observableExecutionMode() default ObservableExecutionMode.EAGER;
* When includes RUNTIME_EXCEPTION, any exceptions that are not ignored are wrapped in HystrixRuntimeException.
* @return exceptions to wrap
HystrixException[] raiseHystrixExceptions() default {};
* Specifies default fallback method for the command. If both {@link #fallbackMethod} and {@link #defaultFallback}
* methods are specified then specific one is used.
* note: default fallback method cannot have parameters, return type should be compatible with command return type.
* @return the name of default fallback method
String defaultFallback() default "";
## 参考资料
* https://www.itmuch.com/spring-cloud/finchley-13/
- Redis来回摩擦
- redis的数据结构SDS和DICT
- redis的持久化和事件模型
- Java
- 从何而来之Java IO
- 发布Jar包到公共Maven仓库
- Java本地方法调用
- 面试突击
- Linux
- Nginx
- SpringBoot
- Springboot集成Actuator和SpringbootAdminServer监控
- SpringCloud
- Spring Cloud初识
- Spring Cloud的5大核心组件
- Spring Cloud的注册中心
- Spring Cloud注册中心之Eureka
- Spring Cloud注册中心之Consul
- Spring Cloud注册中心之Nacos
- Spring Cloud的负载均衡之Ribbon
- Spring Cloud的服务调用之Feign
- Spring Cloud的熔断器
- Spring Cloud熔断器之Hystrix
- Spring Cloud的熔断器监控
- Spring Cloud的网关
- Spring Cloud的网关之Zuul
- Spring Cloud的配置中心
- Spring Cloud配置中心之Config Server
- Spring Cloud Config配置刷新
- Spring Cloud的链路跟踪
- Spring Cloud的链路监控之Sleuth
- Spring Cloud的链路监控之Zipkin
- Spring Cloud集成Admin Server
- Docker
- docker日常基本使用
- docker-machine的基本使用
- Kubernetes
- kubernetes初识
- kubeadm安装k8s集群
- minikube安装k8s集群
- k8s的命令行管理工具
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- 集合数组实现堆
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