企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[C\_VideoOptions.GetGxAdapterInfo]( "API C VideoOptions.GetGxAdapterInfo")() - Returns info about the system's graphics adapter. [AntiAliasingSupported]( "API AntiAliasingSupported (page does not exist)")() [AutoChooseCurrentGraphicsSetting]( "API AutoChooseCurrentGraphicsSetting (page does not exist)")() [GetCVarSettingValidity]( "API GetCVarSettingValidity (page does not exist)")(cvar, settingsCount \[, isRaid\]) [GetCurrentGraphicsSetting]( "API GetCurrentGraphicsSetting (page does not exist)")() [GetCurrentResolution]( "API GetCurrentResolution")() - Get the index of the current screen resolution. [GetCurrentScaledResolution]( "API GetCurrentScaledResolution (page does not exist)")() [GetDefaultGraphicsQuality]( "API GetDefaultGraphicsQuality (page does not exist)")() [GetDefaultVideoOptions]( "API GetDefaultVideoOptions (page does not exist)")() [GetDefaultVideoOption]( "API GetDefaultVideoOption (page does not exist)")() [GetDefaultVideoQualityOption]( "API GetDefaultVideoQualityOption (page does not exist)")() [GetGraphicsAPIs]( "API GetGraphicsAPIs")() - Returns the supported graphics APIs for the system, D3D11\_LEGACY, D3D11, D3D12, etc. [GetGraphicsDropdownIndexByMasterIndex]( "API GetGraphicsDropdownIndexByMasterIndex (page does not exist)")() [GetMaxRenderScale]( "API GetMaxRenderScale (page does not exist)")() [GetMinRenderScale]( "API GetMinRenderScale (page does not exist)")() [GetMonitorAspectRatio]( "API GetMonitorAspectRatio (page does not exist)")() [GetMonitorCount]( "API GetMonitorCount (page does not exist)")() [GetMonitorName]( "API GetMonitorName (page does not exist)")() [GetPhysicalScreenSize]( "API GetPhysicalScreenSize (page does not exist)")() [GetScreenDPIScale]( "API GetScreenDPIScale (page does not exist)")() [GetScreenHeight]( "API GetScreenHeight")() - Returns the height of the window in pixels. [GetScreenResolutions]( "API GetScreenResolutions")() [GetScreenWidth]( "API GetScreenWidth")() - Returns the width of the window in pixels. [GetToolTipInfo]( "API GetToolTipInfo (page does not exist)")(1, size-1, cvar, validValue1, ...) - Returns validity info for a graphics cvar. [GetVideoCaps]( "API GetVideoCaps (page does not exist)")() [GetVideoOptions]( "API GetVideoOptions (page does not exist)")() [IsDesaturateSupported]( "API IsDesaturateSupported (page does not exist)")() [IsOutlineModeSupported]( "API IsOutlineModeSupported (page does not exist)")() [MultiSampleAntiAliasingSupported]( "API MultiSampleAntiAliasingSupported (page does not exist)")() [RestartGx]( "API RestartGx")() - Restarts the graphical engine. Needed for things such as resolution changes to take effect. [SetCurrentGraphicsSetting]( "API SetCurrentGraphicsSetting (page does not exist)")(setting{0=normal, 1=raid/BG}) [SetDefaultVideoOptions]( "API SetDefaultVideoOptions (page does not exist)")(value) [SetScreenResolution]( "API SetScreenResolution")(width, height, fullscreen) [SetSelectedScreenResolutionIndex]( "API SetSelectedScreenResolutionIndex (page does not exist)")(integer index) - Unused in FrameXML. [ToggleSelfHighlight]( "API ToggleSelfHighlight (page does not exist)")() [ToggleWindowed]( "API ToggleWindowed (page does not exist)")() [UpdateWindow]( "API UpdateWindow")() - When in windowed mode, updates the window. This also aligns it to the top of the screen and increases the size to max widowed size.