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# 11.1 VWAP · Value-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) > 来源: You can find it in API doc ```py start = '2011-01-01' # 回测起始时间 end = '2015-01-01' # 回测结束时间 benchmark = 'SH50' # 策略参考标准 universe = set_universe('SH50') capital_base = 100000 # 起始资金 longest_history = 40 # handle_data 函数中可以使用的历史数据最长窗口长度 refresh_rate = 1 # 调仓频率,即每 refresh_rate 个交易日执行一次 handle_data() 函数 threshold = 0.03 def initialize(account): # 初始化虚拟账户状态 pass def handle_data(account): # 每个交易日的买入卖出指令 for s in account.universe: try: inter = 20 hist = account.get_symbol_history(s, inter) except: continue vwampvalue = sum(hist['turnoverValue'])/sum(hist['turnoverVol']) if(hist['lowPrice'][-1] < vwampvalue*(1 - threshold)) and (s not in account.valid_secpos): order(s,100) if(hist['lowPrice'][-1] > vwampvalue) and (s in account.valid_secpos): order_to(s,0) ``` ![]( easy strategy.. bad results.... It's very difficult to get a good alpha......