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# 使用 Restito 工具进行 REST 客户端测试 > 原文: [https://www.guru99.com/rest-client-testing.html](https://www.guru99.com/rest-client-testing.html) ## 什么是 REST? **REST** 代表“代表状态转移”,这是在给定时间点任何两个系统之间进行通信的新方式。 其中一个系统称为“ REST 客户端”,另一个系统称为“ REST 服务器”。 在此 REST 教程中,您将学习: * [什么是 REST?](#1) * [什么是 REST 客户端?](#2) * [什么是 REST Server?](#3) * [什么是 Restito?](#4) * [如何使用 Restito 测试 REST 客户端?](#5) * [使用 Restito Framework 进行 REST 客户端测试的优势](#6) * [使用 Restito Framework 进行 REST 客户端测试的缺点](#7) 在了解用于 REST 客户端测试的 Restito Framework 之前,让我们首先学习一些基础知识。 ## 什么是 REST 客户端? REST 客户端是一种调用 REST 服务 API 的方法或工具,该 API 公开供任何系统或服务提供商进行通信。 例如:如果公开一个 API 来获取来自 Google 的路线的实时路况信息,则调用 Google 流量 API 的软件/工具称为 REST 客户端。 ## 什么是 REST Server? 它是任何系统或服务提供商都可以进行通信的方法或 API。 例如,Google 公开了一个 API,以获取给定路线上的实时路况信息。 在这里,Google 服务器需要启动并运行,以侦听来自不同客户端的对公开 API 的任何请求。 ### 例: 现在该根据上述定义建立一个完整的端到端方案。 让我们考虑像 Uber 这样的出租车预订应用程序,因为公司需要有关给定车辆所在路线周围交通状况的实时信息。 ### 休息客户: 客户端是驱动程序已登录的 Uber 移动应用程序。 该应用向 Google 地图公开的 REST API 发送请求,以获取实时数据。 例如,一个 HTTP GET 请求。 ### 休息服务器: 在此示例中,Google 是服务提供商,并且 Google Maps 的 API 会以所需的详细信息响应 Uber 应用程序的请求。 客户端和服务器在 REST 通信中同等重要。 在这里,我们实现了仅用于 REST 客户端的自动化测试的示例。 要测试 REST 服务器,请参阅 [https://www.guru99.com/top-6-api-testing-tool.html](https://www.guru99.com/top-6-api-testing-tool.html) 。 ## 什么是 Restito? Restito 是 Mkotsur 开发的框架。 这是一个轻量级的应用程序,可以帮助您执行任何类型的 HTTP 请求。 您可以使用 Restito 测试 REST API 并搜索应用程序或网络中的问题。 ## 如何使用 Restito 测试 REST 客户端? 让我们将练习分为以下四个步骤: 1. 创建一个 HTTP 客户端和方法以将 HTTP GET 请求发送到任何服务器端点。 现在,将端点视为 [http:// localhost:9092 / getevents。](http://localhost:9092/getevents) 2. 启动 Restito 服务器以侦听并捕获发送到 localhost [http:// localhost:9092 / getevents](http://localhost:9092/getevents) 中的端点“ getevents”的请求。 3. 创建一个测试类来测试上述客户端。 调用 HTTP 客户端的“ sendGETRequest”方法以向 API“ getevents”发起 GET 请求。 4. 使用 Restito 框架验证 HTTP GET 调用。 让我们深入研究上述每个步骤。 **步骤 1)**创建一个 HTTP 客户端和方法,以将 HTTP GET 请求发送到任何服务器端点。 ========== Java 代码开始=========== ``` package com.chamlabs.restfulservices.client; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * This class creates a HTTP Client and has a method to send HTTP GET request: * sendGETRequest(..) */ public class RestClient { /** * Constructor for the class RestClient */ public RestClient() { System.out.println("Creating RestClient constructor"); } /** * Method to Send GET request to http://localhost:<<port>>/getevents * @param port * @return true if GET request is successfully sent. False, otherwise. */ public static boolean sendGETRequest(int port) { try { HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet("http://localhost:" + port + "/getevents"); //HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); client.execute(getRequest); System.out.println("HTTP request is sent successfully." + "Returning True"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Some exception has occurred during the HTTP Client creation." + "Returning false"); return false; } } ``` ========== JAVA CODE Ends =========== **步骤 2)**启动 Restito 服务器以侦听并捕获发送到本地主机 [http:// localhost:9092 / getevents](http://localhost:9092/getevents) 中的端点“ getevents”的请求。 ========== JAVA CODE Starts =========== ``` package com.chamlabs.restfultesting.util; import static com.xebialabs.restito.builder.stub.StubHttp.whenHttp; import static com.xebialabs.restito.semantics.Action.status; import static com.xebialabs.restito.semantics.Condition.get; import static com.xebialabs.restito.semantics.Condition.post; import java.util.List; import org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus; import com.xebialabs.restito.semantics.Call; import com.xebialabs.restito.server.StubServer; /** * This utility class contains several utility methods like : * restartRestitoServerForGETRequests(..) * restartRestitoServerForPOSTRequests(..) * waitAndGetCallList(..) * * @author cham6 * @email: paperplanes.chandra@gmail.com * @fork: https://github.com/cham6/restfultesting.git * */ public class TestUtil { /** * Utility method to start restito stub server to accept GET requests * @param server * @param port * @param status */ public static void restartRestitoServerForGETRequests (StubServer server, int port, HttpStatus status) { // Kill the restito server if (server != null) { server.stop(); } // Initialize and configure a newer instance of the stub server server = new StubServer(port).run(); whenHttp(server).match(get("/getevents")).then(status(status)); } /** * Utility method to start restito stub server to accept POST requests * @param server * @param port * @param status */ public static void restartRestitoServerForPOSTRequests (StubServer server, int port, HttpStatus status) { // Kill the restito server if (server != null) { server.stop(); } // Initialize and configure a newer instance of the stub server server = new StubServer(port).run(); whenHttp(server).match(post("/postevents")).then(status(status)); } /** * For a given restito stub server, loop for the given amount of seconds and * break and return the call list from server. * * @param server * @param waitTimeInSeconds * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ public static List<Call> waitAndGetCallList (StubServer server, int waitTimeInSeconds) throws InterruptedException { int timeoutCount = 0; List<Call> callList = server.getCalls(); while (callList.isEmpty()) { Thread.sleep(1000); timeoutCount++; if (timeoutCount >= waitTimeInSeconds) { break; } callList = server.getCalls(); } // Wait for 2 seconds to get all the calls into callList to Eliminate any falkyness. Thread.sleep(2000); return server.getCalls(); } } ``` ========== JAVA CODE Ends =========== **步骤 3)**创建一个测试类来测试上述客户端。 调用 HTTP 客户端的 sendGETRequest 方法,以启动对 API“ getevents”的 GET 请求。 ========== JAVA CODE Starts =========== ``` import junit.framework.TestCase; import com.chamlabs.restfulservices.client.RestClient; import com.chamlabs.restfultesting.util.TestUtil; import com.xebialabs.restito.semantics.Call; import com.xebialabs.restito.server.StubServer; import static org.glassfish.grizzly.http.util.HttpStatus.ACCEPTED_202; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * This class contains several junit tests to validate the RestClient operations like: * sendRequest(..) * sendRequestWithCustomHeaders(..) * sendPOSTRequestWithJSONBody(..) * */ public class RestClientTester extends TestCase { private static final Integer PORT = 9098; private static final Integer PORT2 = 9099; private static final Integer PORT3 = 9097; public RestClientTester() { System.out.println("Starting the test RestClientTester"); } /** * Junit test to validate the GET request from RestClient * Steps: * 1) Create a stub server using Restito framework and configure it to listen on given port * 2) Invoke the sendGETRequest(..) method of RestClient * 3) Restito captures the matching GET requests sent, if any. * 4) Validate if Restito has captured any GET requests on given endpoint * Expected Behavior: * > Restito should have captured GET request and it should have captured only one GET request. * Finally: * > Stop the stub server started using restito. */ public void testGETRequestFromClient() { StubServer server = null; try { //This will start the stub server on 'PORT' and responds with HTTP 202 'ACCEPTED_202' TestUtil.restartRestitoServerForGETRequests(server, PORT, ACCEPTED_202); RestClient.sendGETRequest(PORT); List<Call> callList = TestUtil.waitAndGetCallList(server, 30); assertTrue("GET request is not received from the RestClient. Test failed.", (callList != null) && (callList.size() == 1)); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Test Failed due to exception : " + e); } finally { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } } ``` ========== JAVA CODE Ends =========== **步骤 4)**如何使用 Restito 框架验证带有标头的 GET 请求和带有正文的 POST 请求。 ========== JAVA CODE Starts =========== ``` /** * Junit test to validate the GET request with headers from RestClient * Steps: * 1) Create a stub server using Restito framework and configure it to listen on given port * 2) Invoke the sendGETRequestWithCustomHeaders(..) method of RestClient * 3) Restito captures the matching GET requests sent, if any. * 4) Validate if Restito has captured any GET requests on a given endpoint * Expected Behavior: * > Restito should have captured GET request, and it should have captured only one GET request. * > Get the headers of the captured GET request * and make sure the headers match to the ones configured. * Finally: * > Stop the stub server started using restito. */ public void testGETRequestWithHeadersFromClient() { StubServer server = null; try { //This will start the stub server on 'PORT' and responds with HTTP 202 'ACCEPTED_202' TestUtil.restartRestitoServerForGETRequests(server, PORT2, ACCEPTED_202); RestClient.sendGETRequestWithCustomHeaders(PORT2); List<Call> callList = TestUtil.waitAndGetCallList(server, 30); assertTrue("GET request is not received from the RestClient. Test failed.", (callList != null) && (callList.size() == 1)); //Validate the headers of the GET request from REST Client Map<String, List<String>> headersFromRequest = callList.get(0).getHeaders(); assertTrue("GET request contains header Accept and its value ", headersFromRequest.get("Accept").contains("text/html")); assertTrue("GET request contains header Authorization and its value ", headersFromRequest.get("Authorization").contains("Bearer 1234567890qwertyuiop")); assertTrue("GET request contains header Cache-Control and its value ", headersFromRequest.get("Cache-Control").contains("no-cache")); assertTrue("GET request contains header Connection and its value ", headersFromRequest.get("Connection").contains("keep-alive")); assertTrue("GET request contains header Content-Type and its value ", headersFromRequest.get("Content-Type").contains("application/json")); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Test Failed due to exception : " + e); } finally { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } } ``` ``` /** * Junit test to validate the POST request with body and headers from RestClient * Steps: * 1) Create a stub server using Restito framework and configure it to listen on given port * 2) Invoke the sendPOSTRequestWithJSONBody(..) method of RestClient * 3) Restito captures the matching POST requests sent, if any. * 4) Validate if Restito has captured any POST requests on given endpoint * Expected Behavior: * > Restito should have captured POST request and it should have captured only one POST request. * > Get the body of the captured POST request and validate the JSON values * Finally: * > Stop the stub server started using restito. */ public void testPOSTRequestWithJSONBody() { StubServer server = null; try { //This will start the stub server on 'PORT' and responds with HTTP 202 'ACCEPTED_202' TestUtil.restartRestitoServerForPOSTRequests(server, PORT3, ACCEPTED_202); RestClient.sendPOSTRequestWithJSONBody(PORT3); List<Call> callList = TestUtil.waitAndGetCallList(server, 30); assertTrue("POST request is not received from the RestClient. Test failed.", (callList != null) && (callList.size() == 1)); //Validate the headers of the GET request from REST Client String requestBody = callList.get(0).getPostBody(); JSONObject postRequestJSON = new JSONObject(requestBody); assertTrue("The timeUpdated in json is incorrect", postRequestJSON.get("timeUpdated").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("1535703838478")); assertTrue("The access_token in json is incorrect", postRequestJSON.get("access_token").toString(). equalsIgnoreCase("abf8714d-73a3-42ab-9df8-d13fcb92a1d8")); assertTrue("The refresh_token in json is incorrect", postRequestJSON.get("refresh_token").toString(). equalsIgnoreCase("d5a5ab08-c200-421d-ad46-2e89c2f566f5")); assertTrue("The token_type in json is incorrect", postRequestJSON.get("token_type").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("bearer")); assertTrue("The expires_in in json is incorrect", postRequestJSON.get("expires_in").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("1024")); assertTrue("The scope in json is incorrect", postRequestJSON.get("scope").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("")); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Test Failed due to exception : " + e); } finally { if(server != null) { server.stop(); } } } } ``` ========== JAVA CODE Ends =========== ## 使用 Restito Framework 进行 REST 客户端测试的优势 这是用于 ReST 客户端测试的 Restito Framework 的优点/优点 * 我们不需要开发实际的 REST 服务器来测试 REST 客户端。 * Restito 提供了强大而多样的实用程序和方法来模拟服务器的不同行为。 例如:测试服务器响应 HTTP 404 错误或 HTTP 503 错误时 REST 客户端的行为。 * Restito 服务器可以在几毫秒内完成设置,并且可以在测试完成后终止。 * Restito 支持所有类型的 HTTP 方法内容,例如压缩,非压缩,统一,应用程序/文本,应用程序/ JSON 等。 ## 使用 Restito Framework 进行 REST 客户端测试的缺点 这是用于 ReST 客户端测试的 Restito Framework 的缺点/缺点 * 应当调整 REST 客户端源,以将“ localhost”视为服务器计算机。 * 如果我们使用一些常用端口(例如“ 8080”或“ 9443”等),则在任何端口打开服务器都可能会发生冲突。 * 建议使用其他工具不常用的端口,例如 9092 或 9099。 ### 摘要: * REST 代表“代表状态转移”,这是在给定时间点任何两个系统之间进行通信的新标准方式。 * REST 客户端是一种调用 REST 服务 API 的方法或工具,该 API 公开给任何系统或服务提供商进行通信。 * 在 RestServer 方法中或公开供任何系统或服务提供者进行通信的 API 中。 * Restito 是一款轻巧的应用程序,可帮助您执行任何类型的 HTTP 请求 * 创建一个 HTTP 客户端和方法以将 HTTP GET 请求发送到任何服务器端点 * 启动 Restito 服务器以侦听和捕获发送到端点“ getevents”的请求。 * 启动 Restito 服务器以侦听和捕获发送到 localhost 中的端点“ getevents”的请求 * 在这里,我们实现了仅用于 REST 客户端的自动化测试的示例。 * 我们不需要开发实际的 REST 服务器来测试 REST 客户端。 * 应当调整 REST 客户端源,以将“ localhost”视为服务器计算机。 本文由 Chandrasekhar Muttineni 提供