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These functions relate to[Reputation]( "Reputation"). [C\_Reputation.GetFactionParagonInfo]( "API C Reputation.GetFactionParagonInfo")(factionID) - Gets Paragon information. [C\_Reputation.IsFactionParagon]( "API C Reputation.IsFactionParagon")(factionID) - Returns true/false if a factionID is a Paragon. [C\_Reputation.RequestFactionParagonPreloadRewardData]( "API C Reputation.RequestFactionParagonPreloadRewardData")(factionID) - Queries the server to pre-load Paragon reward data. [CollapseFactionHeader]( "API CollapseFactionHeader")(index) - Collapse a faction header row. [CollapseAllFactionHeaders]( "API CollapseAllFactionHeaders (page does not exist)")() - Collapse all faction header rows. [ExpandFactionHeader]( "API ExpandFactionHeader")(index) - Expand a faction header row. [ExpandAllFactionHeaders]( "API ExpandAllFactionHeaders (page does not exist)")() - Expand all faction header rows. [FactionToggleAtWar]( "API FactionToggleAtWar")(index) - Toggle the At War flag for a faction. [GetFactionInfo]( "API GetFactionInfo")(index) - Gets details for a specific faction/faction header. [GetFactionInfoByID]( "API GetFactionInfoByID")(factionID) - Gets details for a specific faction by factionID. [GetFriendshipReputation]( "API GetFriendshipReputation")(factionID) - Gets details about an NPC friend. [GetFriendshipReputationRanks]( "API GetFriendshipReputationRanks")(factionID) - Gets rank data about an NPC friend. [GetNumFactions]( "API GetNumFactions")() - Returns the number of lines in the faction display. [GetSelectedFaction]( "API GetSelectedFaction (page does not exist)")() - Returns the row index of the currently selected faction in reputation window. [GetWatchedFactionInfo]( "API GetWatchedFactionInfo")() - Returns information about the currently watched faction. [IsFactionInactive]( "API IsFactionInactive")(index) - Returns true if the faction is marked inactive. [SetFactionActive]( "API SetFactionActive")(index) - Remove a faction from inactive group. [SetFactionInactive]( "API SetFactionInactive")(index) - Move a faction to inactive group. [SetSelectedFaction]( "API SetSelectedFaction (page does not exist)")(index) - Sets the currently selected faction in reputation window. [SetWatchedFactionIndex]( "API SetWatchedFactionIndex")(index) - Sets which faction should be watched in Blizzard reputation bar.