The[Calendar]( "Calendar")was added in[Patch 3.0.1]( "Patch 3.0.1").
HW[C\_Calendar.AddEvent]( "API C Calendar.AddEvent")() - Saves the new event currently being created to the server.
[C\_Calendar.AreNamesReady]( "API C Calendar.AreNamesReady")()
[C\_Calendar.CanAddEvent]( "API C Calendar.CanAddEvent")() - Returns whether the player can add an event.
[C\_Calendar.CanSendInvite]( "API C Calendar.CanSendInvite")() - Returns whether the player can send invites.
[C\_Calendar.CloseEvent]( "API C Calendar.CloseEvent")() - Closes the selected event without saving it.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanComplain]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanComplain")(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) - Returns whether the player can report the event as spam.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanEdit]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanEdit")(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) - Returns whether the player can edit the event.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanRemove]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanRemove")(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) - Returns whether the player can remove the event.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventClipboard]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventClipboard")()
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventComplain]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventComplain")() - Reports the event as spam.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCopy]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventCopy")() - Copies the event to the clipboard.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventGetCalendarType]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventGetCalendarType")()
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventPaste]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventPaste")(offsetMonths, monthDay) - Pastes the clipboard event to the date.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventRemove]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventRemove")() - Deletes the event.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuEventSignUp]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuEventSignUp")()
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuGetEventIndex]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuGetEventIndex")()
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteAvailable]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuInviteAvailable")() - Accepts the invitation to the event.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteDecline]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuInviteDecline")() - Declines the invitation to the event.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteRemove]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuInviteRemove")() - Removes the event from the calendar.
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteTentative]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuInviteTentative")()
[C\_Calendar.ContextMenuSelectEvent]( "API C Calendar.ContextMenuSelectEvent")(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex)
[C\_Calendar.CreateCommunitySignUpEvent]( "API C Calendar.CreateCommunitySignUpEvent")()
[C\_Calendar.CreateGuildAnnouncementEvent]( "API C Calendar.CreateGuildAnnouncementEvent")()
[C\_Calendar.CreateGuildSignUpEvent]( "API C Calendar.CreateGuildSignUpEvent")()
[C\_Calendar.CreatePlayerEvent]( "API C Calendar.CreatePlayerEvent")() - Creates a new calendar event candidate for the player.
[C\_Calendar.EventAvailable]( "API C Calendar.EventAvailable")() - Accepts the invitation to the currently open event.
[C\_Calendar.EventCanEdit]( "API C Calendar.EventCanEdit")() - Returns whether the event can be edited.
[C\_Calendar.EventClearAutoApprove]( "API C Calendar.EventClearAutoApprove")() - Turns off automatic confirmations.
[C\_Calendar.EventClearLocked]( "API C Calendar.EventClearLocked")() - Unlocks the event.
[C\_Calendar.EventClearModerator]( "API C Calendar.EventClearModerator")(inviteIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventDecline]( "API C Calendar.EventDecline")() - Declines the invitation to the currently open event.
[C\_Calendar.EventGetCalendarType]( "API C Calendar.EventGetCalendarType")()
[C\_Calendar.EventGetClubId]( "API C Calendar.EventGetClubId")()
[C\_Calendar.EventGetInvite]( "API C Calendar.EventGetInvite")(eventIndex) - Returns status information for an invitee for the currently opened event.
[C\_Calendar.EventGetInviteResponseTime]( "API C Calendar.EventGetInviteResponseTime")(eventIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventGetInviteSortCriterion]( "API C Calendar.EventGetInviteSortCriterion")()
[C\_Calendar.EventGetSelectedInvite]( "API C Calendar.EventGetSelectedInvite")()
[C\_Calendar.EventGetStatusOptions]( "API C Calendar.EventGetStatusOptions")(eventIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventGetTextures]( "API C Calendar.EventGetTextures")(eventType)
[C\_Calendar.EventGetTypes]( "API C Calendar.EventGetTypes")()
[C\_Calendar.EventGetTypesDisplayOrdered]( "API C Calendar.EventGetTypesDisplayOrdered")()
[C\_Calendar.EventHasPendingInvite]( "API C Calendar.EventHasPendingInvite")() - Returns whether the player has an unanswered invitation to the currently selected event.
[C\_Calendar.EventHaveSettingsChanged]( "API C Calendar.EventHaveSettingsChanged")() - Returns whether the currently opened event has been modified.
[C\_Calendar.EventInvite]( "API C Calendar.EventInvite")("name") - Invites a player to the currently selected event.
[C\_Calendar.EventRemoveInvite]( "API C Calendar.EventRemoveInvite")(inviteIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventSelectInvite]( "API C Calendar.EventSelectInvite")(inviteIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventSetAutoApprove]( "API C Calendar.EventSetAutoApprove")()
[C\_Calendar.EventSetClubId]( "API C Calendar.EventSetClubId")(\["clubId"\])
[C\_Calendar.EventSetDate]( "API C Calendar.EventSetDate")(month, monthDay, year) - Sets the date for the currently opened event.
[C\_Calendar.EventSetDescription]( "API C Calendar.EventSetDescription")("description")
[C\_Calendar.EventSetInviteStatus]( "API C Calendar.EventSetInviteStatus")(eventIndex, status) - Sets the invitation status of a player to the current event.
[C\_Calendar.EventSetLocked]( "API C Calendar.EventSetLocked")()
[C\_Calendar.EventSetModerator]( "API C Calendar.EventSetModerator")(inviteIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventSetTextureID]( "API C Calendar.EventSetTextureID")(textureIndex)
[C\_Calendar.EventSetTime]( "API C Calendar.EventSetTime")(hour, minute) - Sets the time for the currently opened event.
[C\_Calendar.EventSetTitle]( "API C Calendar.EventSetTitle")("title") - Sets the title for the currently opened event.
[C\_Calendar.EventSetType]( "API C Calendar.EventSetType")(typeIndex) - Sets the event type for the current calendar event.
[C\_Calendar.EventSignUp]( "API C Calendar.EventSignUp")()
[C\_Calendar.EventSortInvites]( "API C Calendar.EventSortInvites")("criterion", reverse)
[C\_Calendar.EventTentative]( "API C Calendar.EventTentative")()
[C\_Calendar.GetClubCalendarEvents]( "API C Calendar.GetClubCalendarEvents")("clubId", startTime, endTime)
[C\_Calendar.GetDayEvent]( "API C Calendar.GetDayEvent")(monthOffset, monthDay, index) - Retrieve information about the specified event.
[C\_Calendar.GetDefaultGuildFilter]( "API C Calendar.GetDefaultGuildFilter")()
[C\_Calendar.GetEventIndex]( "API C Calendar.GetEventIndex")()
[C\_Calendar.GetEventIndexInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetEventIndexInfo")("eventID" \[, monthOffset, monthDay\])
[C\_Calendar.GetEventInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetEventInfo")() - Returns detailed information about an event.
[C\_Calendar.GetFirstPendingInvite]( "API C Calendar.GetFirstPendingInvite")(offsetMonths, monthDay)
[C\_Calendar.GetGuildEventInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetGuildEventInfo")(index)
[C\_Calendar.GetGuildEventSelectionInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetGuildEventSelectionInfo")(index)
[C\_Calendar.GetHolidayInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetHolidayInfo")(monthOffset, monthDay, index) - Returns seasonal holiday info.
[C\_Calendar.GetMaxCreateDate]( "API C Calendar.GetMaxCreateDate")() - Returns the last day supported by the Calendar API.
[C\_Calendar.GetMinDate]( "API C Calendar.GetMinDate")() - Returns the first day supported by the Calendar API.
[C\_Calendar.GetMonthInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetMonthInfo")(offsetMonths) - Returns information about the calendar month by offset.
[C\_Calendar.GetNextClubId]( "API C Calendar.GetNextClubId")()
[C\_Calendar.GetNumDayEvents]( "API C Calendar.GetNumDayEvents")(offsetMonths, monthDay) - Returns the number of events for a given day/month offset.
[C\_Calendar.GetNumGuildEvents]( "API C Calendar.GetNumGuildEvents")()
[C\_Calendar.GetNumInvites]( "API C Calendar.GetNumInvites")() - Returns the number of invitees for the currently opened event.
[C\_Calendar.GetNumPendingInvites]( "API C Calendar.GetNumPendingInvites")()
[C\_Calendar.GetRaidInfo]( "API C Calendar.GetRaidInfo")(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex)
[C\_Calendar.IsActionPending]( "API C Calendar.IsActionPending")()
[C\_Calendar.MassInviteCommunity]( "API C Calendar.MassInviteCommunity")("clubId", minLevel, maxLevel \[, maxRankOrder\])
[C\_Calendar.MassInviteGuild]( "API C Calendar.MassInviteGuild")(minLevel, maxLevel, maxRankOrder)
[C\_Calendar.OpenCalendar]( "API C Calendar.OpenCalendar")() - Requests calendar information from the server. Does not open the calendar frame.
[C\_Calendar.OpenEvent]( "API C Calendar.OpenEvent")(offsetMonths, monthDay, index) - Establishes an event for future calendar API calls
[C\_Calendar.RemoveEvent]( "API C Calendar.RemoveEvent")() - Removes the selected event from the calendar (invitees only).
[C\_Calendar.SetAbsMonth]( "API C Calendar.SetAbsMonth")(month, year) - Sets the reference month and year for functions which use a month offset.
[C\_Calendar.SetMonth]( "API C Calendar.SetMonth")(offsetMonths)
[C\_Calendar.SetNextClubId]( "API C Calendar.SetNextClubId")(\["clubId"\])
HW[C\_Calendar.UpdateEvent]( "API C Calendar.UpdateEvent")() - Saves the selected event.
DEPRECATED (8.1.0)[C\_Calendar.GetDate]( "API C Calendar.GetDate")()
- 基础
- 循环
- 迭代器
- ipairs与pairs 的区别
- 流程控制if
- 函数
- 运算符
- 字符串
- 数组
- table(表)
- 模块与包
- 魔兽插件
- 初学介绍
- api
- Global API
- Widget API
- 窗口小部件类层次结构(Widget Class Hierarchy)
- 动画(Animation)
- 透明度(Alpha)
- 线条缩放比例(LineScale)
- 平移(Translation)
- 线平移(Line Translation)
- 路径(Path)
- 旋转(Rotation)
- 缩放(Scale)
- 纹理坐标平移(TextureCoordTranslation)
- 框架 :Frame
- 浏览器(Browser)
- 按键(Button)
- Item按钮(ItemButton)
- 检查按钮(CheckButton)
- 检测(Checkout)
- 颜色选择(ColorSelect)
- 冷却(Cooldown)
- 编辑框(EditBox)
- 战争迷雾(FogOfWarFrame)
- 游戏工具提示(GameTooltip)
- 消息框(MessageFrame)
- 小地图(Minimap)
- 模型(Model)
- 玩家模型(PlayerModel)
- 电影模型(CinematicModel)
- 换装模型(DressUpModel)
- 战袍模型(TabardModel)
- _模型场景(ModelScene)
- 电影Frame(MovieFrame)
- 根小部件(Root Widgets)
- UIObject衍生品(UIObject Derivatives)
- 动画衍生品(Animation Derivatives)
- FontInstance
- 地区衍生品(Region Derivatives)
- 帧衍生品(Frame Derivatives)
- 特殊(Special)
- Events(游戏中变化的事件)
- Global Function Groups
- 帐户(Account)
- 成就(Achievements)
- 动作条(Action Bars)
- Action Buttons
- 插件(AddOns)
- 冒险指南(Adventure Guide)
- 神器(Artifact)
- 拍卖行(Auction House)
- 黑市AH
- 魔兽代币(WoW Tokens)
- Azerite
- 背包(Bags)
- 容器(Containers)
- 库存(Inventory)
- 银行(Bank)
- 公会银行(Guild Bank)
- 理发店(Barber Shop)
- 书籍(书籍)
- 日历(calendar)
- 相机(Camera)
- 频道(Channels)
- 聊天窗口(Chat Window)
- 社区(communities)
- 语音聊天(Voice Chat)
- 推特(Twitter)
- 角色(Character)
- 角色表(Paper Doll)
- 试衣间(dressing room)
- 活动(Movement)
- 指定目标(Targeting)
- 死亡(Death)
- 过场动画(Cinematics)
- 职业(class)
- 天赋(Talents)
- 收藏(Collections)
- 坐骑(Mount Journal)
- 宠物(Pet Journal)
- 玩具箱(Toy Box)
- 传家宝(Heirlooms)
- 外观(Appearances)
- 战斗记录(Combat Log)
- 战斗宠物(Combat Pets)
- 同伴(Companions)
- Contribution Collection
- 货币(Currency)
- 光标(Cursor)
- 客户支持(Customer Support)
- 知识库(Knowledge Base)
- 设备管理器(Equipment Manager)
- 扩展(Expansions)
- FrameXML
- 好友(Friends)
- Who List
- 真实身份证(Real ID)
- 招募朋友(Recruit-a-Friend)
- 驻军(Garrisons)
- 建筑物(Buildings)
- 战利品(Trophies)
- 追随者与任务(Followers & Missions)
- 团队(Groups)
- Raid Groups
- Raid Profiles
- 组查找器(Group Finder)
- 突袭者(Raid Finder)
- 公会(Guild)
- 检查(Inspection)
- Instances
- 场景(Scenarios)
- Mythic+
- 入侵(Invasions)
- 海岛探险(Island Expeditions)
- Items
- 按键绑定(Key Bindings)
- Modifiers
- 劫掠(Looting)
- 失控(Loss of Control)
- 宏命令(Macros)
- 邮件(Mail)
- 地图(Maps)
- 飞行管理员(Flight Master)
- 追踪(Tracking)
- 商人(Merchant)
- 铭牌(Nameplates)
- 宠物大战(Pet Battles)
- 申请书(Petitions)
- 专业(Professions)
- 考古(Archaeology)
- 附魔(Enchantments)
- 雕文(glyphs)
- 物品插口(tem Socketing)
- PvP
- 竞技场(Arena)
- 战场(Battlegrounds)
- 世界战场(World Battlefields)
- 争吵(Brawl)
- 战争游戏(War Games)
- 战争模式(War Mode)
- 任务 (Quests)
- 任务日志(Quest Log)
- 任务选择(Quest Choices)
- Task Quests
- 闲聊(Gossip)
- 探险地图(Adventure Map)
- 战争战役(War Campaigns)
- 种族(Races)
- 境界(Realms)
- 报告(Reporting)
- 声望(Reputation)
- 报废的机器(Scrapping Machine)
- 法术(Spells)
- Spell Book
- 商店(Shop)
- 召唤(Summoning)
- 系统(System)
- 网络(Network)
- 控制台(Console)
- 日期时间(Date & Time)
- 调试(Debugging)
- 图形(Graphics)
- 语言环境(Locales)
- 脚本分析(Script Profiling)
- 安全执行(Secure Execution)
- 声音(Sound)
- Sound Drivers
- Talking Head
- 交易(Trading)
- 训练师(Trainer)
- 迁移(Transmogrification)
- 空白存储(Void Storage)
- 讲解(Tutorials)
- UI对象(UI Objects)
- 框架(Frame)
- 字体(Font)
- 质地(Texture)
- 混合(Mixin)
- 咒语(SpellMixin)
- ItemMixin
- 物品位置(ItemLocationMixin)
- PlayerLocationMixin
- 模型场景(ModelScene)
- 未分类
- UI窗口小部件管理器(UI Widget Manager)
- 单位(Units)
- 光环(Auras)
- 玩家(Players)
- 实用程序(Util)
- 车辆(Vehicles)
- Classic Specific Functions
- 猎人宠物(Hunter Pets)
- 专业(Professions)
- 手工制作(Crafting)
- @PvP
- 模拟器
- 训练师(Trainer)
- 8.x API
- 控制台(Console)
- 召唤(Summoning)
- See also
- 外部链接(External links)
- Widget handlers(UI交互事件)
- ScriptObject
- AnimationGroup
- Animation对象
- Alpha对象
- Scale
- LineScale
- Translation
- LineTranslation
- Path
- Rotation
- TextureCoordTranslation
- Frame
- Browser
- Button
- CheckButton
- ItemButton
- Checkout
- ColorSelect
- Cooldown
- EditBox
- FogOfWarFrame
- GameTooltip
- Model
- PlayerModel
- CinematicModel
- DressupModel
- TabardModel
- MovieFrame
- ScrollFrame
- Slider
- MessageFrame
- Minimap
- ModelScene
- OffScreenFrame
- POIFrame
- ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame
- QuestPOIFrame
- ScenarioPOIFrame
- SimpleHTML
- StatusBar
- UnitPositionFrame
- WorldFrame
- 入门
- .toc
- .lua
- .xml
- 示例
- 自动邀请插件
- 完整例子:显示任务坐标
- eCoordinates.toc
- eCoordinates.xml
- eCoordinates.lua
- 开发帮助组件
- AddOn Studio编辑器
- 暴雪自带调试工具
- DevTools调试插件
- wowlua
- 魔兽宏
- 战斗宠物命令
- 暴雪界面命令
- 聊天命令
- chat substitutions
- 角色指令
- 开发者工具
- 表情动作
- 战斗命令
- 公会命令
- 小队与团队命令、
- 宠物命令
- PvP的命令
- 系统命令
- 目标函数
- 命令
- 被禁用的命令
- 宏条件
- 装备物品编号