ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[KBArticle\_BeginLoading]( "API KBArticle BeginLoading")(articleId, searchType) - Starts the article loading process. [KBArticle\_GetData]( "API KBArticle GetData")() - Returns information about the current article. [KBArticle\_IsLoaded]( "API KBArticle IsLoaded")() - Returns true if an article is loaded. [KBQuery\_BeginLoading]( "API KBQuery BeginLoading (page does not exist)")(searchText, categoryIndex, subcategoryIndex, articlesPerPage, curPage) - Starts a query for articles. [KBQuery\_GetArticleHeaderCount]( "API KBQuery GetArticleHeaderCount (page does not exist)")() - Returns the number of article headers in the current query. [KBQuery\_GetArticleHeaderData]( "API KBQuery GetArticleHeaderData (page does not exist)")(index) - Returns information about an article header of the current query. [KBQuery\_GetTotalArticleCount]( "API KBQuery GetTotalArticleCount (page does not exist)")() - Returns the total number of articles that matches the current query. [KBQuery\_IsLoaded]( "API KBQuery IsLoaded (page does not exist)")() - Returns true if a query loaded successfuly. [KBSetup\_BeginLoading]( "API KBSetup BeginLoading")(articlesPerPage, curPage) - Starts the loading process for the KB start page. [KBSetup\_GetArticleHeaderCount]( "API KBSetup GetArticleHeaderCount")() - Returns the number of articles for the current page. [KBSetup\_GetArticleHeaderData]( "API KBSetup GetArticleHeaderData")(index) - Returns information for an article header. [KBSetup\_GetCategoryCount]( "API KBSetup GetCategoryCount")() - Returns the number of categories in the knowledge base. [KBSetup\_GetCategoryData]( "API KBSetup GetCategoryData")(index) - Returns information about a category. [KBSetup\_GetLanguageCount]( "API KBSetup GetLanguageCount")() - Returns the number of languages in the knowledge base. [KBSetup\_GetLanguageData]( "API KBSetup GetLanguageData")(index) - Returns information about a language. [KBSetup\_GetSubCategoryCount]( "API KBSetup GetSubCategoryCount")(category) - Returns the number of subcategories for a category. [KBSetup\_GetSubCategoryData]( "API KBSetup GetSubCategoryData")(category, index) - Returns information about a subcategory. [KBSetup\_GetTotalArticleCount]( "API KBSetup GetTotalArticleCount")() - Returns the total number of articles in the knowlege base. [KBSetup\_IsLoaded]( "API KBSetup IsLoaded")() - Returns true if the knowledge base is loaded successfuly. [KBSystem\_GetMOTD]( "API KBSystem GetMOTD")() - Returns the server message of the day. [KBSystem\_GetServerNotice]( "API KBSystem GetServerNotice")() - Returns the server notice. [KBSystem\_GetServerStatus]( "API KBSystem GetServerStatus")() - Returns the server status text.