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Bosman,Julie.“Emphasizing Frugal Tastes,Palin Addresses Clothing Issue.”New York Times,October 26,2008. Healy,Patrick,and Michael Luo.“$150,000Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image.”New York Times,October 22,2008. Hoffman,Abbie.The Autobiography of Abbie Hoffman.New York:Four Walls,Eight Windows,1980and 2000. Palin,Sarah.Going Rogue:An American Life.New York:HarperCollins,2009. Zeleny,Jeff,and Michael D.Shear.“Palin Joins Debate on Heated Speech with Words That Stir New Controversy.”New York Times,January 12,2011. A summary of several polls on Sarah Palin and the 2008presidential election is found atwww.pollingreport.com/wh08.htm.