💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
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The fields of the header are: Field 内容 magic word The four bytes `.snd`. header size Size of the header, including info, in bytes. data size Physical size of the data, in bytes. encoding Indicates how the audio samples are encoded. sample rate The sampling rate. \# of channels The number of channels in the samples. info ASCII string giving a description of the audio file (padded with null bytes). Apart from the info field, all header fields are 4 bytes in size. They are all 32-bit unsigned integers encoded in big-endian byte order. The [`sunau`](#module-sunau "sunau: Provide an interface to the Sun AU sound format.") module defines the following functions: `sunau.``open`(*file*, *mode*)If *file* is a string, open the file by that name, otherwise treat it as a seekable file-like object. *mode* can be any of `'r'`只读模式。 `'w'`只写模式。 Note that it does not allow read/write files. A *mode* of `'r'` returns an `AU_read` object, while a *mode* of `'w'`or `'wb'` returns an `AU_write` object. `sunau.``openfp`(*file*, *mode*)同 [`open()`](#sunau.open "sunau.open"),用于向后兼容。 Deprecated since version 3.7, will be removed in version 3.9. The [`sunau`](#module-sunau "sunau: Provide an interface to the Sun AU sound format.") module defines the following exception: *exception* `sunau.``Error`An error raised when something is impossible because of Sun AU specs or implementation deficiency. The [`sunau`](#module-sunau "sunau: Provide an interface to the Sun AU sound format.") module defines the following data items: `sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_MAGIC`An integer every valid Sun AU file begins with, stored in big-endian form. This is the string `.snd` interpreted as an integer. `sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_MULAW_8``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_8``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_16``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_24``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_LINEAR_32``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ALAW_8`Values of the encoding field from the AU header which are supported by this module. `sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_FLOAT``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_DOUBLE``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G721``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G722``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G723_3``sunau.``AUDIO_FILE_ENCODING_ADPCM_G723_5`Additional known values of the encoding field from the AU header, but which are not supported by this module. ## AU\_read Objects AU\_read objects, as returned by [`open()`](#sunau.open "sunau.open") above, have the following methods: `AU_read.``close`()Close the stream, and make the instance unusable. (This is called automatically on deletion.) `AU_read.``getnchannels`()Returns number of audio channels (1 for mono, 2 for stereo). `AU_read.``getsampwidth`()返回采样字节长度。 `AU_read.``getframerate`()返回采样频率。 `AU_read.``getnframes`()返回音频总帧数。 `AU_read.``getcomptype`()Returns compression type. Supported compression types are `'ULAW'`, `'ALAW'`and `'NONE'`. `AU_read.``getcompname`()Human-readable version of [`getcomptype()`](#sunau.AU_read.getcomptype "sunau.AU_read.getcomptype"). The supported types have the respective names `'CCITT G.711 u-law'`, `'CCITT G.711 A-law'` and ``` 'not compressed' ``` . `AU_read.``getparams`()返回一个 [`namedtuple()`](collections.xhtml#collections.namedtuple "collections.namedtuple")`(nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname)`,与 `get*()` 方法的输出相同。 `AU_read.``readframes`(*n*)Reads and returns at most *n* frames of audio, as a [`bytes`](stdtypes.xhtml#bytes "bytes") object. The data will be returned in linear format. If the original data is in u-LAW format, it will be converted. `AU_read.``rewind`()设置当前文件指针位置。 以下两个方法都使用指针,具体实现由其底层决定。 `AU_read.``setpos`(*pos*)Set the file pointer to the specified position. Only values returned from [`tell()`](#sunau.AU_read.tell "sunau.AU_read.tell") should be used for *pos*. `AU_read.``tell`()Return current file pointer position. Note that the returned value has nothing to do with the actual position in the file. The following two functions are defined for compatibility with the [`aifc`](aifc.xhtml#module-aifc "aifc: Read and write audio files in AIFF or AIFC format."), and don't do anything interesting. `AU_read.``getmarkers`()返回 `None`。 `AU_read.``getmark`(*id*)引发错误异常。 ## AU\_write Objects AU\_write objects, as returned by [`open()`](#sunau.open "sunau.open") above, have the following methods: `AU_write.``setnchannels`(*n*)设置声道数。 `AU_write.``setsampwidth`(*n*)Set the sample width (in bytes.) 在 3.4 版更改: Added support for 24-bit samples. `AU_write.``setframerate`(*n*)Set the frame rate. `AU_write.``setnframes`(*n*)Set the number of frames. This can be later changed, when and if more frames are written. `AU_write.``setcomptype`(*type*, *name*)Set the compression type and description. Only `'NONE'` and `'ULAW'` are supported on output. `AU_write.``setparams`(*tuple*)The *tuple* should be ``` (nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname) ``` , with values valid for the `set*()` methods. Set all parameters. `AU_write.``tell`()Return current position in the file, with the same disclaimer for the [`AU_read.tell()`](#sunau.AU_read.tell "sunau.AU_read.tell") and [`AU_read.setpos()`](#sunau.AU_read.setpos "sunau.AU_read.setpos") methods. `AU_write.``writeframesraw`(*data*)写入音频数据但不更新 *nframes*。 在 3.4 版更改: Any [bytes-like object](../glossary.xhtml#term-bytes-like-object) is now accepted. `AU_write.``writeframes`(*data*)写入音频数据并更新 *nframes*。 在 3.4 版更改: Any [bytes-like object](../glossary.xhtml#term-bytes-like-object) is now accepted. `AU_write.``close`()Make sure *nframes* is correct, and close the file. This method is called upon deletion. Note that it is invalid to set any parameters after calling `writeframes()`or `writeframesraw()`. ### 导航 - [索引](../genindex.xhtml "总目录") - [模块](../py-modindex.xhtml "Python 模块索引") | - [下一页](wave.xhtml "wave --- 读写WAV格式文件") | - [上一页](aifc.xhtml "aifc --- Read and write AIFF and AIFC files") | - ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a721fc7ec672275e257bbbfde49a4d4e_16x16.png) - [Python](https://www.python.org/) » - zh\_CN 3.7.3 [文档](../index.xhtml) » - [Python 标准库](index.xhtml) » - [多媒体服务](mm.xhtml) » - $('.inline-search').show(0); | © [版权所有](../copyright.xhtml) 2001-2019, Python Software Foundation. Python 软件基金会是一个非盈利组织。 [请捐助。](https://www.python.org/psf/donations/) 最后更新于 5月 21, 2019. [发现了问题](../bugs.xhtml)? 使用[Sphinx](http://sphinx.pocoo.org/)1.8.4 创建。