企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
[TOC] > [接口总览]( ## 总览 * [app]( 获取版本信息 * [cli]( 获取参数 * [clipboard]( 剪切板 * [dialog]( 确认框,文件框等 * [event]( * [fs]( * [globalShortcut]( 全局快捷键 * [http]( 网络请求 * [mocks]( * [notification]( 系统通知 * [os]( * [path]( * [process]( * [shell]( * [tauri]( * [updater]( * [window]( ## cli 示例 ``` import { getMatches } from '@tauri-apps/api/cli'; const matches = await getMatches(); if (matches.subcommand?.name === 'run') { // `./your-app run $ARGS` was executed const args = matches.subcommand?.matches.args if ('debug' in args) { // `./your-app run --debug` was executed } } else { const args = matches.args // `./your-app $ARGS` was executed } ``` ## clipboard 示例 ``` import { readText } from '@tauri-apps/api/clipboard'; const clipboardText = await readText(); ``` ## dialog 示例1 ``` import { confirm } from '@tauri-apps/api/dialog'; const confirmed = await confirm('Are you sure?', 'Tauri'); ``` 示例2: ``` import { open } from '@tauri-apps/api/dialog'; // Open a selection dialog for image files const selected = await open({ multiple: true, filters: [{ name: 'Image', extensions: ['png', 'jpeg'] }] }); if (Array.isArray(selected)) { // user selected multiple files } else if (selected === null) { // user cancelled the selection } else { // user selected a single file } ``` ## path 系统各个 常用path 路径 各个路径的实际值 ``` appCacheDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Local\\ appConfigDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Roaming\\ appDataDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Roaming\\ appLocalDataDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Local\\ appLogDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Roaming\\logs\ audioDir C:\Users\CPJ\Music\ templateDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates\ desktopDir C:\Users\CPJ\Desktop\ documentDir 系统文件目录 downloadDir 系统下载目录 homeDir C:\Users\CPJ\ localDataDir C:\Users\CPJ\AppData\Local\ publicDir C:\Users\Public\ ``` 其他函数 ``` resolveResource 解析文件的绝对路径 resourceDir 当前程序的目录 extname 获取文件后缀 isAbsolute join ``` 示例 ``` import { appLocalDataDir } from '@tauri-apps/api/path'; const appLocalDataDirPath = await appLocalDataDir(); ``` ## fs ``` copyFile createDir exists readBinaryFile readDir readTextFile removeDir removeFile renameFile writeBinaryFile writeTextFile ``` ## globalShortcut 示例1: ``` import { register } from '@tauri-apps/api/globalShortcut'; await register('CommandOrControl+Shift+C', () => { console.log('Shortcut triggered'); }); ``` ## notification 示例 ``` import { isPermissionGranted, requestPermission, sendNotification } from '@tauri-apps/api/notification'; let permissionGranted = await isPermissionGranted(); if (!permissionGranted) { const permission = await requestPermission(); permissionGranted = permission === 'granted'; } if (permissionGranted) { sendNotification('Tauri is awesome!'); sendNotification({ title: 'TAURI', body: 'Tauri is awesome!' }); } ``` ## os ``` arch 获取当前架构 platform 获取当前平台 tempdir 获取系统的临时目录 type 系统类型 linux,Darwin,Windows_NT version 系统版本 ``` ## shell 执行外部指令 tauri.conf.json ``` "tauri": { "allowlist": { "all": true, "shell": { "all": true, "open": true, "scope": [ { "name": "run-git-commit", "cmd": "node", "args": ["--help"] } ] } }, ... "externalBin": [ "bin/node" ], ``` vue ``` import { Command } from '@tauri-apps/api/shell' async function greet() { let childProcess = await new Command('run-git-commit').execute(); console.log(childProcess); } ``` ## window ### Window events ### WebviewWindow 再打开窗口 ``` // loading embedded asset: const webview = new WebviewWindow('theUniqueLabel', { url: 'path/to/page.html' }); // alternatively, load a remote URL: const webview = new WebviewWindow('theUniqueLabel', { url: '' }); webview.once('tauri://created', function () { // webview window successfully created }); webview.once('tauri://error', function (e) { // an error happened creating the webview window }); // emit an event to the backend await webview.emit("some event", "data"); // listen to an event from the backend const unlisten = await webview.listen("event name", e => {}); unlisten(); ```