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# 静态(编译期)断言 — static_assert 静态(编译期)断言由一个常量表达式及一个字符串文本构成: ``` static_assert(expression, string); ``` **expression**在编译期进行求值,当结果为false(即:断言失败)时,将**string**作为错误消息输出。例如: ``` static_assert(sizeof(long) >= 8, “64-bit code generation required for this library.”); struct S { X m1; Y m2; }; static_assert(sizeof(S)==sizeof(X)+sizeof(Y), ”unexpected padding in S”); ``` static_assert在判断代码的编译环境方面(译注:比如判断当前编译环境是否64位)十分有用。但需要注意的是,由于static_assert在编译期进行求值,它不能对那些依赖于运行期计算的值的进行检验。例如: ``` int f(int* p, int n) { //错误:表达式“p == 0”不是一个常量表达式 static_assert(p == 0, “p is not null”); } ``` (正确的做法是在运行期进行判断,假如条件不成立则抛出异常) 参考: * the C++ draft 7 [4]. * [N1381==02-0039] Robert Klarer and John Maddock: [Proposal to Add Static Assertions to the Core Language](http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2002/n1381.htm) . * [N1720==04-0160] Robert Klarer, John Maddock, Beman Dawes, Howard Hinnant: [Proposal to Add Static Assertions to the Core Language (Revision 3)](http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2004/n1720.html) . (翻译:张潇,dabaitu)