ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
Most of these functions may only be called on a hardware event from**secure**code. PROTECTED[AscendStop]( "API AscendStop")() - Called when you release the jump key. PROTECTED[AttackTarget]( "API AttackTarget")() - Attacks the targetted unit. PROTECTED[DescendStop]( "API DescendStop")() - The player stops descending (while swimming or flying) PROTECTED[InteractUnit]( "API InteractUnit (page does not exist)")(unitToken\[, exactMatch\]) [FollowUnit]( "API FollowUnit")("unit") - Follow an ally with the specified UnitID. [IsPlayerMoving]( "API IsPlayerMoving (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[JumpOrAscendStart]( "API JumpOrAscendStart")() - Makes the player jump. PROTECTED[MoveAndSteerStart]( "API MoveAndSteerStart (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[MoveAndSteerStop]( "API MoveAndSteerStop (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[MoveBackwardStart]( "API MoveBackwardStart")() - The player begins moving backward at the specified time. PROTECTED[MoveBackwardStop]( "API MoveBackwardStop")() - The player stops moving backward at the specified time. PROTECTED[MoveForwardStart]( "API MoveForwardStart")() - The player begins moving forward at the specified time. PROTECTED[MoveForwardStop]( "API MoveForwardStop")() - The player stops moving forward at the specified time. PROTECTED[SetMoveEnabled]( "API SetMoveEnabled")() PROTECTED[SetTurnEnabled]( "API SetTurnEnabled")() PROTECTED[SitStandOrDescendStart]( "API SitStandOrDescendStart")() - The player sits, stands, or descends. PROTECTED[StartAttack]( "API StartAttack (page does not exist)")() [StopAttack]( "API StopAttack (page does not exist)")() - Turns off auto-attack, if currently active. PROTECTED[StartAutoRun]( "API StartAutoRun (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[StopAutoRun]( "API StopAutoRun (page does not exist)")() PROTECTED[StrafeLeftStart]( "API StrafeLeftStart")() - The player begins strafing left at the specified time. PROTECTED[StrafeLeftStop]( "API StrafeLeftStop")() - The player stops strafing left at the specified time. PROTECTED[StrafeRightStart]( "API StrafeRightStart")() - The player begins strafing right at the specified time. PROTECTED[StrafeRightStop]( "API StrafeRightStop")() - The player stops strafing right at the specified time. PROTECTED[ToggleAutoRun]( "API ToggleAutoRun")() - Turns auto-run on or off. PROTECTED[ToggleRun]( "API ToggleRun")() - Toggle between running and walking. PROTECTED[TurnLeftStart]( "API TurnLeftStart")() - The player starts turning left at the specified time. PROTECTED[TurnLeftStop]( "API TurnLeftStop")() - The player stops turning left at the specified time. PROTECTED[TurnOrActionStart]( "API TurnOrActionStart")() - Begin "Right Click" in the 3D world. PROTECTED[TurnOrActionStop]( "API TurnOrActionStop")() - End "Right Click" in the 3D world. PROTECTED[TurnRightStart]( "API TurnRightStart")() - The player starts turning right at the specified time. PROTECTED[TurnRightStop]( "API TurnRightStop")() - The player stops turning right at the specified time.