ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[Ambiguate]( "API Ambiguate")(fullName, context) - Returns a version of a character-realm string suitable for use in a given context. [BreakUpLargeNumbers]( "API BreakUpLargeNumbers")(number\[, natural\]) - Converts a number into a localized string, grouping digits as required. [CalculateStringEditDistance]( "API CalculateStringEditDistance (page does not exist)")(firstString, secondString) - Returns[Levenshtein]( [CaseAccentInsensitiveParse]( "API CaseAccentInsensitiveParse (page does not exist)")(string) [IsRecognizedName]( "API IsRecognizedName (page does not exist)")(text, includeBitField, excludeBitField) - Not used in FrameXML. UI[ExecuteFrameScript](, scriptName, ...) - Manually calls the handler for a frame script. UI[ExtractHyperlinkString]("linkString") - Strips any color coding from a[hyperlink]( "UI escape sequences"). UI[Flags\_CreateMask]( - Creates a bitmask. UI[FormatLargeNumber]( - Formats a number with dot or comma number seperators. UI[GetRandomArgument]( "API GetRandomArgument")(...) UI[Lerp](, endValue, amount) - Linearly interpolation between two values for a parameter in the closed unit interval \[0, 1\] UI[Round]( - Rounds a value. UI[SetItemRef]( "API SetItemRef")(link, text, button) - Handles item link tooltips in chat. UI[CopyTable]( - Returns a deep copy of a table. UI[tInvert]( - Returns an inverted table. UI[tIndexOf](, item) - Returns the index for a value in a table. UI[tContains]( "API tContains")(tbl, item) - Returns true if a (sequential) table contains a value. UI[tDeleteItem](, item) - Removes a value from a sequential table.