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### 插件变化(Plugins changes) 1\. 移除Mapper attachments plugin 2.S3 Repository plugin系列变化 一大堆配置,嚼舌,懒得翻译 * The bucket an s3 repository is configured with will no longer be created automatically. It must exist before the s3 repository is created. * Support for specifying s3 credentials through environment variables and system properties has been removed. Use the elasticsearch-keystore tool to securely store the credentials. * Specifying region has been removed. This includes the settings cloud.aws.region, cloud.aws.s3.region, repositories.s3.region, and specifying region inside the repository settings. Instead, specify the full endpoint if a custom s3 location is needed, or rely on the default behavior which automatically locates the region of the configured bucket. * Specifying s3 signer type has been removed, including cloud.aws.signer and cloud.aws.s3.signer. * Global repositories settings have been removed. This includes repositories.s3.bucket, repositories.s3.server_side_encryption, repositories.s3.buffer_size, repositories.s3.max_retries, repositories.s3.use_throttle_retries, repositories.s3.chunk_size, repositories.s3.compress, repositories.s3.storage_class, repositories.s3.canned_acl, repositories.s3.base_path, and repositories.s3.path_style_access. Instead, these settings should be set directly in the settings per repository. See S3 Repository settings. * Shared client settings have been removed. This includes cloud.aws.access_key, cloud.aws.secret_key, cloud.aws.protocol, cloud.aws.proxy.host, cloud.aws.proxy.port, cloud.aws.proxy.username, cloud.aws.proxy.password, cloud.aws.signer, cloud.aws.read_timeout, cloud.aws.s3.access_key, cloud.aws.s3.secret_key, cloud.aws.s3.protocol, cloud.aws.s3.proxy.host, cloud.aws.s3.proxy.port, cloud.aws.s3.proxy.username, cloud.aws.s3.proxy.password, cloud.aws.s3.signer, cloud.aws.s3.read_timeout, repositories.s3.access_key, repositories.s3.secret_key, repositories.s3.endpoint and repositories.s3.protocol. Instead, use the new named client settings under s3.client.CLIENT_NAME.*. * The path_style_access setting has been removed. The repository will use the appropriate path style access based on the configured endpoint. 3\. Azure Repository plugin * The container an azure repository is configured with will no longer be created automatically. It must exist before the azure repository is created. * Global repositories settings you are able to set in elasticsearch config file under `repositories.azure` name space have been removed. This includes `repositories.azure.account`, `repositories.azure.container`,`repositories.azure.base_path`, `repositories.azure.location_mode`, `repositories.azure.chunk_size` and `repositories.azure.compress`. You must set those settings per repository instead. Respectively `account`, `container`, `base_path`,`location_mode`, `chunk_size` and `compress`. See [Azure Repository settings](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/6.0/repository-azure-usage.html#repository-azure-repository-settings). 4\. GCS Repository plugi * the `service_account` setting has been removed. A service account json credential file must now be specified in the [elasticsearch keystore](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/secure-settings.html "Secure Settings"). 5\. EC2 Discovery plugin * Specifying ec2 signer type has been removed, including `cloud.aws.signer` and `cloud.aws.ec2.signer`. * The region setting has been removed. This includes the settings `cloud.aws.region` and `cloud.aws.ec2.region`. Instead, specify the full endpoint. * All `cloud.aws.*` and `cloud.aws.ec2.*` settings have been removed. Use `discovery.ec2.*`settings instead. 6\. 忽略隐藏文件夹 7\. ICU Analysis plugin 升级 8\. 插件不会再通过Settings来构造一个 `Environment`