ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
These functions relate to[Loot]( "Loot"). [C\_Loot.IsLegacyLootModeEnabled]( "API C Loot.IsLegacyLootModeEnabled")() [C\_LootHistory.CanMasterLoot]( "API C LootHistory.CanMasterLoot (page does not exist)")(itemIndex, playerIndex) [C\_LootHistory.GetExpiration]( "API C LootHistory.GetExpiration (page does not exist)")() [C\_LootHistory.GetItem]( "API C LootHistory.GetItem")(itemIndex) [C\_LootHistory.GetNumItems]( "API C LootHistory.GetNumItems (page does not exist)")() [C\_LootHistory.GetPlayerInfo]( "API C LootHistory.GetPlayerInfo")(itemIndex, playerIndex) [C\_LootHistory.GiveMasterLoot]( "API C LootHistory.GiveMasterLoot (page does not exist)")(itemIndex, playerIndex) [C\_LootHistory.SetExpiration]( "API C LootHistory.SetExpiration (page does not exist)")(numItemsToSave, secondsToSave) [CanLootUnit]( "API CanLootUnit (page does not exist)")(unitGUID) [CancelMasterLootRoll]( "API CancelMasterLootRoll (page does not exist)")(slot) [CloseLoot]( "API CloseLoot")(\[uiFailedFlag\]) [ConfirmLootRoll]( "API ConfirmLootRoll")(rollId\[, roll\]) - Confirm a loot roll. [ConfirmLootSlot]( "API ConfirmLootSlot")(slot) - Confirm looting of a BoP item. [DoMasterLootRoll]( "API DoMasterLootRoll (page does not exist)")(slot) [GetActiveLootRollIDs]( "API GetActiveLootRollIDs (page does not exist)")() [GetLootInfo]( "API GetLootInfo")() [GetLootMethod]( "API GetLootMethod")() - Returns the currently active[lootMethod]( "LootMethod"). [GetLootRollItemInfo]( "API GetLootRollItemInfo")(rollId) [GetLootRollItemLink]( "API GetLootRollItemLink")(id) [GetLootRollTimeLeft]( "API GetLootRollTimeLeft (page does not exist)")(rollid) [GetLootSlotInfo]( "API GetLootSlotInfo")(slot) - Returns icon path, item name, and item quantity for the item in the given loot window slot. [GetLootSlotLink]( "API GetLootSlotLink")(slot) - Returns an[itemLink]( "ItemLink")for the item in the given loot window slot. [GetLootSlotType]( "API GetLootSlotType")(slot) [GetLootSourceInfo]( "API GetLootSourceInfo")(slot) - Returns information about the source of the objects in a loot slot. [GetLootSpecialization]( "API GetLootSpecialization")() [GetLootThreshold]( "API GetLootThreshold")() - Returns the current loot threshold (for group/master loot) [GetMasterLootCandidate]( "API GetMasterLootCandidate")(index) - Returns the name of a player who is eligible to receive loot in master mode. [GetNumLootItems]( "API GetNumLootItems")() - Returns amount of objects to loot (number) [GetOptOutOfLoot]( "API GetOptOutOfLoot")() - Returns whether the character is currently automatically passing on all loot. [GiveMasterLoot]( "API GiveMasterLoot")(slot, index) [IsFishingLoot]( "API IsFishingLoot")() [IsMasterLooter]( "API IsMasterLooter (page does not exist)")() [LootMoneyNotify]( "API LootMoneyNotify (page does not exist)")(money, soleLooter) [LootSlotHasItem]( "API LootSlotHasItem")(slot) [LootSlot]( "API LootSlot")(slot) - Used to loot the specified slot. [RollOnLoot]( "API RollOnLoot")(rollId\[, roll\]) - Roll or pass on a loot event started by the game engine. [SetLootMethod]( "API SetLootMethod")("lootMethod"\[, "masterPlayer" or threshold\]) - Set the current loot method. [SetLootPortrait]( "API SetLootPortrait (page does not exist)")() [SetLootSpecialization]( "API SetLootSpecialization")(specilizationID) [SetLootThreshold]( "API SetLootThreshold")([itemQuality]( "ItemQuality (page does not exist)")) - Set the threshold for group/master loot. [SetOptOutOfLoot]( "API SetOptOutOfLoot")(optOut) - Enables or disables automatic passing on all loot.