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[TOC] ## Configures 在一个page 前添加 ``` --- # theme id or package name # Learn more: theme: 'default' # title of your slide, will auto infer from the first header if not specified title: 'Slidev' # titleTemplate for the webpage, `%s` will be replaced by the page's title titleTemplate: '%s - Slidev' # information for your slides, can be a markdown string info: false # enable presenter mode, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build' presenter: true # enabled pdf downloading in SPA build, can also be a custom url download: false # filename of the export file exportFilename: 'slidev-exported' # export options # use export CLI options in camelCase format # Learn more: export: format: pdf timeout: 30000 dark: false withClicks: false withToc: false # syntax highlighter, can be 'prism' or 'shiki' highlighter: 'prism' # show line numbers in code blocks lineNumbers: false # enable monaco editor, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build' monaco: 'dev' # download remote assets in local using vite-plugin-remote-assets, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build' remoteAssets: false # controls whether texts in slides are selectable selectable: true # enable slide recording, can be boolean, 'dev' or 'build' record: 'dev' # force color schema for the slides, can be 'auto', 'light', or 'dark' colorSchema: 'auto' # router mode for vue-router, can be "history" or "hash" routerMode: 'history' # aspect ratio for the slides aspectRatio: '16/9' # real width of the canvas, unit in px canvasWidth: 980 # used for theme customization, will inject root styles as `--slidev-theme-x` for attribute `x` themeConfig: primary: '#5d8392' # favicon, can be a local file path or URL favicon: '' # URL of PlantUML server used to render diagrams plantUmlServer: '' # fonts will be auto imported from Google fonts # Learn more: fonts: sans: 'Roboto' serif: 'Roboto Slab' mono: 'Fira Code' # default frontmatter applies to all slides defaults: layout: 'default' # ... # drawing options # Learn more: drawings: enabled: true persist: false presenterOnly: false syncAll: true --- ```