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# Class Phalcon\\Cache\\Frontend\\Output # Class **Phalcon\\Cache\\Frontend\\Output** *implements*[*Phalcon\\Cache\\FrontendInterface*](#) Allows to cache output fragments captured with ob\_\* functions ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php <?php //Create an Output frontend. Cache the files for 2 days $frontCache = new \Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Output(array( "lifetime" => 172800 )); // Create the component that will cache from the "Output" to a "File" backend // Set the cache file directory - it's important to keep the "/" at the end of // the value for the folder $cache = new \Phalcon\Cache\Backend\File($frontCache, array( "cacheDir" => "../app/cache/" )); // Get/Set the cache file to ../app/cache/my-cache.html $content = $cache->start("my-cache.html"); // If $content is null then the content will be generated for the cache if ($content === null) { //Print date and time echo date("r"); //Generate a link to the sign-up action echo Phalcon\Tag::linkTo( array( "user/signup", "Sign Up", "class" => "signup-button" ) ); // Store the output into the cache file $cache->save(); } else { // Echo the cached output echo $content; } ``` ``` ### Methods public **\_\_construct** (\[*array* $frontendOptions\]) Phalcon\\Cache\\Frontend\\Output constructor public **getLifetime** () Returns the cache lifetime public **isBuffering** () Check whether if frontend is buffering output public **start** () Starts output frontend. Currently, does nothing public *string***getContent** () Returns output cached content public **stop** () Stops output frontend public *string***beforeStore** (*mixed* $data) Serializes data before storing them public *mixed***afterRetrieve** (*mixed* $data) Unserializes data after retrieval | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Cache\Multiple") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\None") | - [API Indice](#) »