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# Abstract class Phalcon\\Session\\Adapter # Abstract class **Phalcon\\Session\\Adapter** Base class for Phalcon\\Session adapters ### Constants *integer***SESSION\_ACTIVE** *integer***SESSION\_NONE** *integer***SESSION\_DISABLED** ### Methods public **\_\_construct** (\[*array* $options\]) Phalcon\\Session\\Adapter constructor public **start** () Starts the session (if headers are already sent the session will not be started) public **setOptions** (*unknown* $options) Sets session's options ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $session->setOptions(array( 'uniqueId' => 'my-private-app' )); ``` ``` public **getOptions** () Get internal options public **setName** (*unknown* $name) Set session name public **getName** () Get session name public *mixed***get** (*string* $index, \[*mixed* $defaultValue\], \[*boolean* $remove\]) Gets a session variable from an application context public **set** (*string* $index, *string* $value) Sets a session variable in an application context ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $session->set('auth', 'yes'); ``` ``` public **has** (*unknown* $index) Check whether a session variable is set in an application context ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php var_dump($session->has('auth')); ``` ``` public **remove** (*unknown* $index) Removes a session variable from an application context ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $session->remove('auth'); ``` ``` public **getId** () Returns active session id ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php echo $session->getId(); ``` ``` public **setId** (*unknown* $id) Set the current session id ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php $session->setId($id); ``` ``` public **isStarted** () Check whether the session has been started ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php var_dump($session->isStarted()); ``` ``` public **destroy** () Destroys the active session ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php var_dump($session->destroy()); ``` ``` public **status** () Returns the status of the current session. For PHP 5.3 this function will always return SESSION\_NONE ``` <pre class="calibre14">``` <?php var_dump($session->status()); // PHP 5.4 and above will give meaningful messages, 5.3 gets SESSION_NONE always if ($session->status() !== $session::SESSION_ACTIVE) { $session->start(); } ``` ``` public *mixed*\*\*\_\_get\*\* (*string* $index) Alias: Gets a session variable from an application context public **\_\_set** (*string* $index, *string* $value) Alias: Sets a session variable in an application context public **\_\_isset** (*unknown* $index) Alias: Check whether a session variable is set in an application context public **\_\_unset** (*unknown* $index) Alias: Removes a session variable from an application context | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Files") | - [上一页](# "Abstract class Phalcon\Session") | - [API Indice](#) »