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# 行为驱动开发(BDD)通过行为测试 REST API > 原文: [https://www.guru99.com/bdd-testing-rest-api-behave.html](https://www.guru99.com/bdd-testing-rest-api-behave.html) ## 什么是 BDD 测试? **BDD(行为驱动的开发)测试**是一种敏捷软件开发技术,是 TDD 的扩展,即测试驱动开发。 在 BDD 中,测试用例以自然语言编写,即使非程序员也可以阅读。 在本 BDD 教程中,我们将看到使用 Behave 和 Python 对 REST API 进行 BDD 测试 * [BDD 测试如何工作?](#2) * [什么是 REST API 测试?](#3) * [行为是什么?](#4) * [在 Windows 上设置行为测试框架:](#5) * [POST 场景示例:](#6) * [步骤实施](#7) * [运行测试:](#8) * [报告](#9) ## BDD 测试如何工作? 考虑您被分配在网上银行应用程序中创建资金转账模块。 有多种测试方法 1. 如果来源帐户中有足够的余额,则应进行资金转帐 2. 如果目的地 A / C 详细信息正确,则应进行资金转帐 3. 如果用户输入的交易密码/ rsa 代码/安全认证正确,则应进行资金转帐 4. 即使是银行假期也应进行转帐 5. 资金转移应在帐户持有人设定的未来某个日期进行 [测试场景](/test-scenario.html)变得更加复杂和复杂,因为我们考虑了其他功能,例如在 Y 天/月的间隔内转移金额 X,当总额达到 Z 时停止计划转移,依此类推 开发人员的一般趋势是在以后开发功能并编写测试代码。 如上述案例所示,[测试用例](/test-case.html)的开发非常复杂,开发人员将推迟[测试](/software-testing.html)直到发布,这时他将进行快速但无效的测试。 为了克服此问题(行为驱动开发),设想了 BDD。 它使开发人员的整个测试过程变得容易 在 BDD 中,无论编写什么内容,都必须进入 ***给定时间*** 步骤。 让我们考虑上面 BDD 中的相同示例 ``` Given that a fund transfer module in net banking application has been developed And I am accessing it with proper authentication ``` ``` WhenI shall transfer with enough balance in my source account Or I shall transfer on a Bank Holiday Or I shall transfer on a future date And destination a/c details are correct And transaction password/rsa code / security authentication for the transaction is correct And press or click send button ``` ``` Then amount must be transferred And the event will be logged in log file ``` 写,读和理解不容易吗? 它涵盖了资金转移模块的所有可能的测试用例,并且可以轻松修改以容纳更多的用例。 此外,它更像是为资金转移模块编写文档。 ## 什么是 REST API 测试? 如今,由于 REST 已成为构建 API 的一种流行样式,因此自动化 REST API 测试用例和 UI 测试用例变得同等重要。 因此,基本上,这些 REST API 测试涉及分别使用 POST,GET,PUT 和 DELETE 方法测试 CRUD(创建-读取-更新-删除)操作。 ## 行为是什么? 行为是流行的 Python BDD 测试框架之一。 让我们看看行为如何发挥作用: 功能文件由您的业务分析师/赞助商/与其中包含您的行为方案的任何人一起编写。 它具有自然语言格式,用于描述特征或特征的一部分以及预期结果的代表性示例 这些场景步骤与用 Python 编写的步骤实现映射 并且可选地,有一些环境控制(在步骤,场景,功能或整个射击比赛之前和之后运行的代码)。 让我们开始使用 Behave 设置自动化测试框架: ## 在 Windows 上设置行为测试框架: ### 安装: * 从 [https://www.python.org/](https://www.python.org/) 下载并安装 Python 3 * 在命令提示符处执行以下命令以安装行为 * 点安装行为 * IDE:我使用了 PyCharm 社区版 [https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/#section=windows) ### 项目设置: * 创建一个新项目 * 创建以下目录结构: ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/c4/bf/c4bf29b16705d88844efd4450078e534_707x96.png) ### 功能文件: 因此,让我们构建功能文件 **Sample_REST_API_Testing.feature** ,该功能文件具有对“ posts”服务执行 CRUD 操作的功能。 在我们的示例中,我使用了 [http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/](http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com) 发布了示例 REST 服务。 ## POST 场景示例: ``` Scenario: POST post example ->Here we are considering creating new post item using 'posts' service Given: I set post posts API endpoint ->This is prerequisite for the test which is setting URL of posts service When: I set HEADER param request content type as "application/json." And set request body And send POST HTTP request ->This is actual test step of sending a post request Then: Then I receive valid HTPP response code 201 And Response body "POST" is non-empty-> This is verification of response body ``` 同样,您可以按以下方式编写其余方案: ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/03/50/0350eb6d2aef87b8ee13545863388ed0_594x604.png) **Sample_REST_API_Testing.feature** ``` Feature: Test CRUD methods in Sample REST API testing framework Background: Given I set sample REST API url Scenario: POST post example Given I Set POST posts api endpoint When I Set HEADER param request content type as "application/json." And Set request Body And Send a POST HTTP request Then I receive valid HTTP response code 201 And Response BODY "POST" is non-empty. Scenario: GET posts example Given I Set GET posts api endpoint "1" When I Set HEADER param request content type as "application/json." And Send GET HTTP request Then I receive valid HTTP response code 200 for "GET." And Response BODY "GET" is non-empty Scenario: UPDATE posts example Given I Set PUT posts api endpoint for "1" When I Set Update request Body And Send PUT HTTP request Then I receive valid HTTP response code 200 for "PUT." And Response BODY "PUT" is non-empty Scenario: DELETE posts example Given I Set DELETE posts api endpoint for "1" When I Send DELETE HTTP request Then I receive valid HTTP response code 200 for "DELETE." ``` ## 步骤执行 现在,对于上述场景中使用的功能步骤,您可以在“步骤”目录下的 Python 文件中编写实现。 行为框架通过与特征文件谓词匹配的修饰符来标识 Step 函数。 例如,特征文件场景中的给定谓词搜索具有修饰符“给定”的阶跃函数。 类似的匹配发生在时间和时间。 但是,在“但是”,“并且”的情况下,Step 函数采用与上一步相同的修饰符。 例如,如果给定给出“ And”,则匹配的步进函数装饰器为@given。 例如,当执行 POST 的步骤时,可以执行以下步骤: ``` @when (u'I Set HEADER param request content type as "{header_conent_type}"') Mapping of When, here notice “application/json” is been passed from feature file for "{header_conent_type}” . This is called as parameterization def step_impl (context, header_conent_type): This is step implementation method signature request_headers['Content-Type'] = header_conent_type Step implementation code, here you will be setting content type for request header ``` 同样,步骤 python 文件中其他步骤的实现如下所示: ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/06/c1/06c138f272a7a30b3d43eecc19e5d7b6_921x936.png) **sample_step_implementation.py** ``` from behave import given, when, then, step import requests api_endpoints = {} request_headers = {} response_codes ={} response_texts={} request_bodies = {} api_url=None @given(u'I set sample REST API url') def step_impl(context): global api_url api_url = 'http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com' # START POST Scenario @given(u'I Set POST posts api endpoint') def step_impl(context): api_endpoints['POST_URL'] = api_url+'/posts' print('url :'+api_endpoints['POST_URL']) @when(u'I Set HEADER param request content type as "{header_conent_type}"') def step_impl(context, header_conent_type): request_headers['Content-Type'] = header_conent_type #You may also include "And" or "But" as a step - these are renamed by behave to take the name of their preceding step, so: @when(u'Set request Body') def step_impl(context): request_bodies['POST']={"title": "foo","body": "bar","userId": "1"} #You may also include "And" or "But" as a step - these are renamed by behave to take the name of their preceding step, so: @when(u'Send POST HTTP request') def step_impl(context): # sending get request and saving response as response object response = requests.post(url=api_endpoints['POST_URL'], json=request_bodies['POST'], headers=request_headers) #response = requests.post(url=api_endpoints['POST_URL'], headers=request_headers) #https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts # extracting response text response_texts['POST']=response.text print("post response :"+response.text) # extracting response status_code statuscode = response.status_code response_codes['POST'] = statuscode @then(u'I receive valid HTTP response code 201') def step_impl(context): print('Post rep code ;'+str(response_codes['POST'])) assert response_codes['POST'] is 201 # END POST Scenario # START GET Scenario @given(u'I Set GET posts api endpoint "{id}"') def step_impl(context,id): api_endpoints['GET_URL'] = api_url+'/posts/'+id print('url :'+api_endpoints['GET_URL']) #You may also include "And" or "But" as a step - these are renamed by behave to take the name of their preceding step, so: @when(u'Send GET HTTP request') def step_impl(context): # sending get request and saving response as response object response = requests.get(url=api_endpoints['GET_URL'], headers=request_headers) #https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts # extracting response text response_texts['GET']=response.text # extracting response status_code statuscode = response.status_code response_codes['GET'] = statuscode @then(u'I receive valid HTTP response code 200 for "{request_name}"') def step_impl(context,request_name): print('Get rep code for '+request_name+':'+ str(response_codes[request_name])) assert response_codes[request_name] is 200 @then(u'Response BODY "{request_name}" is non-empty') def step_impl(context,request_name): print('request_name: '+request_name) print(response_texts) assert response_texts[request_name] is not None # END GET Scenario #START PUT/UPDATE @given(u'I Set PUT posts api endpoint for "{id}"') def step_impl(context,id): api_endpoints['PUT_URL'] = api_url + '/posts/'+id print('url :' + api_endpoints['PUT_URL']) @when(u'I Set Update request Body') def step_impl(context): request_bodies['PUT']={"title": "foo","body": "bar","userId": "1","id": "1"} @when(u'Send PUT HTTP request') def step_impl(context): # sending get request and saving response as response object # response = requests.post(url=api_endpoints['POST_URL'], headers=request_headers) #https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts response = requests.put(url=api_endpoints['PUT_URL'], json=request_bodies['PUT'], headers=request_headers) # extracting response text response_texts['PUT'] = response.text print("update response :" + response.text) # extracting response status_code statuscode = response.status_code response_codes['PUT'] = statuscode #END PUT/UPDATE #START DELETE @given(u'I Set DELETE posts api endpoint for "{id}"') def step_impl(context,id): api_endpoints['DELETE_URL'] = api_url + '/posts/'+id print('url :' + api_endpoints['DELETE_URL']) @when(u'I Send DELETE HTTP request') def step_impl(context): # sending get request and saving response as response object response = requests.delete(url=api_endpoints['DELETE_URL']) # response = requests.post(url=api_endpoints['POST_URL'], headers=request_headers) #https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts # extracting response text response_texts['DELETE'] = response.text print("DELETE response :" + response.text) # extracting response status_code statuscode = response.status_code response_codes['DELETE'] = statuscode #END DELETE ``` ## 运行测试: 现在,我们完成了测试脚本开发部分,因此让我们运行测试: 在命令提示符处执行以下命令以运行我们的功能文件 C:\ Programs \ Python \ Python37 > **表现-f pretty** C:\ <您的项目路径> \ features \ feature_files_folder \ **Sample_REST_API_Testing.feature** 这将显示测试执行结果,如下所示: ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/8a/bd/8abd4cafea02036cf2d229b71ee17cc5_1402x650.png) **控制台上的报告显示** 让我们在这里再看一件很酷的事情。 由于用户始终希望以更易读,更易懂的格式查看测试结果,因此,在 Allure 的帮助下,以 HTML 格式生成报告。 ## 报告 首先,您需要安装 Allure Behave 格式化程序[ [https://docs.qameta.io/allure/](https://docs.qameta.io/allure/) ]: 现在执行以下命令: 对于报告 > **表现-f json -o** <到您的报告文件夹的路径> **Sample_REST_API_Testing.feature** <诱人文件夹路径> > **诱人服务** <到您的报告文件夹的路径> 这将以可呈现和信息性的格式生成您的测试结果报告,如下所示: ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/c1/f7/c1f7312e0a4170fef0b731e716d9258a_672x312.png) **HTML 格式的测试报告** ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/60/a5/60a590bdc7487b24e3bfc38777230637_1053x502.png) **测试报告显示单个方案结果** ## 摘要: * BDD 是行为驱动的开发。 它是敏捷软件开发的技术之一。 * 如今,REST 已成为构建 API 的一种流行样式,自动化 REST API 测试用例和 UI 测试用例也变得同样重要。 * BDD 具有自然语言格式,用于描述特征或特征的一部分,并带有预期结果的代表性示例 * 行为框架通过与特征文件谓词匹配的装饰器来识别 Step 函数