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# 插件开发核心: 核心 : plugin 、preference 、 event ***** ## **preference** 覆盖类: 就是重写类,重写注入类,依赖注入。 参考: ~~~ <preference for="Magento\Contact\Controller\Index\Post" type="ABC\Contact\Controller\Index\Post" /> ~~~ ***** ## plugin 过滤返回值: 类似 wordpress 的 filter, 参考: ~~~ <config> <type name="{ObservedType}"> <plugin name="{pluginName}" type="{PluginClassName}" sortOrder="1" disabled="false"/> </type> </config> ~~~ ***** ## event事件机制: 类似wordpress的 action事件: 参考: ~~~ <event name="mageplaza_helloworld_display_text"> <observer name="mp_display_text" instance="Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Observer\ChangeDisplayText" /> </event> ~~~ ## 开发系列文章,可以参考: * [Magento 2 Module Development]( * [Create Controller]( * [Models (CRUD)]( * [View: Layouts, Block and Templates]( * [Admin ACL]( * [Admin Menu]( * [Configuration - System.xml]( * [Admin Grid]( * [Install / Upgrade script]( * [Magento 2 Events]( * [Routing]( * [Plugin - Interceptor]( * [Custom Indexers]( * [Add command line]( * [Command Line Interface CLI]( * [Magento 2 Add Customer Attribute Programmatically]( * [Add Product Attribute]( * [How to Create Module in Magento 2]( * [Magento 2 Module Creator]( * [Magento 2 Cache and Page Cache Overview]( * [Rewrite Controller]( * [Create Event]( * [Category Attributes]( * [Create API]( * [Create Cron Job Programmatically]( * [Create Shipping Method]( * [Create Payment Method]( * [Magento 2 Create Widget]( * [Magento 2 Create Model]( * [Resource Model - Model Collection]( * [Factory Object]( * [Add a custom Zipcode validator]( * [Clear Cache Programmatically]( * [File Structure]( * [6 Steps to Install Magento 2 on CentOS]( * [4 Steps to Install Magento 2 on Mac OSX]( * [7 Steps to Install Magento 2 on Ubuntu/Debian]( * [4 Steps to Install Magento 2 on XAMPP Windows]( * [How to Connect to Magento 2 using Terminal SSH]( * [Areas vs Modules]( * [10 Steps to Speed Up Magento 2]( * [Create Helper Class]( * [Enable Disable Developer Mode]( * [Add custom columns]( * [How to make Sidebar sticky]( * [Add CMS Block in checkout page]( * [Add Custom Tab in Product Page]( * [Add Quick View feature]( * [Add a Navigation Link in My Account]( * [Display error Enable error reporting]( * [Unlock Reindex Process]( * [Get all payment methods]( * [Javascript bundling - Group/Combine JS files]( * [Add Custom Tab in Customer Account]( * [Disable a Payment Method Programmatically]( * [Get Customer Collection]( * [Get Product Collection by Category ID]( * [Get All Order Collection with Filters]( * [Get Product Collection Filter By Visibility]( * [Get Review, Rating Collection]( * [Get Best Sellers Collection]( * [Get Featured Product Collection]( * [Get Most Viewed Product Collection]( * [Get New Products Collection]( * [Get On Sale Products Collection]( * [Get Recent Viewed Products Collection]( * [Argument Types]( * [Get Wishlist Products Collection]( * [Custom payment method in checkout steps]( * [Add new fields in address form]( * [Proxies]( * [Add Product To Cart With Custom Price]( * [Add Products To Category Programmatically]( * [Add Quick View feature]( * [What is Magento 2 API?]( * [Magento 2 Adding Extension Attributes To Entity]( * [Magento 2 Block Cache]( * [Custom shipping address template]( * [Magento 2 Creating A UI Form]( * [REST API]( * [Magento 2 System Configuration Field Types]( * [Magento 2 Add, Edit Or Delete Action]( * [Five Steps To Add Mass Actions In Magento 2]( * [API Authentication: Token, OAuth, Session Authentication]( * [Magento 2 Create Admin Buttons]( * [Magento 2 Add Images To Product Programmatically]( * [4 Steps to Create a Custom Form in Magento 2 Admin]( * [Magento 2 API Create Configurable Product]( * [Create Integration Module]( * [Magento 2 API Create Simple Products]( * [Magento 2 API Add Simple Products To Configurable Product]( * [API Functional Testing]( * [Magento 2 API Create an Shipment]( * [Magento 2 API Issue Refund]( * [Create an Invoice]( * [Magento 2 API Get Admin Token]( * [Get All Products, Orders, Categories]( * [Create an Order]( * [Magento 2 API Add Products to Cart Or Quote]( * [Create a Quote]( * [Shipping and Billing Information]( * [Create a Customer]( * [Theme Structure]( * [Overriding Native Template File]( * [Magento 2 Overriding Native Layout File]( * [Add Meta Tags to Header]( * [Add/Remove Static Files JS, CSS, Fonts]( * [How to Extend Layout]( * [Create/Reference a Container]( * [Change Block Arguments]( * [Common Error HTTP Codes in Magento Rest API]( * [An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details]( * [Get parent products: Bundle, Grouped products]( * [Change Product Image Size]( * [Check if current url is homepage]( * [Check url is secured https, SSL]( * [File Upload in System Configuration]( * [Get base url, current url]( * [Get a block from template file `.phtml`]( * [Get Categories from specific Product]( * [Get currency data: code, rate, symbol]( * [Get current product, category]( * [Get Customer Groups]( * [Get the data of shopping cart items, subtotal, grand total, billing & shipping address]( * [Get logo url, alt text, logo size]( * [Get product collection]( * [Get product by ID, SKU]( * [Get Product Stock Information]( * [Get related, upsell & crosssell products]( * [Get size of product image]( * [Get store information]( * [Get Value of Product Custom Option from Cart & Order]( * [Set & Unset session]( * [Show cms static block from template phtml file]( * [Add a Custom Discount]( * [Add custom fields in Product Edit pages]( * [Add EAV Attribute]( * [Add Top Link]( * [Call children in Template knockout]( * [Change product price with Plugin]( * [Convert Custom Field From Quote Item to Order Item]( * [Create Auto Update Time Attributes in InstallSchema]( * [Create a New Product Type]( * [Enable Persistent Shopping Cart]( * [Get List Products from Catalog Rule Condition]( * [Get Product Options Programmatically]( * [Get Stock Items]( * [Get Value of Custom Attribute via Rest API]( * [How to Join 2 Tables]( * [Send Order Email to A Custom Email Address]( * [Create/Update/Delete Cookie]( * [Validate Form]( * [Write to log file]( * [Upload product image]( * [Use code in external file/script]( * [Use Plugin, Preference to rewrite Block, Model, Controller, Helper]( * [Create CMS pages programmatically]( * [Create composer.json]( * [Create customer programmatically]( * [Create Invoice Programmatically]( * [Create order programmatically]( * [Create product programmatically]( * [Create Shipment Programmatically]( * [Dependency Injection]( * [Enable or disable module]( * [Magento 2 Module load order position]( * [Magento 2 Registry & Register]( * [Add an URL Rewrite]( * [Prompt Widget]( * [Sticky Header Component]( * [UI Bookmark Component]( * [The Ultimate Guide to Upgrade Magento 2]( * [Using VirtualType]( * [Add New Total to Email]( * [Create Custom Theme in Magento 2 - Theme Development Tutorial Step by Step]( * [Customize a checkout step]( * [Custom Shipping Carrier validator]( * [Add a new input form checkout page]( * [Add custom validations before placing orders]( * [Magento 2 Unit Test]( * [Magento 2 Block Template Ultimate Guides]( * [Create Admin User]( * [Backup Db, Media, Code]( * [Magento 2 Deploy Command]( * [Enable or Disable maintenance mode]( * [Get Admin Path]( * [Install / Uninstall Sample Data]( * [Reindex / Indexer]( * [Rollback Database, Media, Code]( * [Run Compile Command Line]( * [Run cron job manually]( * [Run Unit Tests]( * [Enable / Disable Production Mode]( * [Setup Upgrade Command Line]( * [Deploy Static Content]( * [Unlock Admin User]( * [Add Rel Prev, Next tag]( * [Add, Delete, Re-order Custom Links]( * [Optimize Default Checkout Page]( * [Use Redis cache for Default Cache and Full page cache]( * [Override Classes Using Plugin]( * [How to Enable/Disable Cache]( * [Create a Unit Test file]( * [Run Unit Testing]( * [Package Module]( * [Add a custom checkout step](