# CATiledLayer
能高效绘制在iOS上的图片也有一个大小限制。所有显示在屏幕上的图片最终都会被转化为OpenGL纹理,同时OpenGL有一个最大的纹理尺寸(通常是2048*2048,或4096*4096,这个取决于设备型号)。如果你想在单个纹理中显示一个比这大的图,即便图片已经存在于内存中了,你仍然会遇到很大的性能问题,因为Core Animation强制用CPU处理图片而不是更快的GPU(见第12章『速度的曲调』,和第13章『高效绘图』,它更加详细地解释了软件绘制和硬件绘制)。
## 小片裁剪
清单6.11 演示了一个简单的Mac OS命令行程序,它用`CATiledLayer`将一个图片裁剪成小图并存储到不同的文件中。
清单6.11 裁剪图片成小图的终端程序
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
//handle incorrect arguments
if (argc < 2) {
NSLog(@"TileCutter arguments: inputfile");
return 0;
//input file
NSString *inputFile = [NSString stringWithCString:argv[1] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
//tile size
CGFloat tileSize = 256; //output path
NSString *outputPath = [inputFile stringByDeletingPathExtension];
//load image
NSImage *image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:inputFile];
NSSize size = [image size];
NSArray *representations = [image representations];
if ([representations count]){
NSBitmapImageRep *representation = representations[0];
size.width = [representation pixelsWide];
size.height = [representation pixelsHigh];
NSRect rect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height);
CGImageRef imageRef = [image CGImageForProposedRect:&rect context:NULL hints:nil];
//calculate rows and columns
NSInteger rows = ceil(size.height / tileSize);
NSInteger cols = ceil(size.width / tileSize);
//generate tiles
for (int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < cols; ++x) {
//extract tile image
CGRect tileRect = CGRectMake(x*tileSize, y*tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
CGImageRef tileImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(imageRef, tileRect);
//convert to jpeg data
NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:tileImage];
NSData *data = [imageRep representationUsingType: NSJPEGFileType properties:nil];
//save file
NSString *path = [outputPath stringByAppendingFormat: @"_%02i_%02i.jpg", x, y];
[data writeToFile:path atomically:NO];
return 0;
> path/to/TileCutterApp path/to/Snowman.jpg
The app is very basic, but could easily be extended to support additional arguments such as tile size, or to export images in formats other than JPEG. The result of running it is a sequence of 64 new images, named as follows:
清单6.12 一个简单的滚动`CATiledLayer`实现
#import "ViewController.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIScrollView *scrollView;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
//add the tiled layer
CATiledLayer *tileLayer = [CATiledLayer layer];
tileLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 2048, 2048);
tileLayer.delegate = self; [self.scrollView.layer addSublayer:tileLayer];
//configure the scroll view
self.scrollView.contentSize = tileLayer.frame.size;
//draw layer
[tileLayer setNeedsDisplay];
- (void)drawLayer:(CATiledLayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx
//determine tile coordinate
CGRect bounds = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(ctx);
NSInteger x = floor(bounds.origin.x / layer.tileSize.width);
NSInteger y = floor(bounds.origin.y / layer.tileSize.height);
//load tile image
NSString *imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Snowman_%02i_%02i", x, y];
NSString *imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"jpg"];
UIImage *tileImage = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imagePath];
//draw tile
[tileImage drawInRect:bounds];
图6.12 用`UIScrollView`滚动`CATiledLayer`
当你滑动这个图片,你会发现当`CATiledLayer`载入小图的时候,他们会淡入到界面中。这是`CATiledLayer`的默认行为。(你可能已经在iOS 6之前的苹果地图程序中见过这个效果)你可以用`fadeDuration`属性改变淡入时长或直接禁用掉。`CATiledLayer`(不同于大部分的`UIKit`和Core Animation方法)支持多线程绘制,`-drawLayer:inContext:`方法可以在多个线程中同时地并发调用,所以请小心谨慎地确保你在这个方法中实现的绘制代码是线程安全的。
## Retina小图
tileLayer.contentsScale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
//determine tile coordinate
CGRect bounds = CGContextGetClipBoundingBox(ctx);
CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
NSInteger x = floor(bounds.origin.x / layer.tileSize.width * scale);
NSInteger y = floor(bounds.origin.y / layer.tileSize.height * scale);
- Introduction
- 1. 图层树
- 1.1 图层与视图
- 1.2 图层的能力
- 1.3 使用图层
- 1.4 总结
- 2. 寄宿图
- 2.1 contents属性
- 2.2 Custom Drawing
- 2.3 总结
- 3. 图层几何学
- 3.1 布局
- 3.2 锚点
- 3.3 坐标系
- 3.4 Hit Testing
- 3.5 自动布局
- 3.6 总结
- 4. 视觉效果
- 4.1 圆角
- 4.2 图层边框
- 4.3 阴影
- 4.4 图层蒙板
- 4.5 拉伸过滤
- 4.6 组透明
- 4.7 总结
- 5. 变换
- 5.1 仿射变换
- 5.2 3D变换
- 5.3 固体对象
- 5.4 总结
- 6. 专用图层
- 6.1 CAShapeLayer
- 6.2 CATextLayer
- 6.3 CATransformLayer
- 6.4 CAGradientLayer
- 6.5 CAReplicatorLayer
- 6.6 CAScrollLayer
- 6.7 CATiledLayer
- 6.8 CAEmitterLayer
- 6.9 CAEAGLLayer
- 6.10 AVPlayerLayer
- 6.11 总结
- 7. 隐式动画
- 7.1 事务
- 7.2 完成块
- 7.3 图层行为
- 7.4 呈现与模型
- 7.5 总结
- 8. 显式动画
- 8.1 属性动画
- 8.2 动画组
- 8.3 过渡
- 8.4 在动画过程中取消动画
- 8.5 总结
- 9. 图层时间
- 9.1 CAMediaTiming协议
- 9.2 层级关系时间
- 9.3 手动动画
- 9.4 总结
- 10. 缓冲
- 10.1 动画速度
- 10.2 自定义缓冲函数
- 10.3 总结
- 11. 基于定时器的动画
- 11.1 定时帧
- 11.2 物理模拟
- 12. 性能调优
- 12.1. CPU VS GPU
- 12.2 测量,而不是猜测
- 12.3 Instruments
- 12.4 总结
- 13. 高效绘图
- 13.1 软件绘图
- 13.2 矢量图形
- 13.3 脏矩形
- 13.4 异步绘制
- 13.5 总结
- 14. 图像IO
- 14.1 加载和潜伏
- 14.2 缓存
- 14.3 文件格式
- 14.4 总结
- 15. 图层性能
- 15.1 隐式绘制
- 15.2 离屏渲染
- 15.3 混合和过度绘制
- 15.4 减少图层数量
- 15.5 总结