企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[ClearPartyAssignment]( "API ClearPartyAssignment (page does not exist)")() [ConvertToRaid]( "API ConvertToRaid (page does not exist)")() - Converts a party to a raid. [DemoteAssistant]( "API DemoteAssistant (page does not exist)")("unit") - Demotes player from assistant status. Requires raid leadership. [GetAllowLowLevelRaid]( "API GetAllowLowLevelRaid (page does not exist)")() - Returns whether joining low-level raids is enabled for the current character. Unused in FrameXML. [GetPartyAssignment]( "API GetPartyAssignment")("assignment" \[, "unit", exactMatch\]) - Returns a value based on whether the unit is assigned to given role. [GetRaidRosterInfo]( "API GetRaidRosterInfo")(index) - Returns information about the members of your raid. [InitiateRolePoll]( "API InitiateRolePoll")() [IsEveryoneAssistant]( "API IsEveryoneAssistant (page does not exist)")() [PromoteToAssistant]( "API PromoteToAssistant (page does not exist)")("unit") - Promotes player to assistant status. Requires raid leadership. [SetAllowLowLevelRaid]( "API SetAllowLowLevelRaid (page does not exist)")(allowed) - Controls whether the current character can join low-level raids. [SetEveryoneIsAssistant]( "API SetEveryoneIsAssistant (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[SetPartyAssignment]( "API SetPartyAssignment (page does not exist)")("assignment", player) [SetRaidSubgroup]( "API SetRaidSubgroup")(index, subgroup) - Move a raid member from his current subgroup into a different (non-full) subgroup. PROTECTED[SwapRaidSubgroup]( "API SwapRaidSubgroup")(index1, index2) - Swaps raid members into different groups. [UnitInRaid]( "API UnitInRaid")("unit") - Returns 1 if unit is in your raid, nil if not. [UnitInSubgroup]( "API UnitInSubgroup (page does not exist)")() These functions relate to[Raid Targets]( "Target marker")and[World Markers]( "World Marker"). [CanBeRaidTarget]( "API CanBeRaidTarget")("unit") - Returns if a unit can be marked with a raid target symbol. [ClearRaidMarker]( "API ClearRaidMarker (page does not exist)")(index) - Removes a raid marker from the world. [GetRaidTargetIndex]( "API GetRaidTargetIndex")("unit") - Get the raid target index assigned to a unit. [IsRaidMarkerActive]( "API IsRaidMarkerActive (page does not exist)")(index) - Returns whether or not the raid marker specified by index is active. PROTECTED[PlaceRaidMarker]( "API PlaceRaidMarker (page does not exist)")(index) - Brings up a targeting circle to place a raid marker in the world. [SetRaidTarget]( "API SetRaidTarget")("unit", index) - Sets a raid icon on a unit. [SetRaidTargetProtected]( "API SetRaidTargetProtected (page does not exist)")(unit, index) UI[SetRaidTargetIcon]( "API SetRaidTargetIcon")("unit", index) - Sets or resets a raid icon on a unit.