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[TOC] > [github]( ## 概述 ``` const {is} = require('electron-util'); console.log(is.macos && is.main); //=> true ``` ## 接口 * [`api`]( * [`is`]( * [`electronVersion`]( * [`chromeVersion`]( * [`platform()`]( * [`activeWindow()`]( * [`runJS()`]( * [`fixPathForAsarUnpack()`]( * [`enforceMacOSAppLocation()`]( * [`menuBarHeight()`]( * [`getWindowBoundsCentered()`]( * [`setWindowBounds()`]( * [`centerWindow()`]( * [`disableZoom()`]( * [`appLaunchTimestamp`]( * [`isFirstAppLaunch()`]( * [`darkMode`]( * [`setContentSecurityPolicy`]( * [`openNewGitHubIssue()`]( * [`openUrlMenuItem()`]( * [`showAboutWindow()`]( * [`aboutMenuItem()`]( * [`debugInfo()`]( * [`appMenu()`]( ### api 在主要和渲染器过程中访问Electron API,而无需关心您所在的那个 `; ` ## is 判断 * `macos`\- Running on macOS * `linux`\- Running on Linux * `windows`\- Running on Windows * `main`\- Running on the[main process]( * `renderer`\- Running on the[renderer process]( * `development`\- Running in development, not in production * `usingAsar`\- The app is using[ASAR]( * `macAppStore`\- The app is an Mac App Store build * `windowsStore`\- The app is a Windows Store AppX build