Note: CPU profiling is disabled by default since it has some overhead. CPU profiling is controlled by the[scriptProfile]( "CVar scriptProfile")cvar, which persists across sessions, and takes effect after a UI reload. Memory profiling is always available. These functions have been added in Patch 2.1.
[GetAddOnCPUUsage]( "API GetAddOnCPUUsage")(index or "name") - Returns the total time used by the specified AddOn. This returns a cached value calculated by UpdateAddOnCPUUsage().
[GetAddOnMemoryUsage]( "API GetAddOnMemoryUsage (page does not exist)")(index or "name") - Query an addon's memory use (in K, precision to 1 byte) - This returns a cached value calculated by UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage().
[GetEventCPUUsage]( "API GetEventCPUUsage (page does not exist)")(\["event"\]) - Returns the time used and number of times the specified event has been triggered. If 'event' is omitted, the time and count will be totals across all events.
[GetFrameCPUUsage]( "API GetFrameCPUUsage")(frame\[, includeChildren\]) - Returns the time used and number of function calls of any of the frame's script handlers. If 'includeChildren' is true or omitted, the time and call count will include the handlers for all of the frame's children as well.
[GetFunctionCPUUsage]( "API GetFunctionCPUUsage (page does not exist)")(function\[, includeSubroutines\]) - Returns the time used and number of times the specified function was called. If 'includeSubroutines' is true or omitted, the time includes both the time spent in the function and subroutines called by the function. If it is false, then time is only the time actually spent by the code in the function itself.
[GetScriptCPUUsage]( "API GetScriptCPUUsage (page does not exist)")() - Returns the total time used by the scripting system.
[ResetCPUUsage]( "API ResetCPUUsage (page does not exist)")() - Reset all CPU profiling statistics to zero.
[UpdateAddOnCPUUsage]( "API UpdateAddOnCPUUsage (page does not exist)")() - Scan through the profiling data and update the per-addon statistics.
[UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage]( "API UpdateAddOnMemoryUsage (page does not exist)")() - Scan through memory profiling data and update the per-addon statistics.
- 基础
- 循环
- 迭代器
- ipairs与pairs 的区别
- 流程控制if
- 函数
- 运算符
- 字符串
- 数组
- table(表)
- 模块与包
- 魔兽插件
- 初学介绍
- api
- Global API
- Widget API
- 窗口小部件类层次结构(Widget Class Hierarchy)
- 动画(Animation)
- 透明度(Alpha)
- 线条缩放比例(LineScale)
- 平移(Translation)
- 线平移(Line Translation)
- 路径(Path)
- 旋转(Rotation)
- 缩放(Scale)
- 纹理坐标平移(TextureCoordTranslation)
- 框架 :Frame
- 浏览器(Browser)
- 按键(Button)
- Item按钮(ItemButton)
- 检查按钮(CheckButton)
- 检测(Checkout)
- 颜色选择(ColorSelect)
- 冷却(Cooldown)
- 编辑框(EditBox)
- 战争迷雾(FogOfWarFrame)
- 游戏工具提示(GameTooltip)
- 消息框(MessageFrame)
- 小地图(Minimap)
- 模型(Model)
- 玩家模型(PlayerModel)
- 电影模型(CinematicModel)
- 换装模型(DressUpModel)
- 战袍模型(TabardModel)
- _模型场景(ModelScene)
- 电影Frame(MovieFrame)
- 根小部件(Root Widgets)
- UIObject衍生品(UIObject Derivatives)
- 动画衍生品(Animation Derivatives)
- FontInstance
- 地区衍生品(Region Derivatives)
- 帧衍生品(Frame Derivatives)
- 特殊(Special)
- Events(游戏中变化的事件)
- Global Function Groups
- 帐户(Account)
- 成就(Achievements)
- 动作条(Action Bars)
- Action Buttons
- 插件(AddOns)
- 冒险指南(Adventure Guide)
- 神器(Artifact)
- 拍卖行(Auction House)
- 黑市AH
- 魔兽代币(WoW Tokens)
- Azerite
- 背包(Bags)
- 容器(Containers)
- 库存(Inventory)
- 银行(Bank)
- 公会银行(Guild Bank)
- 理发店(Barber Shop)
- 书籍(书籍)
- 日历(calendar)
- 相机(Camera)
- 频道(Channels)
- 聊天窗口(Chat Window)
- 社区(communities)
- 语音聊天(Voice Chat)
- 推特(Twitter)
- 角色(Character)
- 角色表(Paper Doll)
- 试衣间(dressing room)
- 活动(Movement)
- 指定目标(Targeting)
- 死亡(Death)
- 过场动画(Cinematics)
- 职业(class)
- 天赋(Talents)
- 收藏(Collections)
- 坐骑(Mount Journal)
- 宠物(Pet Journal)
- 玩具箱(Toy Box)
- 传家宝(Heirlooms)
- 外观(Appearances)
- 战斗记录(Combat Log)
- 战斗宠物(Combat Pets)
- 同伴(Companions)
- Contribution Collection
- 货币(Currency)
- 光标(Cursor)
- 客户支持(Customer Support)
- 知识库(Knowledge Base)
- 设备管理器(Equipment Manager)
- 扩展(Expansions)
- FrameXML
- 好友(Friends)
- Who List
- 真实身份证(Real ID)
- 招募朋友(Recruit-a-Friend)
- 驻军(Garrisons)
- 建筑物(Buildings)
- 战利品(Trophies)
- 追随者与任务(Followers & Missions)
- 团队(Groups)
- Raid Groups
- Raid Profiles
- 组查找器(Group Finder)
- 突袭者(Raid Finder)
- 公会(Guild)
- 检查(Inspection)
- Instances
- 场景(Scenarios)
- Mythic+
- 入侵(Invasions)
- 海岛探险(Island Expeditions)
- Items
- 按键绑定(Key Bindings)
- Modifiers
- 劫掠(Looting)
- 失控(Loss of Control)
- 宏命令(Macros)
- 邮件(Mail)
- 地图(Maps)
- 飞行管理员(Flight Master)
- 追踪(Tracking)
- 商人(Merchant)
- 铭牌(Nameplates)
- 宠物大战(Pet Battles)
- 申请书(Petitions)
- 专业(Professions)
- 考古(Archaeology)
- 附魔(Enchantments)
- 雕文(glyphs)
- 物品插口(tem Socketing)
- PvP
- 竞技场(Arena)
- 战场(Battlegrounds)
- 世界战场(World Battlefields)
- 争吵(Brawl)
- 战争游戏(War Games)
- 战争模式(War Mode)
- 任务 (Quests)
- 任务日志(Quest Log)
- 任务选择(Quest Choices)
- Task Quests
- 闲聊(Gossip)
- 探险地图(Adventure Map)
- 战争战役(War Campaigns)
- 种族(Races)
- 境界(Realms)
- 报告(Reporting)
- 声望(Reputation)
- 报废的机器(Scrapping Machine)
- 法术(Spells)
- Spell Book
- 商店(Shop)
- 召唤(Summoning)
- 系统(System)
- 网络(Network)
- 控制台(Console)
- 日期时间(Date & Time)
- 调试(Debugging)
- 图形(Graphics)
- 语言环境(Locales)
- 脚本分析(Script Profiling)
- 安全执行(Secure Execution)
- 声音(Sound)
- Sound Drivers
- Talking Head
- 交易(Trading)
- 训练师(Trainer)
- 迁移(Transmogrification)
- 空白存储(Void Storage)
- 讲解(Tutorials)
- UI对象(UI Objects)
- 框架(Frame)
- 字体(Font)
- 质地(Texture)
- 混合(Mixin)
- 咒语(SpellMixin)
- ItemMixin
- 物品位置(ItemLocationMixin)
- PlayerLocationMixin
- 模型场景(ModelScene)
- 未分类
- UI窗口小部件管理器(UI Widget Manager)
- 单位(Units)
- 光环(Auras)
- 玩家(Players)
- 实用程序(Util)
- 车辆(Vehicles)
- Classic Specific Functions
- 猎人宠物(Hunter Pets)
- 专业(Professions)
- 手工制作(Crafting)
- @PvP
- 模拟器
- 训练师(Trainer)
- 8.x API
- 控制台(Console)
- 召唤(Summoning)
- See also
- 外部链接(External links)
- Widget handlers(UI交互事件)
- ScriptObject
- AnimationGroup
- Animation对象
- Alpha对象
- Scale
- LineScale
- Translation
- LineTranslation
- Path
- Rotation
- TextureCoordTranslation
- Frame
- Browser
- Button
- CheckButton
- ItemButton
- Checkout
- ColorSelect
- Cooldown
- EditBox
- FogOfWarFrame
- GameTooltip
- Model
- PlayerModel
- CinematicModel
- DressupModel
- TabardModel
- MovieFrame
- ScrollFrame
- Slider
- MessageFrame
- Minimap
- ModelScene
- OffScreenFrame
- POIFrame
- ArchaeologyDigSiteFrame
- QuestPOIFrame
- ScenarioPOIFrame
- SimpleHTML
- StatusBar
- UnitPositionFrame
- WorldFrame
- 入门
- .toc
- .lua
- .xml
- 示例
- 自动邀请插件
- 完整例子:显示任务坐标
- eCoordinates.toc
- eCoordinates.xml
- eCoordinates.lua
- 开发帮助组件
- AddOn Studio编辑器
- 暴雪自带调试工具
- DevTools调试插件
- wowlua
- 魔兽宏
- 战斗宠物命令
- 暴雪界面命令
- 聊天命令
- chat substitutions
- 角色指令
- 开发者工具
- 表情动作
- 战斗命令
- 公会命令
- 小队与团队命令、
- 宠物命令
- PvP的命令
- 系统命令
- 目标函数
- 命令
- 被禁用的命令
- 宏条件
- 装备物品编号