企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
这是通过扫描游戏内环境找到的所有小部件API函数的列表。您可能还对各种小部件处理程序([Widget Handlers]( "Widget Handlers"))感兴趣 [Interface_customization]( [![World of Warcraft Programming Site Logo](]( "World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons") * [Store]( * [About]( * [Utils]( * [Snippets]( * [Forums]( * [Chapters]( * [Reference]( * [Home]( * [Alpha]( * [Animation]( * [AnimationGroup]( * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame]( * [Browser]( * [Button]( * [CheckButton]( * [ColorSelect]( * [ControlPoint]( * [Cooldown]( * [DressUpModel]( * [EditBox]( * [Font]( * [FontInstance]( * [FontString]( * [Frame]( * [GameTooltip]( * [LayeredRegion]( * [MessageFrame]( * [Minimap]( * [MovieFrame]( * [ParentedObject]( * [Path]( * [PlayerModel]( * [QuestPOIFrame]( * [Region]( * [Rotation]( * [Scale]( * [ScenarioPOIFrame]( * [ScriptObject]( * [ScrollFrame]( * [ScrollingMessageFrame]( * [SimpleHTML]( * [Slider]( * [StatusBar]( * [TabardModel]( * [Texture]( * [Translation]( * [UIObject]( * [VisibleRegion]( []( []( []( []( ### [Alpha]( * Alpha:GetFromAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Alpha:GetToAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Alpha:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Alpha:SetFromAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Alpha:SetToAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Alpha:Stop()](\- Stops the animation ### [Animation]( * Animation:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isType = Animation:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [paused = Animation:IsPaused()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently paused * [playing = Animation:IsPlaying()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently playing * [stopped = Animation:IsStopped()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently stopped * [Animation:Pause()](\- Pauses the animation * [Animation:Play()](\- Plays the animation * [Animation:SetChildKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its host frame * [Animation:SetDuration(duration)](\- Sets the time for the animation to progress from start to finish * [Animation:SetEndDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay after finishing * [Animation:SetOrder(order)](\- Sets the order for the animation to play within its parent group * [Animation:SetParent(animGroup) or Animation:SetParent("animGroupName")](\- Sets the parent for the animation * [Animation:SetScript("scriptType", handler)](\- Sets the widget's handler function for a script * [Animation:SetSmoothProgress()](\-*This function is not yet documented* * [Animation:SetSmoothing("smoothType")](\- Sets the smoothing type for the animation * [Animation:SetStartDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins * [Animation:SetTarget(region)](\- Sets the region affected by this animation * [Animation:SetTargetKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its target * [Animation:Stop()](\- Stops the animation ### [AnimationGroup]( * AnimationGroup:GetIgnoreFramerateThrottle() -*This function is not yet documented* * AnimationGroup:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * AnimationGroup:IsSetToFinalAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * AnimationGroup:SetIgnoreFramerateThrottle() -*This function is not yet documented* * AnimationGroup:SetToFinalAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * [AnimationGroup:Stop()](\- Stops animation of the group ### [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame]( * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:DrawAll() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:EnableMerging() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:EnableSmoothing() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetBorderAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetBorderScalar() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetBorderTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetFillAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetFillTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetMergeThreshold() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### Browser * Browser:ClearCache() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:ClearFocus() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:CopyExternalLink() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:DeleteCookies() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:HasConnection() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:NavigateBack() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:NavigateForward() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:NavigateHome() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:NavigateReload() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:NavigateStop() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:OpenExternalLink() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:OpenTicket() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:SetFocus() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * Browser:SetZoom() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Browser:Show()](\- Shows the region * [Browser:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [Browser:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [Browser:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [Browser:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [Browser:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [Browser:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [Button]( * Button:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Button:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Button:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * Button:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * Button:SetEnabled() -*This function is not yet documented* * Button:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Button:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Button:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [Button:SetText("text")](\- Sets the text displayed as the button's label * [Button:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [Button:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [Button:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [Button:Show()](\- Shows the region * [Button:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [Button:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [Button:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [Button:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [Button:UnlockHighlight()](\- Unlocks the button's highlight state * [Button:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [Button:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [CheckButton]( * CheckButton:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * CheckButton:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * CheckButton:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * CheckButton:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * CheckButton:SetEnabled() -*This function is not yet documented* * CheckButton:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * CheckButton:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [CheckButton:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [CheckButton:SetText("text")](\- Sets the text displayed as the button's label * [CheckButton:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [CheckButton:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [CheckButton:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [CheckButton:Show()](\- Shows the region * [CheckButton:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [CheckButton:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [CheckButton:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [CheckButton:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [CheckButton:UnlockHighlight()](\- Unlocks the button's highlight state * [CheckButton:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [CheckButton:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [ColorSelect]( * ColorSelect:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ColorSelect:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * ColorSelect:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * ColorSelect:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * ColorSelect:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ColorSelect:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [ColorSelect:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [ColorSelect:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [ColorSelect:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [ColorSelect:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [ColorSelect:Show()](\- Shows the region * [ColorSelect:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [ColorSelect:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [ColorSelect:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [ColorSelect:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [ColorSelect:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [ColorSelect:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [ControlPoint]( * ControlPoint:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isType = ControlPoint:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [ControlPoint:SetOffset(x, y)](\- Sets the offset for the control point * [ControlPoint:SetOrder(order)](\- Sets the order of the control point in a path animation * [ControlPoint:SetParent(\[path \[, order\]\]) or ControlPoint:SetParent(\["path" \[, order\]\])](\- Sets a new path animation parent for a control point ### [Cooldown]( * Cooldown:GetDrawBling() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:GetDrawSwipe() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetBlingTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetCooldownDuration() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetCooldownUNIX() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetDrawBling() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetDrawSwipe() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetEdgeTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetSwipeColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * Cooldown:SetSwipeTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Cooldown:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [Cooldown:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [Cooldown:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [Cooldown:Show()](\- Shows the region * [Cooldown:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [Cooldown:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [Cooldown:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [Cooldown:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [Cooldown:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [Cooldown:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [DressUpModel]( * DressUpModel:AdvanceTime() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:ClearFog() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:ClearModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetCameraDistance() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetCameraFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetCameraPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetCameraTarget() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetDoBlend() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetFogColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetFogFar() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetFogNear() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetLight() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetModelScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:GetWorldScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:HasCustomCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:RefreshCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:ReplaceIconTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetAnimation() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCamDistanceScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCameraDistance() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCameraFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCameraPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCameraTarget() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetCustomCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetDisplayInfo() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetDoBlend() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetFogColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetFogFar() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetFogNear() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetGlow() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetLight() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetModelScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetPortraitZoom() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetSequence() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetSequenceTime() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * DressUpModel:UndressSlot() -*This function is not yet documented* * [DressUpModel:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [DressUpModel:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [EditBox]( * EditBox:ClearHistory() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:Disable() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:Enable() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:IsCountInvisibleLetters() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:IsEnabled() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:SetCountInvisibleLetters() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:SetEnabled() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * EditBox:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [EditBox:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [EditBox:SetSpacing(spacing)](\- Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [EditBox:SetText("text")](\- Sets the edit box's text contents * [EditBox:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the font instance's default text color * [EditBox:SetTextInsets(left, right, top, bottom)](\- Sets the insets from the edit box's edges which determine its interactive text area * [EditBox:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [EditBox:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [EditBox:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [EditBox:Show()](\- Shows the region * [EditBox:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [EditBox:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [EditBox:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [EditBox:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [EditBox:ToggleInputLanguage()](\- Switches the edit box's language input mode * [EditBox:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [EditBox:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [Font]( * Font:GetIndentedWordWrap() -*This function is not yet documented* * Font:SetIndentedWordWrap() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Font:SetJustifyH("justify")](\- Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style * [Font:SetJustifyV("justify")](\- Sets the font instance's vertical text alignment style * [Font:SetShadowColor(shadowR, shadowG, shadowB, shadowAlpha)](\- Sets the color of the font's text shadow * [Font:SetShadowOffset(xOffset, yOffset)](\- Sets the offset of the font instance's text shadow from its text * [Font:SetSpacing(spacing)](\- Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [Font:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the font instance's default text color ### [FontInstance]( * [filename, fontHeight, flags = FontInstance:GetFont()](\- Returns the font instance's basic font properties * [font = FontInstance:GetFontObject()](\- Returns the `Font` object from which the font instance's properties are inherited * [justify = FontInstance:GetJustifyH()](\- Returns the font instance's horizontal text alignment style * [justify = FontInstance:GetJustifyV()](\- Returns the font instance's vertical text alignment style * [name = FontInstance:GetName()](\- Returns the widget object's name * [type = FontInstance:GetObjectType()](\- Returns the object's widget type * [shadowR, shadowG, shadowB, shadowAlpha = FontInstance:GetShadowColor()](\- Returns the color of the font's text shadow * [xOffset, yOffset = FontInstance:GetShadowOffset()](\- Returns the offset of the font instance's text shadow from its text * [spacing = FontInstance:GetSpacing()](\- Returns the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [textR, textG, textB, textAlpha = FontInstance:GetTextColor()](\- Returns the font instance's default text color * [isType = FontInstance:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [isValid = FontInstance:SetFont("filename", fontHeight, "flags")](\- Sets the font instance's basic font properties * [FontInstance:SetFontObject(object) or FontInstance:SetFontObject("name")](\- Sets the `Font` object from which the font instance's properties are inherited * [FontInstance:SetJustifyH("justify")](\- Sets the font instance's horizontal text alignment style * [FontInstance:SetJustifyV("justify")](\- Sets the font instance's vertical text alignment style * [FontInstance:SetShadowColor(shadowR, shadowG, shadowB, shadowAlpha)](\- Sets the color of the font's text shadow * [FontInstance:SetShadowOffset(xOffset, yOffset)](\- Sets the offset of the font instance's text shadow from its text * [FontInstance:SetSpacing(spacing)](\- Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [FontInstance:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the font instance's default text color ### [FontString]( * FontString:GetFieldSize() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:GetIndentedWordWrap() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:GetMaxLines() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:GetNumLines() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:GetWrappedWidth() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:SetIndentedWordWrap() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:SetMaxLines() -*This function is not yet documented* * FontString:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [FontString:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [FontString:SetSpacing(spacing)](\- Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [FontString:SetText("text")](\- Sets the text to be displayed in the font string * [FontString:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the font instance's default text color * [FontString:SetTextHeight(height)](\- Scales the font string's rendered text to a different height * [FontString:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue \[, alpha\])](\- Sets a color shading for the region's graphics * [FontString:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [FontString:SetWordWrap(enable)](\- Sets whether long lines of text in the font string can wrap onto subsequent lines * [FontString:Show()](\- Shows the region * [FontString:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children ### [Frame]( * Frame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Frame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Frame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * Frame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * Frame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Frame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Frame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [Frame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [Frame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [Frame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [Frame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [Frame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [Frame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [Frame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [Frame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [Frame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [Frame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [GameTooltip]( * GameTooltip:AddSpellByID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:AdvanceSecondaryCompareItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:ResetSecondaryCompareItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetAchievementByID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetCompareItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetCurrencyTokenByID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetGlyphByID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetInstanceLockEncountersComplete() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetInventoryItemByID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetItemByID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetLFGCompletionReward() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetLFGDungeonReward() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetLFGDungeonShortageReward() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetLootCurrency() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetMissingLootItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetMountBySpellID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetQuestCurrency() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetQuestLogCurrency() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetSpellBookItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetToyByItemID() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetTransmogrifyItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetUnitConsolidatedBuff() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetUpgradeItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetVoidDepositItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetVoidItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * GameTooltip:SetVoidWithdrawalItem() -*This function is not yet documented* * [GameTooltip:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [GameTooltip:Show()](\- Shows the region * [GameTooltip:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [GameTooltip:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [GameTooltip:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [GameTooltip:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [GameTooltip:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [GameTooltip:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [LayeredRegion]( * LayeredRegion:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isOver = LayeredRegion:IsMouseOver(\[topOffset \[, leftOffset \[, bottomOffset \[, rightOffset\]\]\]\])](\- Returns whether the mouse cursor is over the given region * [isType = LayeredRegion:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [isProtected, explicit = LayeredRegion:IsProtected()](\- Returns whether the region is protected * [shown = LayeredRegion:IsShown()](\- Returns whether the region is shown * [visible = LayeredRegion:IsVisible()](\- Returns whether the region is visible * [LayeredRegion:SetAllPoints(\[region\]) or LayeredRegion:SetAllPoints(\["name"\])](\- Sets all anchor points of the region to match those of another region * [LayeredRegion:SetAlpha(alpha)](\- Sets the opacity of the region relative to its parent * [LayeredRegion:SetDrawLayer("layer", sublayer)](\- Sets the layer at which the region's graphics are drawn relative to others in its frame * [LayeredRegion:SetHeight(height)](\- Sets the region's height * [LayeredRegion:SetParent(frame) or LayeredRegion:SetParent("name")](\- Makes another frame the parent of this region * [LayeredRegion:SetPoint("point" \[, relativeTo \[, "relativePoint" \[, xOffset \[, yOffset\]\]\]\])](\- Sets an anchor point for the region * [LayeredRegion:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [LayeredRegion:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue \[, alpha\])](\- Sets a color shading for the region's graphics * [LayeredRegion:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [LayeredRegion:Show()](\- Shows the region * [LayeredRegion:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children ### [MessageFrame]( * MessageFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * MessageFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * MessageFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * MessageFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * MessageFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * MessageFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [MessageFrame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [MessageFrame:SetSpacing(spacing)](\- Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [MessageFrame:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the font instance's default text color * [MessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(time)](\- Sets the amount of time for which a message remains visible before beginning to fade out * [MessageFrame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [MessageFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [MessageFrame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [MessageFrame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [MessageFrame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [MessageFrame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [MessageFrame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [MessageFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [MessageFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [MessageFrame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [Minimap]( * Minimap:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobInsideAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobInsideTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobOutsideAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobOutsideTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobRingAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobRingScalar() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetArchBlobRingTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobInsideAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobInsideTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobOutsideAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobOutsideSelectedTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobOutsideTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobRingAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobRingScalar() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetQuestBlobRingTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * Minimap:UpdateBlips() -*This function is not yet documented* ### [MovieFrame]( * MovieFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * MovieFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * MovieFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * MovieFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * MovieFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * MovieFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [MovieFrame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [MovieFrame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [MovieFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [MovieFrame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [MovieFrame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [enabled = MovieFrame:StartMovie("filename", volume)](\- Plays a specified movie in the frame * [MovieFrame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [MovieFrame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [MovieFrame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [MovieFrame:StopMovie()](\- Stops the movie currently playing in the frame * [MovieFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [MovieFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [MovieFrame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [ParentedObject]( * [name = ParentedObject:GetName()](\- Returns the widget object's name * [type = ParentedObject:GetObjectType()](\- Returns the object's widget type * [parent = ParentedObject:GetParent()](\- Returns the object's parent object * [isType = ParentedObject:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type ### [Path]( * Path:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isType = Path:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [paused = Path:IsPaused()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently paused * [playing = Path:IsPlaying()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently playing * [stopped = Path:IsStopped()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently stopped * [Path:Pause()](\- Pauses the animation * [Path:Play()](\- Plays the animation * [Path:SetChildKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its host frame * [Path:SetCurve("curveType")](\- Sets the curve type for the path animation * [Path:SetDuration(duration)](\- Sets the time for the animation to progress from start to finish * [Path:SetEndDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay after finishing * [Path:SetOrder(order)](\- Sets the order for the animation to play within its parent group * [Path:SetParent(animGroup) or Path:SetParent("animGroupName")](\- Sets the parent for the animation * [Path:SetScript("scriptType", handler)](\- Sets the widget's handler function for a script * [Path:SetSmoothProgress()](\-*This function is not yet documented* * [Path:SetSmoothing("smoothType")](\- Sets the smoothing type for the animation * [Path:SetStartDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins * [Path:SetTarget(region)](\- Sets the region affected by this animation * [Path:SetTargetKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its target * [Path:Stop()](\- Stops the animation ### [PlayerModel]( * PlayerModel:AdvanceTime() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:ClearFog() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:ClearModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetCameraDistance() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetCameraFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetCameraPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetCameraTarget() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetDoBlend() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetFogColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetFogFar() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetFogNear() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetLight() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetModelScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:GetWorldScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:HasCustomCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:RefreshCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:ReplaceIconTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetAnimation() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCamDistanceScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCameraDistance() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCameraFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCameraPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCameraTarget() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetCustomCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetDisplayInfo() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetDoBlend() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetFogColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetFogFar() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetFogNear() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetGlow() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetLight() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetModelScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetPortraitZoom() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetSequence() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetSequenceTime() -*This function is not yet documented* * PlayerModel:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [PlayerModel:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [PlayerModel:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [PlayerModel:SetUnit("unit")](\- Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific unit * [PlayerModel:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [PlayerModel:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [PlayerModel:Show()](\- Shows the region * [PlayerModel:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [PlayerModel:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [PlayerModel:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [PlayerModel:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [PlayerModel:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [PlayerModel:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### QuestPOIFrame * QuestPOIFrame:DrawAll() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:DrawNone() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:EnableMerging() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:GetNumTooltips() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:GetTooltipIndex() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:SetMergeThreshold() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:SetNumSplinePoints() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * QuestPOIFrame:UpdateMouseOverTooltip() -*This function is not yet documented* ### [Region]( * Region:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isOver = Region:IsMouseOver(\[topOffset \[, leftOffset \[, bottomOffset \[, rightOffset\]\]\]\])](\- Returns whether the mouse cursor is over the given region * [isType = Region:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [isProtected, explicit = Region:IsProtected()](\- Returns whether the region is protected * [Region:SetAllPoints(\[region\]) or Region:SetAllPoints(\["name"\])](\- Sets all anchor points of the region to match those of another region * [Region:SetHeight(height)](\- Sets the region's height * [Region:SetParent(frame) or Region:SetParent("name")](\- Makes another frame the parent of this region * [Region:SetPoint("point" \[, relativeTo \[, "relativePoint" \[, xOffset \[, yOffset\]\]\]\])](\- Sets an anchor point for the region * [Region:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [Region:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [Region:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children ### [Rotation]( * Rotation:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isType = Rotation:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [paused = Rotation:IsPaused()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently paused * [playing = Rotation:IsPlaying()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently playing * [stopped = Rotation:IsStopped()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently stopped * [Rotation:Pause()](\- Pauses the animation * [Rotation:Play()](\- Plays the animation * [Rotation:SetChildKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its host frame * [Rotation:SetDegrees(degrees)](\- Sets the animation's rotation amount (in degrees) * [Rotation:SetDuration(duration)](\- Sets the time for the animation to progress from start to finish * [Rotation:SetEndDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay after finishing * [Rotation:SetOrder(order)](\- Sets the order for the animation to play within its parent group * [Rotation:SetOrigin("point", xOffset, yOffset)](\- Sets the rotation animation's origin point * [Rotation:SetParent(animGroup) or Rotation:SetParent("animGroupName")](\- Sets the parent for the animation * [Rotation:SetRadians(radians)](\- Sets the animation's rotation amount (in radians) * [Rotation:SetScript("scriptType", handler)](\- Sets the widget's handler function for a script * [Rotation:SetSmoothProgress()](\-*This function is not yet documented* * [Rotation:SetSmoothing("smoothType")](\- Sets the smoothing type for the animation * [Rotation:SetStartDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins * [Rotation:SetTarget(region)](\- Sets the region affected by this animation * [Rotation:SetTargetKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its target * [Rotation:Stop()](\- Stops the animation ### [Scale]( * Scale:GetFromScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * Scale:GetToScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * Scale:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Scale:SetFromScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * Scale:SetToScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Scale:Stop()](\- Stops the animation ### ScenarioPOIFrame * ScenarioPOIFrame:DrawAll() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:DrawBlob() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:DrawNone() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:EnableMerging() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:EnableSmoothing() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetBorderAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetBorderScalar() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetBorderTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetFillAlpha() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetFillTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetMergeThreshold() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetNumSplinePoints() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScenarioPOIFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [ScenarioPOIFrame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [ScenarioPOIFrame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [ScenarioPOIFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [ScenarioPOIFrame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [ScenarioPOIFrame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [ScenarioPOIFrame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [ScenarioPOIFrame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [ScenarioPOIFrame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [ScenarioPOIFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [ScenarioPOIFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [ScenarioPOIFrame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [ScriptObject]( * [handler = ScriptObject:GetScript("scriptType")](\- Returns the widget's handler function for a script * [hasScript = ScriptObject:HasScript("scriptType")](\- Returns whether the widget supports a script handler * [ScriptObject:HookScript("scriptType", handler)](\- Securely hooks a script handler * [ScriptObject:SetScript("scriptType", handler)](\- Sets the widget's handler function for a script ### [ScrollFrame]( * ScrollFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [ScrollFrame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [ScrollFrame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [ScrollFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [ScrollFrame:SetVerticalScroll(scroll)](\- Sets the scroll frame's vertical scroll position * [ScrollFrame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [ScrollFrame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [ScrollFrame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [ScrollFrame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [ScrollFrame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [ScrollFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [ScrollFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [ScrollFrame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event * [ScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect()](\- Updates the position of the scroll frame's child ### [ScrollingMessageFrame]( * ScrollingMessageFrame:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:RemoveMessagesByAccessID() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:RemoveMessagesByExtraData() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * ScrollingMessageFrame:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetSpacing(spacing)](\- Sets the font instance's amount of spacing between lines * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTextColor(textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the font instance's default text color * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(time)](\- Sets the amount of time for which a message remains visible before beginning to fade out * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [ScrollingMessageFrame:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [ScrollingMessageFrame:Show()](\- Shows the region * [ScrollingMessageFrame:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [ScrollingMessageFrame:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [ScrollingMessageFrame:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [ScrollingMessageFrame:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [ScrollingMessageFrame:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [ScrollingMessageFrame:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event * [ScrollingMessageFrame:UpdateColorByID(id, red, green, blue)](\- Updates the color of a set of messages already added to the frame ### [SimpleHTML]( * SimpleHTML:GetContentHeight() -*This function is not yet documented* * SimpleHTML:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * SimpleHTML:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * SimpleHTML:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * SimpleHTML:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * SimpleHTML:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * SimpleHTML:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [SimpleHTML:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [SimpleHTML:SetSpacing(\["element",\] spacing)](\- Sets the amount of spacing between lines of text in the frame * [SimpleHTML:SetText("text")](\- Sets the text to be displayed in the SimpleHTML frame * [SimpleHTML:SetTextColor(\["element",\] textR, textG, textB, textAlpha)](\- Sets the color of text in the frame * [SimpleHTML:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [SimpleHTML:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [SimpleHTML:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [SimpleHTML:Show()](\- Shows the region * [SimpleHTML:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [SimpleHTML:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [SimpleHTML:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [SimpleHTML:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [SimpleHTML:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [SimpleHTML:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [Slider]( * Slider:GetObeyStepOnDrag() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:GetStepsPerPage() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:SetEnabled() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:SetObeyStepOnDrag() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * Slider:SetStepsPerPage() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Slider:SetThumbTexture(texture \[, "layer"\]) or Slider:SetThumbTexture("filename" \[, "layer"\])](\- Sets the texture for the slider thumb * [Slider:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [Slider:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [Slider:SetValue(value)](\- Sets the value representing the position of the slider thumb * [Slider:SetValueStep(step)](\- Sets the minimum increment between allowed slider values * [Slider:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [Slider:Show()](\- Shows the region * [Slider:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [Slider:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [Slider:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [Slider:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [Slider:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [Slider:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [StatusBar]( * StatusBar:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:GetStatusBarAtlas() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * StatusBar:SetStatusBarAtlas() -*This function is not yet documented* * [StatusBar:SetStatusBarColor(red, green, blue \[, alpha\])](\- Sets the color shading for the status bar's texture * [StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture(texture \[, "layer"\]) or StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("filename" \[, "layer"\])](\- Sets the texture used for drawing the filled-in portion of the status bar * [StatusBar:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [StatusBar:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [StatusBar:SetValue(value)](\- Sets the value of the status bar * [StatusBar:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [StatusBar:Show()](\- Shows the region * [StatusBar:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [StatusBar:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [StatusBar:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [StatusBar:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [StatusBar:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [StatusBar:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [TabardModel]( * TabardModel:AdvanceTime() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:ClearFog() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:ClearModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetCameraDistance() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetCameraFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetCameraPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetCameraTarget() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetDoBlend() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetFogColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetFogFar() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetFogNear() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetLight() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetModelScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:GetWorldScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:HasCustomCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:RefreshCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:RegisterUnitEvent() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:ReplaceIconTexture() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetAnimation() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetBarberShopAlternateForm() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCamDistanceScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCameraDistance() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCameraFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCameraPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCameraTarget() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetCustomCamera() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetDisplayInfo() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetDoBlend() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetDontSavePosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetFacing() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetFogColor() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetFogFar() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetFogNear() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetGlow() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetLight() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetModel() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetModelScale() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetPortraitZoom() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetPosition() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetPropagateKeyboardInput() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetSequence() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetSequenceTime() -*This function is not yet documented* * TabardModel:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * [TabardModel:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [TabardModel:SetToplevel(enable)](\- Sets whether the frame should automatically come to the front when clicked * [TabardModel:SetUnit("unit")](\- Sets the model to display the 3D model of a specific unit * [TabardModel:SetUserPlaced(enable)](\- Flags the frame for automatic saving and restoration of position and dimensions * [TabardModel:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [TabardModel:Show()](\- Shows the region * [TabardModel:StartMoving()](\- Begins repositioning the frame via mouse movement * [TabardModel:StartSizing()](\- Begins resizing the frame via mouse movement * [TabardModel:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [TabardModel:StopMovingOrSizing()](\- Ends movement or resizing of the frame initiated with \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartMoving|`:StartMoving()`\]\] or \[\[docs/widgets/Frame/StartSizing|`:StartSizing()`\]\] * [TabardModel:UnregisterAllEvents()](\- Unregisters the frame from any \[\[docs/events|events\]\] for which it is registered * [TabardModel:UnregisterEvent("event")](\- Unregisters the frame for an event ### [Texture]( * Texture:GetAtlas() -*This function is not yet documented* * Texture:GetHorizTile() -*This function is not yet documented* * Texture:GetVertTile() -*This function is not yet documented* * Texture:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * Texture:SetHorizTile() -*This function is not yet documented* * Texture:SetShown() -*This function is not yet documented* * Texture:SetVertTile() -*This function is not yet documented* * [Texture:SetVertexColor(red, green, blue \[, alpha\])](\- Sets a color shading for the region's graphics * [Texture:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [Texture:Show()](\- Shows the region * [Texture:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children ### [Translation]( * Translation:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isType = Translation:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [paused = Translation:IsPaused()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently paused * [playing = Translation:IsPlaying()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently playing * [stopped = Translation:IsStopped()](\- Returns whether the animation is currently stopped * [Translation:Pause()](\- Pauses the animation * [Translation:Play()](\- Plays the animation * [Translation:SetChildKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its host frame * [Translation:SetDuration(duration)](\- Sets the time for the animation to progress from start to finish * [Translation:SetEndDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay after finishing * [Translation:SetOffset(xOffset, yOffset)](\- Sets the animation's translation offsets * [Translation:SetOrder(order)](\- Sets the order for the animation to play within its parent group * [Translation:SetParent(animGroup) or Translation:SetParent("animGroupName")](\- Sets the parent for the animation * [Translation:SetScript("scriptType", handler)](\- Sets the widget's handler function for a script * [Translation:SetSmoothProgress()](\-*This function is not yet documented* * [Translation:SetSmoothing("smoothType")](\- Sets the smoothing type for the animation * [Translation:SetStartDelay(delay)](\- Sets the amount of time for the animation to delay before its progress begins * [Translation:SetTarget(region)](\- Sets the region affected by this animation * [Translation:SetTargetKey(key)](\- Sets the animation to manipulate a particular child member of its target * [Translation:Stop()](\- Stops the animation ### [UIObject]( * [name = UIObject:GetName()](\- Returns the widget object's name * [type = UIObject:GetObjectType()](\- Returns the object's widget type * [isType = UIObject:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type ### [VisibleRegion]( * VisibleRegion:IsForbidden() -*This function is not yet documented* * [isOver = VisibleRegion:IsMouseOver(\[topOffset \[, leftOffset \[, bottomOffset \[, rightOffset\]\]\]\])](\- Returns whether the mouse cursor is over the given region * [isType = VisibleRegion:IsObjectType("type")](\- Returns whether the object belongs to a given widget type * [isProtected, explicit = VisibleRegion:IsProtected()](\- Returns whether the region is protected * [shown = VisibleRegion:IsShown()](\- Returns whether the region is shown * [visible = VisibleRegion:IsVisible()](\- Returns whether the region is visible * [VisibleRegion:SetAllPoints(\[region\]) or VisibleRegion:SetAllPoints(\["name"\])](\- Sets all anchor points of the region to match those of another region * [VisibleRegion:SetAlpha(alpha)](\- Sets the opacity of the region relative to its parent * [VisibleRegion:SetHeight(height)](\- Sets the region's height * [VisibleRegion:SetParent(frame) or VisibleRegion:SetParent("name")](\- Makes another frame the parent of this region * [VisibleRegion:SetPoint("point" \[, relativeTo \[, "relativePoint" \[, xOffset \[, yOffset\]\]\]\])](\- Sets an anchor point for the region * [VisibleRegion:SetSize(width, height)](\- Sets the size of the region to the specified values * [VisibleRegion:SetWidth(width)](\- Sets the region's width * [VisibleRegion:Show()](\- Shows the region * [VisibleRegion:StopAnimating()](\- Stops any active animations involving the region or its children * [About]( * [Privacy Policy]( * [Terms of Service]( World of Warcraft™ and Blizzard Entertainment™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. The original materials contained in the*API Reference*section of this website are copyright John Wiley & Sons. Other copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. All other content © 2008-2017[](