💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
golang中sync包实现了两种锁Mutex (互斥锁)和RWMutex(读写锁),其中RWMutex是基于Mutex实现的,只读锁的实现使用类似引用计数器的功能。 1、互斥锁 (用于基本上全是写入操作的应用) ~~~ type Mutex func (m *Mutex) Lock() func (m *Mutex) Unlock() ~~~ go mutex是互斥锁,只有Lock和Unlock两个方法,在这两个方法之间的代码不能被多个goroutins同时调用到。 其中Mutex为互斥锁,Lock()加锁,Unlock()解锁,使用Lock()加锁后,便不能再次对其进行加锁,直到利用Unlock()解锁对其解锁后,才能再次加锁.适用于读写不确定场景,即读写次数没有明显的区别,并且只允许只有一个读或者写的场景,所以该锁叶叫做全局锁。 func (m *Mutex) Unlock()用于解锁m,如果在使用Unlock()前未加锁,就会引起一个运行错误.已经锁定的Mutex并不与特定的goroutine相关联,这样可以利用一个goroutine对其加锁,再利用其他goroutine对其解锁。 互斥锁只能锁定一次,当在解锁之前再次进行加锁,便会死锁状态,如果在加锁前解锁,便会报错“panic: sync: unlock of unlocked mutex” 同一时刻只有一个携程在操作: ~~~ package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var ( m = make(map[int]uint64) lock sync.Mutex //互斥锁 ) type task struct { n int } func calc(t *task) { var sum uint64 sum = 1 for i := 1; i < t.n; i++ { sum *= uint64(i) } fmt.Println(t.n, sum) // lock.Lock() m[t.n] = sum // lock.Unlock() } func main() { for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { t := &task{n: i} go calc(t) } time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) // lock.Lock() for k, v := range m { fmt.Printf("%d! = %v\n", k, v) } // lock.Unlock() } ~~~ 输出结果:(偶尔也会正常执行,多执行几次) ~~~ 1 1 2 1 7 720 fatal error: concurrent map writes fatal error: concurrent map writes goroutine 7 [running]: runtime.throw(0x10c80e7, 0x15) ~~~ ~~~ package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) var ( m = make(map[int]uint64) lock sync.Mutex ) type task struct { n int } func calc(t *task) { var sum uint64 sum = 1 for i := 1; i < t.n; i++ { sum *= uint64(i) } fmt.Println(t.n, sum) lock.Lock() m[t.n] = sum lock.Unlock() } func main() { for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { t := &task{n: i} go calc(t) } time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) lock.Lock() for k, v := range m { fmt.Printf("%d! = %v\n", k, v) } lock.Unlock() } ~~~ 输出结果: ~~~ 4 6 3 2 10 362880 5 24 2 1 8 5040 1 1 9 40320 0 1 6 120 13 479001600 14 6227020800 7 720 15 87178291200 12 39916800 11 3628800 2! = 1 6! = 120 15! = 87178291200 3! = 2 10! = 362880 1! = 1 4! = 6 8! = 5040 14! = 6227020800 11! = 3628800 9! = 40320 0! = 1 7! = 720 12! = 39916800 5! = 24 13! = 479001600 ~~~ 建议:同一个互斥锁的成对锁定和解锁操作放在同一层次的代码块中。 ~~~ package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) func main(){ //声明 var mutex sync.Mutex fmt.Println("Lock the lock. (G0)") //加锁mutex mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("The lock is locked.(G0)") for i := 1; i < 4; i++ { go func(i int) { fmt.Printf("Lock the lock.(G%d)\r\n", i) mutex.Lock() fmt.Printf("The lock is locked.(G%d)\r\n", i) }(i) } time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("Unlock the lock. (G0)") //解锁mutex mutex.Unlock() fmt.Println("The lock is unlocked. (G0)") time.Sleep(time.Second) } ~~~ 输出结果: ~~~ Lock the lock. (G0) The lock is locked.(G0) Lock the lock.(G3) Lock the lock.(G2) Lock the lock.(G1) Unlock the lock. (G0) The lock is unlocked. (G0) The lock is locked.(G3) ~~~