用AI赚第一桶💰低成本搭建一套AI赚钱工具,源码可二开。 广告
[TOC] > [home](http://smoothiecharts.org/) ## 教程 ``` <script type="text/javascript" src="smoothie.js"></script> <canvas id="mycanvas" width="400" height="100"></canvas> // js var smoothie = new SmoothieChart(); smoothie.streamTo(document.getElementById("mycanvas")); // Data var line1 = new TimeSeries(); var line2 = new TimeSeries(); // Add a random value to each line every second setInterval(function() { line1.append(Date.now(), Math.random()); line2.append(Date.now(), Math.random()); }, 1000); // Add to SmoothieChart smoothie.addTimeSeries(line1); smoothie.addTimeSeries(line2); //Add some delay smoothie.streamTo(document.getElementById("mycanvas"), 1000 /*delay*/); // 着色 var smoothie = new SmoothieChart({ grid: { strokeStyle:'rgb(125, 0, 0)', fillStyle:'rgb(60, 0, 0)', lineWidth: 1, millisPerLine: 250, verticalSections: 6, }, labels: { fillStyle:'rgb(60, 0, 0)' } }); smoothie.addTimeSeries(line1, { strokeStyle:'rgb(0, 255, 0)', fillStyle:'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.4)', lineWidth:3 }); smoothie.addTimeSeries(line2, { strokeStyle:'rgb(255, 0, 255)', fillStyle:'rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.3)', lineWidth:3 }); ``` ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/a8/1f/a81f45bd8efd898bcfbbc1009e87c6af_400x100.png)