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# Specialized queries(专业查询) 我就是我,颜色不一样的烟火 (本组中含有不适用于他组的查询) 原文链接 : []( 译文链接 : [Specialized queries(专业查询)](/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=10031247) 贡献者 : [赵芳城](/display/~zhaofangcheng) ## [`more_like_this` query]( "More Like This Query")(相似度查询) 这个查询能检索到与指定文本、文档或者文档集合相似的文档。 ## [`template` query]( "Template Query")(模板查询) The `template` query accepts a Mustache template (either inline, indexed, or from a file), and a map of parameters, and combines the two to generate the final query to execute.  模板查询接受一个Mustache模板(内联,索引或从一个文件)和一个参数映射,并组合两个生成要执行的最终查询。 ## [`script` query]( "Script Query") This query allows a script to act as a filter. Also see the [`function_score` query]( "Function Score Query"). ## [`percolate` query]( "Percolate Query") This query finds queries that are stored as documents that match with the specified document.