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RobotMoveAction 的内容: ``` # goal gauss_msgs/RobotMoveCommand cmd --- # result int32 status string message --- # feedback gauss_msgs/RobotState state ``` RobotMoveCommand 的内容: ``` int32 cmd_type float64[] joints geometry_msgs/Point position gauss_msgs/RPY rpy gauss_msgs/ShiftPose shift gauss_msgs/TrajectoryPlan Trajectory geometry_msgs/Pose pose_quat string saved_position_name int32 saved_trajectory_id gauss_msgs/ToolCommand tool_cmd # In the future, allow a tool command to be launched at the same time as an Arm command # 3 choices : arm only, arm + tool, tool only # bool use_tool ``` RobotMoveCommand 的cmd_type: ``` JOINTS = 1 POSE = 2 POSITION = 3 RPY = 4 SHIFT_POSE = 5 TOOL = 6 EXECUTE_TRAJ = 7 POSE_QUAT = 8 SAVED_POSITION =9 SAVED_TRAJECTORY = 10 ``` ToolCommand 的内容: ``` uint8 tool_id uint8 cmd_type # if gripper close uint16 gripper_close_speed # if gripper open uint16 gripper_open_speed # if vacuum pump or electromagnet grove bool activate # if tool is set by digital outputs (electromagnet) uint8 gpio ``` RobotState 的内容: ``` geometry_msgs/Point position gauss_msgs/RPY rpy ```