ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[Archaeology]( "Archaeology")was introduced in[Patch 4.0.1]( "Patch 4.0.1"). [C\_ResearchInfo.GetDigSitesForMap]( "API C ResearchInfo.GetDigSitesForMap")(uiMapID) - Returns the dig sites on a map. [ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll]( "API ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll")() - Updates the digsites and returns the number of digsites in the current map-zone. [ArchaeologyGetIconInfo]( "API ArchaeologyGetIconInfo (page does not exist)")(index) [ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID]( "API ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID (page does not exist)")(index) - Returns BlobID of a digsite in the current map-zone. [CanItemBeSocketedToArtifact]( "API CanItemBeSocketedToArtifact (page does not exist)")(itemID) - Returns 1 if item could be added to the[selected]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")artifact. [CanScanResearchSite]( "API CanScanResearchSite")() - Returns whether the player is currently on a digsite. [CanSolveArtifact]( "API CanSolveArtifact (page does not exist)")() - Returns true if artifact can be solved. [CloseResearch]( "API CloseResearch (page does not exist)")() [GetActiveArtifactByRace]( "API GetActiveArtifactByRace")(raceIndex) - Returns the information for the active artifact of raceIndex. [GetArchaeologyInfo]( "API GetArchaeologyInfo")() - Returns localized name of Archaeology skill. [GetArchaeologyRaceInfo]( "API GetArchaeologyRaceInfo")(raceIndex) - Returns the information for a specific race used in Archaeology. [GetArchaeologyRaceInfoByID]( "API GetArchaeologyRaceInfoByID")(researchBranchID) - Returns Racename and texture. [GetArtifactInfoByRace]( "API GetArtifactInfoByRace")(raceIndex, artifactIndex) - Returns the information for a specific race's artifact. [GetNumArchaeologyRaces]( "API GetNumArchaeologyRaces")() - Returns the amount of Archaeology races in the game. [GetNumArtifactsByRace]( "API GetNumArtifactsByRace")(raceIndex) - Returns the amount of artifacts the player has acquired from the provided race. [GetSelectedArtifactInfo]( "API GetSelectedArtifactInfo")() - Returns the information for the[selected]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")race. [GetArtifactProgress]( "API GetArtifactProgress")() - Returns fragment-information about the[selected]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")artifact. [IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailable]( "API IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailable (page does not exist)")() [ItemAddedToArtifact]( "API ItemAddedToArtifact (page does not exist)")(keystoneindex) - Returns if there is a keystone in the artifact. [SetSelectedArtifact]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")(raceIndex) - Sets the selected artifact to raceIndex. [RemoveItemFromArtifact]( "API RemoveItemFromArtifact")() - Remove a keystone from the[selected]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")artifact. [RequestArtifactCompletionHistory]( "API RequestArtifactCompletionHistory")() [SocketItemToArtifact]( "API SocketItemToArtifact")() - Add a keystone to the[selected]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")artifact. [SolveArtifact]( "API SolveArtifact (page does not exist)")() - Solve the[selected]( "API SetSelectedArtifact")artifact.