A code block consists of a set of instructions, called statements, that are then interpreted by GameMaker Studio 2 and used to make something happen within your game. That "something" can be as simple as adding 2 and 2 to get 4, or as complex as making an enemy run away when their health gets below a certain value. The actual structure of the program can vary greatly, depending on the functions it uses, but broken down to basics it just looks like this:
Statements should be separated with a ';' symbol to prevent errors with variable declarations and to keep your code clean and tidy, and can consist of variable declarations, expressions and calls to specific functions or scripts. Here is a more visual representation of how a code block can look, this time created as a script in the GameMaker Studio 2 Script Editor:
There are a number of different types of statements and functions, which are discussed at length in subsequent sections of the manual.
- 介绍
- 新手须知
- 版本授权
- 安装
- 更新
- 发布日志
- 所需SDK
- 账号
- 首选项设置
- 拖拽编程
- 扩展编辑器设置
- 基本项设置
- 图片编辑器设置
- 语言设置
- 市场设置
- 对象编辑器设置
- 插件设置
- 资源树设置
- 场景编辑器设置
- 运行库设置
- 样条编辑器设置
- 精灵编辑器设置
- 文本编辑器设置
- 瓷片编辑器设置
- 时间轴设置
- 输入
- 快速上手
- 概览
- 启动页
- 工作区
- 资源树
- 工作流
- 创建精灵
- 创建瓷片集
- 创建音频
- 创建对象
- 创建场景
- 编译
- 调试
- 快捷键
- 菜单
- 文件菜单
- 编辑菜单
- 构建菜单
- 窗口菜单
- 工具菜单
- 市场菜单
- 帮助菜单
- 布局菜单
- 附加信息
- 位运算符和二进制
- 命令行
- 出错信息
- 文件系统
- 导入非位图精灵
- JSDoc使用
- 微型WEB服务端
- 过时函数
- 纹理页
- 使用缓冲区
- 编辑器
- 扩展编辑器
- 字体编辑器
- 图像编辑器
- 内含文件编辑器
- 备注编辑器
- 对象编辑器
- 路径编辑器
- 场景编辑器
- 脚本编辑器
- 着色器编辑器
- 音频编辑器
- 精灵编辑器
- 瓷片集编辑器
- 时间轴编辑器
- 对象可用事件
- 异步事件
- 绘制事件
- 手势事件
- 其它
- 调试管理器
- 设备管理器
- YoYo资源市场
- 输出停靠栏
- 项目图生成器
- 最近使用窗口
- 远程工作
- 混音器
- 版本控制
- 设置项
- 音频组
- 配置项
- 跨平台配置
- 纹理组
- 游戏配置选项
- AmazonFire 配置
- Android配置
- HTML5配置
- iOS配置
- Linux配置
- Mac配置
- Windows配置
- WindowsUWP配置
- 脚本编程
- 拖放编程概览
- 拖放编程功能索引
- GML概览
- 代码
- 数组
- array_create
- array_copy
- array_equals
- array_length_1d
- array_height_2d
- array_length_2d
- 赋值
- 表达式
- 数据存取
- 功能性语法
- 函数
- 脚本
- 注释
- 关键词
- 变量及作用域
- variable_global_exists
- variable_global_get
- variable_global_set
- variable_instance_exists
- variable_instance_get
- variable_instance_get_names
- variable_instance_set
- 寻址变量
- 评估顺序
- 数据类型
- is_array
- is_bool
- is_int32
- is_int64
- is_matrix
- is_ptr
- is_real
- is_string
- is_undefined
- is_vec3
- is_vec4
- 变元计数
- 指针
- 内置变量属性
- async_load
- health
- lives
- score
- GML函数索引
- asset_get_index
- asset_get_type
- Compatibility_Functions
- Asynchronous Functions
- Audio
- Buffers
- Cameras And Display (摄像机和显示)
- Cameras(摄像机)
- camera_apply
- camera_create
- camera_create_view
- camera_destroy
- camera_get_active
- camera_get_begin_script
- camera_get_default
- camera_get_end_script
- camera_get_proj_mat
- camera_get_update_script
- camera_get_view_angle
- camera_get_view_border_x
- camera_get_view_border_y
- camera_get_view_height
- camera_get_view_mat
- camera_get_view_speed_x
- camera_get_view_speed_y
- camera_get_view_target
- camera_get_view_width
- camera_get_view_x
- camera_get_view_y
- camera_set_begin_script
- camera_set_default
- camera_set_end_script
- camera_set_proj_mat
- camera_set_update_script
- camera_set_view_angle
- camera_set_view_border
- camera_set_view_mat
- camera_set_view_pos
- camera_set_view_size
- camera_set_view_speed
- camera_set_view_target
- view_camera
- view_current
- view_enabled
- view_get_camera
- view_get_hport
- view_get_surface_id
- view_get_visible
- view_get_wport
- view_get_xport
- view_get_yport
- view_hport
- view_set_camera
- view_set_hport
- view_set_surface_id
- view_set_visible
- view_set_wport
- view_set_xport
- view_set_yport
- view_surface_id
- view_visible
- view_wport
- view_xport
- view_yport
- The Screen Display
- Controls
- Data_Structures(数据结构)
- ds_exists
- ds_set_precision
- DS Grids
- DS Lists(列表)
- ds_list_create
- ds_list_destroy
- ds_list_clear
- ds_list_empty
- ds_list_size
- ds_list_add
- ds_list_set
- ds_list_delete
- ds_list_find_index
- ds_list_find_value
- ds_list_insert
- ds_list_replace
- ds_list_shuffle
- ds_list_sort
- ds_list_copy
- ds_list_read
- ds_list_write
- ds_list_mark_as_list
- ds_list_mark_as_map
- DS Maps(映射表)
- ds_map_exists
- ds_map_create
- ds_map_add
- ds_map_clear
- ds_map_copy
- ds_map_replace
- ds_map_delete
- ds_map_empty
- ds_map_size
- ds_map_find_first
- ds_map_find_last
- ds_map_find_next
- ds_map_find_previous
- ds_map_find_value
- ds_map_read
- ds_map_write
- ds_map_destroy
- ds_map_secure_save
- ds_map_secure_save_buffer
- ds_map_secure_load
- ds_map_secure_load_buffer
- ds_map_add_list
- ds_map_add_map
- ds_map_replace_list
- ds_map_replace_map
- DS Priority Queues
- DS Queues
- DS Stacks
- Debugging
- Drawing
- draw_enable_drawevent
- draw_flush
- Colour(颜色)
- colour_get_blue
- colour_get_green
- colour_get_hue
- colour_get_red
- colour_get_saturation
- colour_get_value
- draw_clear
- draw_clear_alpha
- draw_get_alpha
- draw_get_colour
- draw_getpixel
- draw_getpixel_ext
- draw_set_alpha
- draw_set_colour
- make_colour_hsv
- make_colour_rgb
- merge_colour
- Forms
- draw_arrow
- draw_button
- draw_circle
- draw_circle_colour
- draw_ellipse
- draw_ellipse_colour
- draw_healthbar
- draw_line
- draw_line_colour
- draw_line_width
- draw_line_width_colour
- draw_path
- draw_point
- draw_point_colour
- draw_rectangle
- draw_rectangle_colour
- draw_roundrect
- draw_roundrect_colour
- draw_roundrect_colour_ext
- draw_roundrect_ext
- draw_set_circle_precision
- draw_triangle
- draw_triangle_colour
- gpu_get_alphatestenable
- gpu_get_alphatestref
- gpu_get_blendenable
- gpu_get_blendmode
- gpu_get_blendmode_dest
- gpu_get_blendmode_destalpha
- gpu_get_blendmode_ext
- gpu_get_blendmode_ext_sepalpha
- gpu_get_blendmode_src
- gpu_get_blendmode_srcalpha
- gpu_get_colorwriteenable
- gpu_get_cullmode
- gpu_get_fog
- gpu_get_state
- gpu_get_texfilter
- gpu_get_texfilter_ext
- gpu_get_texrepeat
- gpu_get_texrepeat_ext
- gpu_get_zfunc
- gpu_get_ztestenable
- gpu_get_zwriteenable
- gpu_pop_state
- gpu_push_state
- gpu_set_alphatestenable
- gpu_set_alphatestref
- gpu_set_blendenable
- gpu_set_blendmode
- gpu_set_blendmode_ext
- gpu_set_blendmode_ext_sepalpha
- gpu_set_colorwriteenable
- gpu_set_cullmode
- gpu_set_fog
- gpu_set_state
- gpu_set_texfilter
- gpu_set_texfilter_ext
- gpu_set_texrepeat
- gpu_set_texrepeat_ext
- gpu_set_zfunc
- gpu_set_ztestenable
- gpu_set_zwriteenable
- Lighting
- draw_get_lighting
- draw_light_define_ambient
- draw_light_define_direction
- draw_light_define_point
- draw_light_enable
- draw_light_get
- draw_light_get_ambient
- draw_set_lighting
- Mipmapping
- gpu_get_tex_max_aniso
- gpu_get_tex_max_aniso_ext
- gpu_get_tex_max_mip
- gpu_get_tex_max_mip_ext
- gpu_get_tex_min_mip
- gpu_get_tex_min_mip_ext
- gpu_get_tex_mip_bias
- gpu_get_tex_mip_bias_ext
- gpu_get_tex_mip_enable
- gpu_get_tex_mip_enable_ext
- gpu_get_tex_mip_filter
- gpu_get_tex_mip_filter_ext
- gpu_set_tex_max_aniso
- gpu_set_tex_max_aniso_ext
- gpu_set_tex_max_mip
- gpu_set_tex_max_mip_ext
- gpu_set_tex_min_mip
- gpu_set_tex_min_mip_ext
- gpu_set_tex_mip_bias
- gpu_set_tex_mip_bias_ext
- gpu_set_tex_mip_enable
- gpu_set_tex_mip_enable_ext
- gpu_set_tex_mip_filter
- gpu_set_tex_mip_filter_ext
- Particles
- Particle Emitters
- part_emitter_burst
- part_emitter_clear
- part_emitter_create
- part_emitter_destroy
- part_emitter_destroy_all
- part_emitter_exists
- part_emitter_region
- part_emitter_stream
- Particle Systems
- part_particles_clear
- part_particles_count
- part_particles_create
- part_particles_create_colour
- part_system_automatic_draw
- part_system_automatic_update
- part_system_clear
- part_system_create
- part_system_create_layer
- part_system_depth
- part_system_destroy
- part_system_draw_order
- part_system_drawit
- part_system_exists
- part_system_get_layer
- part_system_layer
- part_system_position
- part_system_update
- Particle Types
- part_type_alpha1
- part_type_alpha2
- part_type_alpha3
- part_type_blend
- part_type_clear
- part_type_colour_hsv
- part_type_colour_mix
- part_type_colour_rgb
- part_type_colour1
- part_type_colour2
- part_type_colour3
- part_type_create
- part_type_death
- part_type_destroy
- part_type_direction
- part_type_exists
- part_type_gravity
- part_type_life
- part_type_orientation
- part_type_scale
- part_type_shape
- part_type_size
- part_type_speed
- part_type_sprite
- part_type_step
- Simple Effects
- ef_cloud
- ef_ellipse
- ef_explosion
- ef_firework
- ef_flare
- ef_rain
- ef_ring
- ef_smoke
- ef_smokeup
- ef_snow
- ef_spark
- ef_star
- effect_clear
- effect_create_above
- effect_create_below
- Primitives(基本几何体)
- draw_primitve_begin
- draw_primitive_begin_texture
- draw_primitive_end
- draw_vertex
- draw_vertex_colour
- draw_vertex_texture
- draw_vertex_texture_colour
- Primitive Building
- vertex_argb
- vertex_begin
- vertex_colour
- vertex_create_buffer
- vertex_create_buffer_ext
- vertex_create_buffer_from_buffer
- vertex_create_buffer_from_buffer_ext
- vertex_delete_buffer
- vertex_end
- vertex_float1
- vertex_float2
- vertex_float3
- vertex_float4
- vertex_freeze
- vertex_get_buffer_size
- vertex_get_number
- vertex_normal
- vertex_position
- vertex_position_3d
- vertex_submit
- vertex_texcoord
- vertex_ubyte4
- Vertex Formats
- vertex_format_add_colour
- vertex_format_add_custom
- vertex_format_add_normal
- vertex_format_add_position
- vertex_format_add_position_3d
- vertex_format_add_textcoord
- vertex_format_begin
- vertex_format_delete
- vertex_format_end
- Sprites_and_Tiles
- draw_enable_swf_aa
- draw_get_swf_aa_level
- draw_self
- draw_set_swf_aa_level
- draw_skeleton
- draw_skeleton_collision
- draw_skeleton_instance
- draw_skeleton_time
- draw_sprite
- draw_sprite_ext
- draw_sprite_general
- draw_sprite_part
- draw_sprite_part_ext
- draw_sprite_pos
- draw_sprite_stretched
- draw_sprite_stretched_ext
- draw_sprite_tiled
- draw_sprite_tiled_ext
- draw_tile
- draw_tilemap
- Surfaces
- application_get_position
- application_surface
- application_surface_draw_enable
- application_surface_enable
- application_surface_is_enabled
- draw_surface
- draw_surface_ext
- draw_surface_general
- draw_surface_part
- draw_surface_part_ext
- draw_surface_stretched
- draw_surface_stretched_ext
- draw_surface_tiled
- draw_surface_tiled_ext
- surface_copy
- surface_copy_part
- surface_create
- surface_create_ext
- surface_exists
- surface_free
- surface_get_height
- surface_get_texture
- surface_get_width
- surface_getpixel
- surface_getpixel_ext
- surface_reset_target
- surface_resize
- surface_save
- surface_save_part
- surface_set_target
- surface_set_target_ext
- The Application Surface
- Text
- draw_highscore
- draw_set_font
- draw_set_halign
- draw_set_valign
- draw_text
- draw_text_colour
- draw_text_ext
- draw_text_ext_colour
- draw_text_ext_transformed
- draw_text_ext_transformed_colour
- draw_text_transformed
- draw_text_transformed_colour
- Textures
- draw_texture_flush
- texture_get_height
- texture_get_texel_height
- texture_get_texel_width
- texture_get_uvs
- texture_get_width
- texture_global_scale
- texture_set_stage
- File Handing
- Fonts
- Game
- In App Purchases
- Instances
- 数学运算(Maths)
- Date and Time
- 数字方法(Number Functions)
- Vector Functions
- Matrices
- Miscellaneous
- Movement and Collisions
- Networking
- Objects
- Paths
- Physics
- 场景(Rooms)
- 常规的场景函数及变量(General Room Functions And Varibales)
- 常规图层函数(General Layer Functions)
- 瓷片函数(TIlemap Tile Functions)
- 背景图层(Backgrounds)
- 精灵图层(Sprites)
- Scirpts
- Shaders
- Sprites
- Steam API
- Strings
- Timelines
- Web
- XBox_Live
- 翻译名词对照表