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1\.A.W.Woolley,J.R.Hackman,T.E.Jerde,C.F.Chabris,S.L.Bennett,and S.M.Kosslyn,“Using Brain-Based Measures to Compose Teams:How Individual Capabilities and Team Collaboration Strategies Jointly Shape Performance,”Social Neuroscience 2(2007):96-105. 2\.These computer-generated shapes were created by Scott Yu,then at Yale University,who was supervised by Michael J.Tarr and Isabel Gauthier,now at Carnegie Mellon University and Vanderbilt Univer-sity,respectively.For more information,see 3\.The new cognitive modes test,presented in the previous chapter,did not exist at the time of this experiment.It characterizes the top-and bottom-brain systems as a whole,not just by the type of mental imagery that arises from each system.Hence,we cannot say with certainty that these people in general relied on Stimulator Mode and Perceiver Mode. 4\.See S.M.Kosslyn,“On the Evolution of Human Motivation:The Role of Social Prosthetic Systems,”in Evolutionary Cognitive Neuroscience,edited by S.M.Platek,T.K.Shackelford,and J.P.Keenan(Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,2006),541-54;and S.M.Kosslyn,“Social Prosthetic Systems and Human Motivation:One Reason Why Cooperation Is Fundamentally Human,”in Evolution,Games and God:The Principle of Cooperation,edited by S.Coakley and M.Nowak(Cambridge,MA:Harvard University Press,2013). 5\.New York Times,August 5,2012. 6\.S.M.Kosslyn,“On the Evolution of Human Motivation:The Role of Social Prosthetic Systems.”