# 8.4 扫描标记与标记辅助
func gcBgMarkWorker(_p_ *p) {
gp := getg()
type parkInfo struct {
m muintptr // Release this m on park.
attach puintptr // If non-nil, attach to this p on park.
// We pass park to a gopark unlock function, so it can't be on
// the stack (see gopark). Prevent deadlock from recursively
// starting GC by disabling preemption.
gp.m.preemptoff = "GC worker init"
park := new(parkInfo)
gp.m.preemptoff = ""
// Inform gcBgMarkStartWorkers that this worker is ready.
// After this point, the background mark worker is scheduled
// cooperatively by gcController.findRunnable. Hence, it must
// never be preempted, as this would put it into _Grunnable
// and put it on a run queue. Instead, when the preempt flag
// is set, this puts itself into _Gwaiting to be woken up by
// gcController.findRunnable at the appropriate time.
for {
// Go to sleep until woken by gcController.findRunnable.
// We can't releasem yet since even the call to gopark
// may be preempted.
gopark(func(g *g, parkp unsafe.Pointer) bool {
park := (*parkInfo)(parkp)
// The worker G is no longer running, so it's
// now safe to allow preemption.
// If the worker isn't attached to its P,
// attach now. During initialization and after
// a phase change, the worker may have been
// running on a different P. As soon as we
// attach, the owner P may schedule the
// worker, so this must be done after the G is
// stopped.
if park.attach != 0 {
p := park.attach.ptr()
// cas the worker because we may be
// racing with a new worker starting
// on this P.
if !p.gcBgMarkWorker.cas(0, guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(g))) {
// The P got a new worker.
// Exit this worker.
return false
return true
}, unsafe.Pointer(park), waitReasonGCWorkerIdle, traceEvGoBlock, 0)
// Loop until the P dies and disassociates this
// worker (the P may later be reused, in which case
// it will get a new worker) or we failed to associate.
if _p_.gcBgMarkWorker.ptr() != gp {
// Disable preemption so we can use the gcw. If the
// scheduler wants to preempt us, we'll stop draining,
// dispose the gcw, and then preempt.
startTime := nanotime()
_p_.gcMarkWorkerStartTime = startTime
decnwait := atomic.Xadd(&work.nwait, -1)
systemstack(func() {
// Mark our goroutine preemptible so its stack
// can be scanned. This lets two mark workers
// scan each other (otherwise, they would
// deadlock). We must not modify anything on
// the G stack. However, stack shrinking is
// disabled for mark workers, so it is safe to
// read from the G stack.
casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gwaiting)
switch _p_.gcMarkWorkerMode {
case gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode:
gcDrain(&_p_.gcw, gcDrainUntilPreempt|gcDrainFlushBgCredit)
if gp.preempt {
// We were preempted. This is
// a useful signal to kick
// everything out of the run
// queue so it can run
// somewhere else.
for {
gp, _ := runqget(_p_)
if gp == nil {
// Go back to draining, this time
// without preemption.
gcDrain(&_p_.gcw, gcDrainFlushBgCredit)
case gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode:
gcDrain(&_p_.gcw, gcDrainFractional|gcDrainUntilPreempt|gcDrainFlushBgCredit)
case gcMarkWorkerIdleMode:
gcDrain(&_p_.gcw, gcDrainIdle|gcDrainUntilPreempt|gcDrainFlushBgCredit)
casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunning)
// Account for time.
duration := nanotime() - startTime
switch _p_.gcMarkWorkerMode {
case gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode:
atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.dedicatedMarkTime, duration)
atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded, 1)
case gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode:
atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.fractionalMarkTime, duration)
atomic.Xaddint64(&_p_.gcFractionalMarkTime, duration)
case gcMarkWorkerIdleMode:
atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.idleMarkTime, duration)
// Was this the last worker and did we run out
// of work?
incnwait := atomic.Xadd(&work.nwait, +1)
if incnwait > work.nproc {
// If this worker reached a background mark completion
// point, signal the main GC goroutine.
if incnwait == work.nproc && !gcMarkWorkAvailable(nil) {
// Make this G preemptible and disassociate it
// as the worker for this P so
// findRunnableGCWorker doesn't try to
// schedule it.
// Disable preemption and prepare to reattach
// to the P.
// We may be running on a different P at this
// point, so we can't reattach until this G is
// parked.
- 第一部分 :基础篇
- 第1章 Go语言的前世今生
- 1.2 Go语言综述
- 1.3 顺序进程通讯
- 1.4 Plan9汇编语言
- 第2章 程序生命周期
- 2.1 从go命令谈起
- 2.2 Go程序编译流程
- 2.3 Go 程序启动引导
- 2.4 主Goroutine的生与死
- 第3 章 语言核心
- 3.1 数组.切片与字符串
- 3.2 散列表
- 3.3 函数调用
- 3.4 延迟语句
- 3.5 恐慌与恢复内建函数
- 3.6 通信原语
- 3.7 接口
- 3.8 运行时类型系统
- 3.9 类型别名
- 3.10 进一步阅读的参考文献
- 第4章 错误
- 4.1 问题的演化
- 4.2 错误值检查
- 4.3 错误格式与上下文
- 4.4 错误语义
- 4.5 错误处理的未来
- 4.6 进一步阅读的参考文献
- 第5章 同步模式
- 5.1 共享内存式同步模式
- 5.2 互斥锁
- 5.3 原子操作
- 5.4 条件变量
- 5.5 同步组
- 5.6 缓存池
- 5.7 并发安全散列表
- 5.8 上下文
- 5.9 内存一致模型
- 5.10 进一步阅读的文献参考
- 第二部分 运行时篇
- 第6章 并发调度
- 6.1 随机调度的基本概念
- 6.2 工作窃取式调度
- 6.3 MPG模型与并发调度单
- 6.4 调度循环
- 6.5 线程管理
- 6.6 信号处理机制
- 6.7 执行栈管理
- 6.8 协作与抢占
- 6.9 系统监控
- 6.10 网络轮询器
- 6.11 计时器
- 6.12 非均匀访存下的调度模型
- 6.13 进一步阅读的参考文献
- 第7章 内存分配
- 7.1 设计原则
- 7.2 组件
- 7.3 初始化
- 7.4 大对象分配
- 7.5 小对象分配
- 7.6 微对象分配
- 7.7 页分配器
- 7.8 内存统计
- 第8章 垃圾回收
- 8.1 垃圾回收的基本想法
- 8.2 写屏幕技术
- 8.3 调步模型与强弱触发边界
- 8.4 扫描标记与标记辅助
- 8.5 免清扫式位图技术
- 8.6 前进保障与终止检测
- 8.7 安全点分析
- 8.8 分代假设与代际回收
- 8.9 请求假设与实务制导回收
- 8.10 终结器
- 8.11 过去,现在与未来
- 8.12 垃圾回收统一理论
- 8.13 进一步阅读的参考文献
- 第三部分 工具链篇
- 第9章 代码分析
- 9.1 死锁检测
- 9.2 竞争检测
- 9.3 性能追踪
- 9.4 代码测试
- 9.5 基准测试
- 9.6 运行时统计量
- 9.7 语言服务协议
- 第10章 依赖管理
- 10.1 依赖管理的难点
- 10.2 语义化版本管理
- 10.3 最小版本选择算法
- 10.4 Vgo 与dep之争
- 第12章 泛型
- 12.1 泛型设计的演进
- 12.2 基于合约的泛型
- 12.3 类型检查技术
- 12.4 泛型的未来
- 12.5 进一步阅读的的参考文献
- 第13章 编译技术
- 13.1 词法与文法
- 13.2 中间表示
- 13.3 优化器
- 13.4 指针检查器
- 13.5 逃逸分析
- 13.6 自举
- 13.7 链接器
- 13.8 汇编器
- 13.9 调用规约
- 13.10 cgo与系统调用
- 结束语: Go去向何方?