💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
# Class Phalcon\\Db\\RawValue # Class **Phalcon\\Db\\RawValue** This class allows to insert/update raw data without quoting or formating. The next example shows how to use the MySQL now() function as a field value. ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $subscriber = new Subscribers(); $subscriber->email = 'andres@phalconphp.com'; $subscriber->createdAt = new \Phalcon\Db\RawValue('now()'); $subscriber->save(); ``` ``` ### Methods public **getValue** () Raw value without quoting or formating public **\_\_toString** () Raw value without quoting or formating public **\_\_construct** (*unknown* $value) Phalcon\\Db\\RawValue constructor | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Db\Reference") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Db\Profiler\Item") | - [API Indice](#) »