企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
一个曾影响过Rust的论文的不完整列表。 推荐进一步了解Rust背景和激发灵感阅读。 > **(注:以下翻译属个人理解,勿作为参考)** ## 类型系统 * [Cyclone语言中基于区域的内存管理(Region based memory management in Cyclone)]( * [Cyclone语言中的手动安全内存管理(Safe manual memory management in Cyclone)]( * [类型类:使临时多态不再临时(Typeclasses: making ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc)]( * [宏综述(Macros that work together)]( * [特性:组合类型的行为(Traits: composable units of behavior)]( * [消除别名(Alias burying)]( - 我们尝试了一些相似的内容并放弃了它 * [外部唯一性是足够的(External uniqueness is unique enough)]( * [用于安全并行的唯一性和引用不可变性(Uniqueness and Reference Immutability for Safe Parallelism)]( * [基于区域的内存管理(Region Based Memory Management)]( ## 并发 * [Singularity:软件栈的重新思考(Singularity: rethinking the software stack)]( * [Singularity操作系统中支持快速和可靠的消息传递的语言(Language support for fast and reliable message passing in singularity OS)]( * [通过work stealing来安排多线程计算(Scheduling multithreaded computations by work stealing)]( * [多道程序多处理器的线程调度(Thread scheduling for multiprogramming multiprocessors)]( * [work stealing中的数据局部性(The data locality of work stealing)]( * [动态环形work stealing双端队列(Dynamic circular work stealing deque)]( - Chase/Lev双端队列 * [异步-完成并行的work优先和help优先的调度策略(Work-first and help-first scheduling policies for async-finish task parallelism)]( - 比严格的work stealing更宽泛 * [一个Java的fork/join灾难(A Java fork/join calamity)]( - 对Java fork/join库的批判,特别是其在非严格计算时的work stealing实现 * [并发系统的调度技巧(Scheduling techniques for concurrent systems)]( * [竞争启发调度(Contention aware scheduling)]( * [时间共享多核系统的平衡work stealing(Balanced work stealing for time-sharing multicores)]( * [三层蛋糕?(Three layer cake)]( * [非阻塞半work stealing队列(Non-blocking steal-half work queues)]( * [Reagents:表现和编写细粒度的并发(Reagents: expressing and composing fine-grained concurrency)]( * [用于共享内存多处理器的可扩展同步性的算法(Algorithms for scalable synchronization of shared-memory multiprocessors)]( ## 其它 * [只能崩溃的软件(Crash-only software)]( * [编写高性能内存分配器(Composing High-Performance Memory Allocators)]( * [对手动内存分配的思考(Reconsidering Custom Memory Allocation)]( ## 关于Rust的论文 * [Rust中的GPU编程(GPU programming in Rust)]( * [并行闭包:一个基于老观点的新做法(Parallel closures: a new twist on an old idea)]( - 并不完全关于Rust,不过是Nicholas D. Matsakis写的