🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
[TOC] > [github](https://github.com/vlucas/valitron) ## 安装 ``` $ composer require vlucas/valitron ``` ## 使用 ### 简单使用 ``` require __DIR__.'./../vendor/autoload.php'; use Valitron\Validator; $validator = new Validator(['name' => '']); $validator->rule('required', 'name'); if($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { print_r($validator->errors()); //Array //( // [name] => Array // ( // [0] => Name 不能为空 // ) // //) } ``` ### 多验证规则 ``` $rules = [ 'required' => ['name', 'email'], 'alphaNum' => 'name', 'integer' => 'age', 'min' => [['age', 1]], 'email' => 'email' ]; $validator = new Validator(['name' => 'John Doe', 'age' => 34]); $validator->rules($rules); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $errors = $validator->errors(); foreach ($errors as $arr) { foreach ($arr as $error) { echo $error . "\n"; } }; } ```` ### 验证日期 日期有四个验证规则:`date`,`dateFormat`,`dateBefore`和`dateAfter`。 ``` $validator = new Validator(['created_at' => '2019-03-01']); $validator->rule('dateBefore', 'created_at', '2018-10-13'); ``` ### 验证ip ``` $vals = ['ip1' => '', 'ip2' => 'FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329', 'ip3' => 'FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329', 'ip4' => '0.0.1']; $rules = [ 'ip' => ['ip1', 'ip2', 'ip3', 'ip4'], ]; $validator = new Validator($vals); $validator->rules($rules); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { print_r($validator->errors()); //Array //( // [ip4] => Array // ( // [0] => Ip4 is not a valid IP address // ) // //) } ``` ### 自定义消息 ``` $validator = new Validator(['name' => '']); $validator->rule('required', 'name') ->message('{field} 不为空') ->label("姓名"); ``` ### 值的验证子集 方式一: ``` $vals = ['colors' => ['green', 'blue', 'black']]; $validator = new Validator($vals); $validator->rule('subset', 'colors', ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'yellow']); ``` 方式二: ``` Validator::lang('zh-cn'); $v = new Valitron\Validator( ['settings' => [ ['threshold' => 50], ['threshold' => 90] ]]); $v->rule('max', 'settings.*.threshold', 10); if($v->validate()){ echo "Yay! We're all good!"; }else{ print_r($v->errors()); //Array //( // [settings.*.threshold] => Array // ( // [0] => Settings.*.threshold 必须小于 10 // ) // //) } ``` 方式三: ``` $v = new Valitron\Validator(array('values' => array(50, 90))); $v->rule('max', 'values.*', 100); if($v->validate()) { echo "Yay! We're all good!"; } else { // Errors print_r($v->errors()); } ``` 方式四: ``` $v = new Valitron\Validator(array('user' => array('first_name' => 'Steve', 'last_name' => 'Smith', 'username' => 'Batman123'))); $v->rule('alpha', 'user.first_name')->rule('alpha', 'user.last_name')->rule('alphaNum', 'user.username'); if($v->validate()) { echo "Yay! We're all good!"; } else { // Errors print_r($v->errors()); } ``` ### 必填可以为空 ``` $v = new Valitron\Validator(['username' => 'spiderman', 'password' => 'Gr33nG0Blin', 'required_but_null' => null]); $v->rules([ 'required' => [ ['username'], ['password'], ['required_but_null', true] // boolean flag allows empty value so long as the field name is set on the data array ] ]); $v->validate(); ``` ### 自定义语言路径 ``` V::langDir(__DIR__.'/validator_lang'); // always set langDir before lang. V::lang('ar'); ``` ### 验证规则 ``` required - Field is required requiredWith - Field is required if any other fields are present requiredWithout - Field is required if any other fields are NOT present equals - Field must match another field (email/password confirmation) different - Field must be different than another field accepted - Checkbox or Radio must be accepted (yes, on, 1, true) numeric - Must be numeric integer - Must be integer number boolean - Must be boolean array - Must be array length - String must be certain length lengthBetween - String must be between given lengths lengthMin - String must be greater than given length lengthMax - String must be less than given length min - Minimum max - Maximum listContains - Performs in_array check on given array values (the other way round than in) in - Performs in_array check on given array values notIn - Negation of in rule (not in array of values) ip - Valid IP address ipv4 - Valid IP v4 address ipv6 - Valid IP v6 address email - Valid email address emailDNS - Valid email address with active DNS record url - Valid URL urlActive - Valid URL with active DNS record alpha - Alphabetic characters only alphaNum - Alphabetic and numeric characters only ascii - ASCII characters only slug - URL slug characters (a-z, 0-9, -, _) regex - Field matches given regex pattern date - Field is a valid date dateFormat - Field is a valid date in the given format dateBefore - Field is a valid date and is before the given date dateAfter - Field is a valid date and is after the given date contains - Field is a string and contains the given string subset - Field is an array or a scalar and all elements are contained in the given array containsUnique - Field is an array and contains unique values creditCard - Field is a valid credit card number instanceOf - Field contains an instance of the given class optional - Value does not need to be included in data array. If it is however, it must pass validation. arrayHasKeys - Field is an array and contains all specified keys. ```