# 定时帧
在第10章中,我们解决了如何自定义缓冲函数,然后根据需要展示的帧的数组来告诉`CAKeyframeAnimation`的实例如何去绘制。所有的Core Animation实际上都是按照一定的序列来显示这些帧,那么我们可以自己做到这些么?
### `NSTimer`
清单11.1 使用`NSTimer`实现弹性球动画
@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIView *containerView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImageView *ballView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSTimer *timer;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval duration;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval timeOffset;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id fromValue;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id toValue;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
//add ball image view
UIImage *ballImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Ball.png"];
self.ballView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:ballImage];
[self.containerView addSubview:self.ballView];
[self animate];
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
//replay animation on tap
[self animate];
float interpolate(float from, float to, float time)
return (to - from) * time + from;
- (id)interpolateFromValue:(id)fromValue toValue:(id)toValue time:(float)time
if ([fromValue isKindOfClass:[NSValue class]]) {
//get type
const char *type = [(NSValue *)fromValue objCType];
if (strcmp(type, @encode(CGPoint)) == 0) {
CGPoint from = [fromValue CGPointValue];
CGPoint to = [toValue CGPointValue];
CGPoint result = CGPointMake(interpolate(from.x, to.x, time), interpolate(from.y, to.y, time));
return [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:result];
//provide safe default implementation
return (time < 0.5)? fromValue: toValue;
float bounceEaseOut(float t)
if (t < 4/11.0) {
return (121 * t * t)/16.0;
} else if (t < 8/11.0) {
return (363/40.0 * t * t) - (99/10.0 * t) + 17/5.0;
} else if (t < 9/10.0) {
return (4356/361.0 * t * t) - (35442/1805.0 * t) + 16061/1805.0;
return (54/5.0 * t * t) - (513/25.0 * t) + 268/25.0;
- (void)animate
//reset ball to top of screen
self.ballView.center = CGPointMake(150, 32);
//configure the animation
self.duration = 1.0;
self.timeOffset = 0.0;
self.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(150, 32)];
self.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(150, 268)];
//stop the timer if it's already running
[self.timer invalidate];
//start the timer
self.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1/60.0
- (void)step:(NSTimer *)step
//update time offset
self.timeOffset = MIN(self.timeOffset + 1/60.0, self.duration);
//get normalized time offset (in range 0 - 1)
float time = self.timeOffset / self.duration;
//apply easing
time = bounceEaseOut(time);
//interpolate position
id position = [self interpolateFromValue:self.fromValue
//move ball view to new position
self.ballView.center = [position CGPointValue];
//stop the timer if we've reached the end of the animation
if (self.timeOffset >= self.duration) {
[self.timer invalidate];
self.timer = nil;
* 处理触摸事件
* 发送和接受网络数据包
* 执行使用gcd的代码
* 处理计时器行为
* 屏幕重绘
* 我们可以用`CADisplayLink`让更新频率严格控制在每次屏幕刷新之后。
* 基于真实帧的持续时间而不是假设的更新频率来做动画。
* 调整动画计时器的`run loop`模式,这样就不会被别的事件干扰。
### `CADisplayLink`
### 计算帧的持续时间
清单11.2 通过测量没帧持续的时间来使得动画更加平滑
@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIView *containerView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIImageView *ballView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) CADisplayLink *timer;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CFTimeInterval duration;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CFTimeInterval timeOffset;
@property (nonatomic, assign) CFTimeInterval lastStep;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id fromValue;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id toValue;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)animate
//reset ball to top of screen
self.ballView.center = CGPointMake(150, 32);
//configure the animation
self.duration = 1.0;
self.timeOffset = 0.0;
self.fromValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(150, 32)];
self.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(150, 268)];
//stop the timer if it's already running
[self.timer invalidate];
//start the timer
self.lastStep = CACurrentMediaTime();
self.timer = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self
[self.timer addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop]
- (void)step:(CADisplayLink *)timer
//calculate time delta
CFTimeInterval thisStep = CACurrentMediaTime();
CFTimeInterval stepDuration = thisStep - self.lastStep;
self.lastStep = thisStep;
//update time offset
self.timeOffset = MIN(self.timeOffset + stepDuration, self.duration);
//get normalized time offset (in range 0 - 1)
float time = self.timeOffset / self.duration;
//apply easing
time = bounceEaseOut(time);
//interpolate position
id position = [self interpolateFromValue:self.fromValue toValue:self.toValue
//move ball view to new position
self.ballView.center = [position CGPointValue];
//stop the timer if we've reached the end of the animation
if (self.timeOffset >= self.duration) {
[self.timer invalidate];
self.timer = nil;
### Run Loop 模式
注意到当创建`CADisplayLink`的时候,我们需要指定一个`run loop`和`run loop mode`,对于run loop来说,我们就使用了主线程的run loop,因为任何用户界面的更新都需要在主线程执行,但是模式的选择就并不那么清楚了,每个添加到run loop的任务都有一个指定了优先级的模式,为了保证用户界面保持平滑,iOS会提供和用户界面相关任务的优先级,而且当UI很活跃的时候的确会暂停一些别的任务。
一个典型的例子就是当是用`UIScrollview`滑动的时候,重绘滚动视图的内容会比别的任务优先级更高,所以标准的`NSTimer`和网络请求就不会启动,一些常见的run loop模式如下:
* `NSDefaultRunLoopMode` - 标准优先级
* `NSRunLoopCommonModes` - 高优先级
* `UITrackingRunLoopMode` - 用于`UIScrollView`和别的控件的动画
同样可以同时对`CADisplayLink`指定多个run loop模式,于是我们可以同时加入`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`和`UITrackingRunLoopMode`来保证它不会被滑动打断,也不会被其他UIKit控件动画影响性能,像这样:
self.timer = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(step:)];
[self.timer addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[self.timer addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:UITrackingRunLoopMode];
和`CADisplayLink`类似,`NSTimer`同样也可以使用不同的run loop模式配置,通过别的函数,而不是`+scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:`构造器
self.timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:1/60.0
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:self.timer
- Introduction
- 1. 图层树
- 1.1 图层与视图
- 1.2 图层的能力
- 1.3 使用图层
- 1.4 总结
- 2. 寄宿图
- 2.1 contents属性
- 2.2 Custom Drawing
- 2.3 总结
- 3. 图层几何学
- 3.1 布局
- 3.2 锚点
- 3.3 坐标系
- 3.4 Hit Testing
- 3.5 自动布局
- 3.6 总结
- 4. 视觉效果
- 4.1 圆角
- 4.2 图层边框
- 4.3 阴影
- 4.4 图层蒙板
- 4.5 拉伸过滤
- 4.6 组透明
- 4.7 总结
- 5. 变换
- 5.1 仿射变换
- 5.2 3D变换
- 5.3 固体对象
- 5.4 总结
- 6. 专用图层
- 6.1 CAShapeLayer
- 6.2 CATextLayer
- 6.3 CATransformLayer
- 6.4 CAGradientLayer
- 6.5 CAReplicatorLayer
- 6.6 CAScrollLayer
- 6.7 CATiledLayer
- 6.8 CAEmitterLayer
- 6.9 CAEAGLLayer
- 6.10 AVPlayerLayer
- 6.11 总结
- 7. 隐式动画
- 7.1 事务
- 7.2 完成块
- 7.3 图层行为
- 7.4 呈现与模型
- 7.5 总结
- 8. 显式动画
- 8.1 属性动画
- 8.2 动画组
- 8.3 过渡
- 8.4 在动画过程中取消动画
- 8.5 总结
- 9. 图层时间
- 9.1 CAMediaTiming协议
- 9.2 层级关系时间
- 9.3 手动动画
- 9.4 总结
- 10. 缓冲
- 10.1 动画速度
- 10.2 自定义缓冲函数
- 10.3 总结
- 11. 基于定时器的动画
- 11.1 定时帧
- 11.2 物理模拟
- 12. 性能调优
- 12.1. CPU VS GPU
- 12.2 测量,而不是猜测
- 12.3 Instruments
- 12.4 总结
- 13. 高效绘图
- 13.1 软件绘图
- 13.2 矢量图形
- 13.3 脏矩形
- 13.4 异步绘制
- 13.5 总结
- 14. 图像IO
- 14.1 加载和潜伏
- 14.2 缓存
- 14.3 文件格式
- 14.4 总结
- 15. 图层性能
- 15.1 隐式绘制
- 15.2 离屏渲染
- 15.3 混合和过度绘制
- 15.4 减少图层数量
- 15.5 总结