🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
`gauss_motors.xml`主要用来调试电机通信的。 ``` # List of all required and authorized motors (motors ids) for Gauss V1 (old version) # # (please read carefuly before editing anything) # # You should not need to edit this file, unless # - you want to debug on some detached motors # - you are developing new features # - you really know what you are doing can_required_motors: # Axis 1-4 of Gauss (stepper 1 -> id 1, stepper 2 -> id 2, ...) # Edit only for debug purposes (ex : you want to test some motors separately and detached from the robot) # --> Commented ids will make associated motor disable (and thus not trigger an error if not connected) # Before editing, please be sure that you know what you're doing - 1 # Axis 1 enabled if not commented - 2 # Axis 2 enabled if not commented - 3 # Axis 3 enabled if not commented - 4 # Axis 4 enabled if not commented dxl_required_motors: # axis 5 and 6 of Gauss. # Edit only for debug purposes (ex : you want to test some motors separately and detached from the robot) # --> Commented ids will make associated motor disable (and thus not trigger an error if not connected) # Before editing, please be sure that you know what you're doing # - Note : Axis 5 has 2 motors, but you can use only one motor for this axis when debugging - 4 # -> id of Axis 5_1 - 5 # -> id of Axis 5_2 - 6 # -> id of Axis 6 dxl_authorized_motors: # here include all Dynamixel tools that can possibly be attached to Gauss - 4 # -> id of Axis 5_1 - 5 # -> id of Axis 5_2 - 6 # -> id of Axis 6 - 11 # id of Gripper 1 #- 12 # id of Gripper 2 #- 13 # id of Gripper 3 #- 31 # if of Vacuum Pump 1 ```