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## Swipe 故障排查手册 ### 简单 swipe 动作 采用以下步骤进行故障排查: 1. 添加触摸点坐标的日志 带有日志的滑屏操作示例: ```java /** * Performs swipe from the center of screen * * @param dir the direction of swipe * @version java-client: 7.3.0 **/ public void swipeScreenWithLogs(Direction dir) { System.out.println("swipeScreen(): dir: '" + dir + "'"); // 总在日志中记录执行的操作 // 默认动画时长: // - Android: 300 ms // - iOS: 200 ms // final value depends on your app and could be greater final int ANIMATION_TIME = 200; // ms final int PRESS_TIME = 200; // ms int edgeBorder = 10; // better avoid edges Point pointStart, pointEnd; PointOption pointOptionStart, pointOptionEnd; // init screen variables Dimension dims = driver.manage().window().getSize(); // init start point = center of screen pointStart = new Point(dims.width / 2, dims.height / 2); switch (dir) { case DOWN: // center of footer pointEnd = new Point(dims.width / 2, dims.height - edgeBorder); break; case UP: // center of header pointEnd = new Point(dims.width / 2, edgeBorder); break; case LEFT: // center of left side pointEnd = new Point(edgeBorder, dims.height / 2); break; case RIGHT: // center of right side pointEnd = new Point(dims.width - edgeBorder, dims.height / 2); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("swipeScreen(): dir: '" + dir.toString() + "' NOT supported"); } // execute swipe using TouchAction pointOptionStart = PointOption.point(pointStart.x, pointStart.y); pointOptionEnd = PointOption.point(pointEnd.x, pointEnd.y); System.out.println("swipeScreen(): pointStart: {" + pointStart.x + "," + pointStart.y + "}"); System.out.println("swipeScreen(): pointEnd: {" + pointEnd.x + "," + pointEnd.y + "}"); System.out.println("swipeScreen(): screenSize: {" + dims.width + "," + dims.height + "}"); try { new TouchAction(driver) .press(pointOptionStart) // a bit more reliable when we add small wait .waitAction(WaitOptions.waitOptions(Duration.ofMillis(PRESS_TIME))) .moveTo(pointOptionEnd) .release().perform(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("swipeScreen(): TouchAction FAILED\n" + e.getMessage()); return; } // always allow swipe action to complete try { Thread.sleep(ANIMATION_TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } ``` 示例输出: ``` swipeScreen(): dir: 'DOWN' swipeScreen(): pointStart: {187,333} swipeScreen(): pointEnd: {187,657} swipeScreen(): screenSize: {375,667} swipeScreen(): dir: 'UP' swipeScreen(): pointStart: {187,333} swipeScreen(): pointEnd: {187,10} swipeScreen(): screenSize: {375,667} ``` 2. Android设置里开启'显示Taps位置'和'指针位置',在'设置 -> 系统 -> 开发者选项 -> tab输入'显示操作的位置坐标. 3. 手动执行相同的滑屏动作以验证。 ### Android: 'UIScrollable' 滑动(swipe) #### 滑动没有开始: 1. 检查是否有多个滑动视图(scrollViews). 如果有多个,通过instance/resource-id/classname/等方式指定具体的某一个。 2. 检查滑动视图的布局方向,使用'setAsVerticalList'或'setAsHorizontalList'来设置布局方向。 3. 混合使用上述两种方式。 4. 都失败的话,尝试使用简单元素滑动方式。 #### 找不到查找的元素: 1. 查找前添加暂停动作,在此期间手动滑屏让查找的元素出现。暂停后添加代码检查是否可以找到元素。下面的例子使用文本查找方式来演示—— ```java MobileElement element = (MobileElement) driver.findElement(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator( "new UiSelector().text(\"exact_text\")")); // or MobileElement element = (MobileElement) driver.findElement(MobileBy.AndroidUIAutomator( "new UiSelector().textContains(\"part_text\")")); try { System.out.println("Element found: " + !element.getId().isEmpty()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Element found: false"); } ``` ### iOS: 'mobile:scroll', 'mobile:swipe' 滑动(swipe) #### 滑动没有开始: 1. 检查方向,注意'scroll'和'swipe'方法的方向参数不同。 2. 都失败的话,尝试使用简单元素滑动方式。 #### 找不到查找的元素: 1. 尝试使用精准swipe而不是scroll方法 2. 有时当查找的元素只出现一部分的话,tap动作将可能失败。此时,使用简单部分元素滑动(Simple-partial-element)——就像在简单半屏例子种演示的那样——中的策略重试一下。同时执行部分元素滑动(partial element swipe)操作后,再重试一下tap动作。