ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[CanChangePlayerDifficulty]( "API CanChangePlayerDifficulty (page does not exist)")() [CanMapChangeDifficulty]( "API CanMapChangeDifficulty (page does not exist)")() - Unused in FrameXML. [CanShowResetInstances]( "API CanShowResetInstances")() - Determine if player can reset instances at the moment. [GetDifficultyInfo]( "API GetDifficultyInfo")() - Returns information about a difficulty. [GetDungeonDifficultyID]( "API GetDungeonDifficultyID")() - Returns the player's current Dungeon Difficulty setting (1, 2, 8). [GetInstanceBootTimeRemaining]( "API GetInstanceBootTimeRemaining (page does not exist)")() - Gets the time in seconds after which the player will be ejected from an instance. [GetInstanceInfo]( "API GetInstanceInfo")() - Gets informations about the current Instance. [GetLegacyRaidDifficultyID]( "API GetLegacyRaidDifficultyID (page does not exist)")() [GetRaidDifficultyID]( "API GetRaidDifficultyID")() - Returns the player's current Raid Difficulty setting (1-14). [IsInInstance]( "API IsInInstance")() - Returns 1 if the player is in an instance, as well as the type of instance (pvp, raid, etc.). [IsLegacyDifficulty]( "API IsLegacyDifficulty (page does not exist)")(difficultyID) [ResetInstances]( "API ResetInstances")() - Reset instances. [SetDungeonDifficultyID]( "API SetDungeonDifficultyID")(difficultyID) - Sets the player's Dungeon Difficulty setting (for the 5-man instances). See[difficultyID]( "DifficultyID"). [SetLegacyRaidDifficultyID]( "API SetLegacyRaidDifficultyID (page does not exist)")(difficultyID\[, force\]) [SetRaidDifficultyID]( "API SetRaidDifficultyID")(difficultyID) - Sets the players Raid Difficulty settings (for 10-man, 25-man instances). See[difficultyID]( "DifficultyID"). [ShowBossFrameWhenUninteractable]( "API ShowBossFrameWhenUninteractable (page does not exist)")("unit") These functions relate to[Instance Locks]( "Raid lockout") [GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingEncounter]( "API GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingEncounter")(id) - Returns information about bosses in the instance the player is about to be saved to. [GetInstanceLockTimeRemaining]( "API GetInstanceLockTimeRemaining")() - Returns information about the instance lock timer for the instance the player is currently entering. [GetNumSavedInstances]( "API GetNumSavedInstances")() - Gets the number of instances for which the player currently has lockout data saved. [GetNumSavedWorldBosses]( "API GetNumSavedWorldBosses")() [GetSavedInstanceChatLink]( "API GetSavedInstanceChatLink")(index) [GetSavedInstanceEncounterInfo]( "API GetSavedInstanceEncounterInfo")(instanceIndex, encounterIndex) [GetSavedInstanceInfo]( "API GetSavedInstanceInfo")(index) - Gets information about an instance for which the player has saved lockout data. [GetSavedWorldBossInfo]( "API GetSavedWorldBossInfo")(index) [RequestRaidInfo]( "API RequestRaidInfo")() - Returns information about which instances you are saved to. [RespondInstanceLock]( "API RespondInstanceLock (page does not exist)")() [SetSavedInstanceExtend]( "API SetSavedInstanceExtend (page does not exist)")(index, extend)