### 数据表名称:**users**
### 基本命令
show databases; -- 查询数据库
use mynode;
show tables; -- 数据表
### 插入数据
insert into users(username,realname,`password`,createtime,state,age,sex) values('zhangsan','张三2','224455',1625624088234,1,23,'男'); -- 插入数据
### 查询
select * from users; -- users表全部查询
select age from users; -- users表某列查询
select * from users where state <> 0; -- 不等于0
select * from users where age > 20; -- 大于20
select * from users where age between 21 and 22; -- 查询21-22之间
select * from users where userid in (1,3,5); -- 查询指定userid集合
select * from users where userid not in (2,3); -- 查询非2,3的userid集合
select * from users where username='zhangsan'; -- 查询名称为zhangsan
select * from users where username like '%zhang%'; -- 模糊查询
select * from users where username like '%zhang%' order by userid desc; -- 模糊查询,且根据userid倒叙
select * from users order by age desc limit 3; -- 倒叙前三行记录
select * from users where username='zhangsan' and realname='张三'; -- 同时成立
select * from users where username='zhangsan' or realname='张三'; -- 某个成立即可
select count(*) from users where age=22; -- 统计age=22的数量
select state,count(*) from users group by state; -- 分组,统计
select * from users limit 0,2; -- 查询下标0,查询两行,分页
### 更新
SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; -- 执行更新操作,如果更新失败,需要执行本命令
update users set sex = '男',state=1 where age = 22; -- 更新
### 删除
删除技术`delete from users`比较危险;可以采取**软删除**,如添加特殊字段`state=0`则表示改数据为无效,进行查询时过滤掉`state=0`的数据。
delete from users where username='zhangsan'; -- 删除
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