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# 解决冲突 人生不如意之事十之八九,合并分支往往也不是一帆风顺的。 准备新的`feature1`分支,继续我们的新分支开发: ``` $ git checkout -b feature1 Switched to a new branch 'feature1' ``` 修改readme.txt最后一行,改为: ``` Creating a new branch is quick AND simple. ``` 在`feature1`分支上提交: ``` $ git add readme.txt $ git commit -m "AND simple" [feature1 75a857c] AND simple 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) ``` 切换到`master`分支: ``` $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. ``` Git还会自动提示我们当前`master`分支比远程的`master`分支要超前1个提交。 在`master`分支上把readme.txt文件的最后一行改为: ``` Creating a new branch is quick & simple. ``` 提交: ``` $ git add readme.txt $ git commit -m "& simple" [master 400b400] & simple 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) ``` 现在,`master`分支和`feature1`分支各自都分别有新的提交,变成了这样: ![git-br-feature1](img/001384909115478645b93e2b5ae4dc78da049a0d1704a41000.png) 这种情况下,Git无法执行“快速合并”,只能试图把各自的修改合并起来,但这种合并就可能会有冲突,我们试试看: ``` $ git merge feature1 Auto-merging readme.txt CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in readme.txt Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result. ``` 果然冲突了!Git告诉我们,readme.txt文件存在冲突,必须手动解决冲突后再提交。`git status`也可以告诉我们冲突的文件: ``` $ git status # On branch master # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits. # # Unmerged paths: # (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution) # # both modified: readme.txt # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ``` 我们可以直接查看readme.txt的内容: ``` Git is a distributed version control system. Git is free software distributed under the GPL. Git has a mutable index called stage. Git tracks changes of files. <<<<<<< HEAD Creating a new branch is quick & simple. ======= Creating a new branch is quick AND simple. >>>>>>> feature1 ``` Git用`&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;`,`=======`,`&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;`标记出不同分支的内容,我们修改如下后保存: ``` Creating a new branch is quick and simple. ``` 再提交: ``` $ git add readme.txt $ git commit -m "conflict fixed" [master 59bc1cb] conflict fixed ``` 现在,`master`分支和`feature1`分支变成了下图所示: ![git-br-conflict-merged](img/00138490913052149c4b2cd9702422aa387ac024943921b000.png) 用带参数的`git log`也可以看到分支的合并情况: ``` $ git log --graph --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit * 59bc1cb conflict fixed |\ | * 75a857c AND simple * | 400b400 & simple |/ * fec145a branch test ... ``` 最后,删除`feature1`分支: ``` $ git branch -d feature1 Deleted branch feature1 (was 75a857c). ``` 工作完成。 ## 小结 当Git无法自动合并分支时,就必须首先解决冲突。解决冲突后,再提交,合并完成。 用`git log --graph`命令可以看到分支合并图。