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[C\_SpellBook.ContainsAnyDisenchantSpell]( "API C SpellBook.ContainsAnyDisenchantSpell")() [FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID]( "API FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID (page does not exist)")(spellID\[, isPet\]) [GetNumSpellTabs]( "API GetNumSpellTabs")() - Returns the total number of tabs in the user's spellbook. [GetSpellAvailableLevel]( "API GetSpellAvailableLevel (page does not exist)")(spellSlot) [GetSpellBookItemInfo]( "API GetSpellBookItemInfo")(spellID, "bookType") - Returns the spell's type and spellID for a spell in the player's spellbook. [GetSpellBookItemName]( "API GetSpellBookItemName")(spellID, "bookType") - Returns the spell name and spell rank for a spell in the player's spellbook. [GetSpellBookItemTexture]( "API GetSpellBookItemTexture")(spellID, "bookType") - Returns the spell icon fileId for a spell in the player's spellbook. [GetSpellLevelLearned]( "API GetSpellLevelLearned (page does not exist)")() [GetSpellTabInfo]( "API GetSpellTabInfo")(spellbookTabNum) - Returns information about the specified spellbook tab. [IsSelectedSpellBookItem]( "API IsSelectedSpellBookItem (page does not exist)")(spellSlot)